The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 848 Retrograde Meridians

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Xiao was such a passionate person before..."

I don't know how much time passed, Qianluo held the wine jar with half a jar of wine left, and looked at the sea of ​​clouds in front of her dreamily. She didn't drink much at all, but she was very drunk tonight, and her cheeks were as red as that. The sunset is so beautiful.

It turns out that Mr. Xiao was not so cold and cold before. It was what happened that time that changed him.

The world is weak, people are evil, and flowers fall easily when the rain comes at dusk... If the world had believed in him more, things would not have turned out like this...

When Qianluo woke up the next day, he found that he was still holding an empty wine jar. He didn't know whether the wine had dried up or was drunk by himself in a daze. He only felt a slight headache. At this time, there was a sound behind him. A footsteps, and then a cold voice: "Why are you sleeping here?"

"Ah...ah? Xiao, Mr. Xiao..."

Hearing the familiar voice behind him, Qianluo woke up from the drink. He quickly smoothed his hair and straightened his clothes. He was a little overwhelmed, but he still held the empty wine jar in his arms.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly and glanced at the wine jar she was holding, "Have you been drinking?"

"I, I, haha, haha... I looked at the moon alone last night. I was bored, so, I just drank..."

Qian Luo scratched his head, thinking that he could not tell the truth about drinking with Zi Yuan last night. Finally, he raised his head and stuck out his tongue at Xiao Chen. When he thought of his past experiences, he no longer felt cold.


Xiao Chen nodded and didn't ask any more questions. He just said, "In the next two days, I will be in seclusion at Mystic Demon Cliff for a period of time. During this period, you may not be able to see me. If anything happens, just go find Mrs. Xianshu." Or Yang Xiaoran."

"Yeah, Luodie knows." Qianluo stuck out his tongue and smiled, as if the morning sunshine had made him cute.

"Well, I'm leaving."

Xiao Chen nodded again and turned around in the direction he came from. Qianluo was still standing there, looking at his leaving figure. The sun shone on her face, which was exceptionally bright and flawless. But she didn't know that this scene happened to be caught in the distance. One person sees it.

In Weiyang Palace, Mingyue Valley Master walked in angrily. Hua Weiyang saw her walking in angrily and smiled softly, "Mingyue, what's wrong with you so early in the morning?"

"Palace Master, you don't know, something big has happened!"

The Lord of the Mingyue Valley looked serious, but Weiyang felt a little curious. She stood up and said with a smile, "What big deal has made the Lord of the Mingyue Valley so angry?"

The Master of Mingyue Valley was so angry that he stamped his feet, "Palace Master, do you know where Your Majesty went last night?"

"Your Majesty...shouldn't he be in Wuyu Hall?"

"Fucking Wuyu Palace!"

The owner of Mingyue Valley took a look outside and said angrily, "He went to drink with that little vixen last night. The two of them drank all night. I just passed by and saw it with my own eyes. It was over there at Mingyue Cliff. Your Majesty just left." soon."

After hearing this, Hua Weiyang still smiled, shook her head and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, he doesn't like drinking, Mingyue, you must be mistaken."

"I, I, I, how could I be wrong? I saw it with my own eyes! Isn't that person your lord? Could it be that he is still Yang Xiaoran!"

The owner of Mingyue Valley was so angry that he stamped his feet, put his hands on his waist, looked out the window and angrily said, "No, I have to treat that little fox, otherwise she will think that she has become the master of the East Palace."

Hua Weiyang shook her head and smiled, "Okay, Mingyue, don't make a fuss. Even if you drink, it's nothing. It's normal for the two of you to drink together. Miss Luo Die was once kind to you. You can't do anything wrong. What happened last night, I I think it must be a misunderstanding..."

"There is no misunderstanding!"

The Master of Mingyue Valley was still reluctant, "Palace Master, how can you be so magnanimous? I think that little fox looks harmless and pitiful, but he has a lot of evil intentions behind his back. I think Your Majesty is probably being manipulated." She was bewildered..."

"OK OK."

Hua Weiyang shook her head and smiled, "Look at you, the more you talk, the more confused you become. What kind of confusion is there? What kind of person is Your Majesty? Are you not clear in your mind?"

"But, but..."

Mingyue Valley Master Liu frowned slightly. He still wanted to say something, but was blocked. Finally, he seemed to be discouraged. "Palace Master, you can't always be like this. What if one day..."

"Okay, okay, I know.

Hua Weiyang was still smiling, pushing her out, "It's getting late, there are still a lot of things to do today, go do your thing quickly..."

"Palace Master, hey!"

The Lord of Mingyue Valley sighed heavily, and was finally pushed out by Wei Young.

After she walked away, Hua Weiyang turned around, trembling with anger, ran to the bed, and punched the pillow, "Xiao Yichen! How dare you go drinking with that little fox, and you drank All night, you idiot, you idiot, let me beat you to death! You said you don’t like drinking, you’re so mad at me, you’re so mad at me..."

"Weiyang? Who are you talking to?"

At this moment, Xiao Chen's voice suddenly came from outside. Hua Weiyang was still angry and shouted, "Get out, who let you in!"

"What’s wrong with you?"

"Get out! Don't come in!"


"You, you, you...come back! Who asked you to leave?"

"Huh? Didn't you just ask me to go out?"

"You, you, did I meet such an idiot like you!"

"What’s wrong with you?"

Xiao Chen walked into the room and saw her beating her chest and stamping her feet. He was confused. Hua Weiyang puffed her mouth like a frog and said angrily, "Where were you last night!"

"Last night...last night I was with Ku Lingzi, what happened?" Xiao Chen frowned and looked at her, wondering why she was so strange today?

Seeing that he was still quibbling, Hua Weiyang was even more furious, "Haha! You spent the whole night drinking with Ku Lingzi, right? Haha!"

After saying that, Hua Weiyang walked over with a strange smile, which made Xiao Chen's hair stand on end. "Um... Weiyang, can you please speak properly? If you continue like this, I will think you are possessed."

"You're just possessed!" Hua Weiyang glared at him hard, then walked over and sniffed him. It was strange, why didn't he smell of alcohol?

Seeing her looking at him like this, Xiao Chen became even more puzzled and said, "I went to Ku Lingzi's place last night and talked about the three corpse demons. I came here today just to tell you that I will be here next time." Go into retreat at Secret Demon Cliff and follow the method Ku Lingzi said last night to see if it works on the three corpse demons."

Hua Weiyang looked at him motionless, thinking that he would never talk nonsense about the Three Corpses Demon. Could it be that Mingyue was really mistaken?

Seeing that she was still looking at him so strangely, Xiao Chen couldn't help but frown slightly, "Weiyang, what happened to you today? By the way, when I just came here, I saw Mingyue walking over, and she actually glared at me and snorted. It’s inexplicable that she left. She is really getting bolder and bolder..."

Hua Weiyang was stunned for a moment, scratched her head and said, "Ah...Mingyue, ah, um, I, oh just said that the three corpse demons, Senior Ku Lingzi, have thought of a way?"

Seeing that she finally returned to normal, Xiao Chen told the method discussed with Ku Lingzi last night. After listening, Hua Weiyang couldn't help but frowned deeply, "Retrograde meridians, but this is too dangerous. , in case something goes wrong..."

"It will take more than a year for the Three Corpse Demons to be fully formed. I don't think anything could be worse than this."

Xiao Chen looked at her and spoke slowly.


Hua Weiyang wanted to say something more, but finally stopped. Xiao Chen took a deep breath, looked out the window at the white clouds, and said, "It's been a long time since I went back to Ningcun to see my mother-in-law. After I come out of this retreat, I plan to go back to Ningcun..."

"Then do you want me to... accompany you?"

Hua Weiyang walked up and gently stroked the white hair on his shoulders. Time can always erase the pain in his heart, but how could Ning Cun's pain be erased in his heart, even though he...never said it.

"Need not."

Xiao Chen shook his head. Ever since that incident, he didn't want Weiyang to get close to Xuan Qingshan anymore. It would be best to never go there again.


Hua Weiyang nodded lightly and didn't say much, but she was still worried that he was going to reverse his meridians.

Over the years, perhaps it was because of the fragments of the Heavenly Book of Cultivation, or because the Three Corpse Demons were lurking in his body, or perhaps because the Emperor's Sword was affecting his mind day by day. In short, the murderous aura in him, It was getting heavier and heavier, and she didn't want to cause the killings on his body to become heavier due to the retrograde meridians, and he would eventually become less and less like him...

The next day, Xiao Chen entered the Secret Demon Cliff. The cave was a bit cold, but the spiritual energy was still abundant. Although the Secret Demon Cliff and Secret Demon Cave had the word "devil" in them, they were actually far better than the immortals outside. The family cave has nothing to do with demons. This is where he usually practices.

After sitting down, Xiao Chen slowly breathed out his luck, just like he practiced every day. The difference was that this time, he wanted to try to reverse the meridians.

The retrograde meridians are not the same as the retrograde movement of the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques. The reverse movement of the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques is just the reversal of the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Techniques. However, the retrograde meridians are the reverse flow of the meridians and true energy of his whole body. , even the location of the meridians will change.

Practitioners are actually most afraid of retrograde meridians, because if they don't pay attention, they will fall into the devil's way, killing and killing, going crazy all day long, and never recover.

He still remembered that when he was on Zixiao Peak, just because he casually said something about retrograde meridians, his master scolded him sternly. You must know that Ling Yin usually showed no expression of joy or anger, and there was always no trace of anything on his face. Emotions, such anger, indicate that the consequences of retrograde meridians are serious.

At this moment, Xiao Chen slowly calmed down his heart. The three corpse demons had been dormant in his body for a long time. They began to wake up three years ago and grew faster and faster. Now every six months, they will grow half an inch. If this continues, they will grow faster and faster. In a year and a half, the three corpse demons will grow to three inches and become fully formed.

But last night Ku Lingzi told him that it might be possible to reverse the meridians to inhibit the growth of the Three Corpse Demons. Although this method cannot eliminate the Three Corpse Demons, nor can it suppress the Three Corpse Demons like the Hongmeng Purple Qi, but perhaps, it can make the Three Corpse Demons The demon's growth rate is gradually slowing down, so that he can be bought more time to find a way to fully deal with the three corpse demons.

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