The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 843 The Quasi-Sage is coming!

"Wutian Palace..."

Unexpectedly, Xiao Chen's eyes were still indifferent, and he said calmly, "Even if they don't come to me, I think one day, I will go to them personally..."

At the end of his words, his eyes suddenly turned cold. Such a coldness made even Beigong Changji feel suffocated. Is this kid really capable, or is he a newborn calf not afraid of tigers?

"Hmph..." ✪❃

Beigong Changji snorted coldly, "Young man, don't speak too openly. The Ten Saints are beyond your imagination..."

"Ten Saints..."

Xiao Chen's eyes were still indifferent, and while he was collecting the power of his spiritual veins, he said calmly, "Are you talking about the people who were put together more than forty years ago, who are no match for Xiao Zhufeng..."

"No matter how powerful Xiao Zhufeng is, he will still be the same in the end and die in the hands of Wutian Palace..."

Beigong Changji said coldly, but the moment he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a bone-chilling chill. This bone-chilling cold came from Xiao Chen.

"Thank you, Master, for returning the power of your spiritual veins today. See you soon..."

Xiao Chen flicked his sleeves and put away the ring of scorching sun. His voice could not be said to be cold, but it gave people a bone-chilling feeling. Even Qian Luo felt it.

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and walked outside. The shock around him slowly stopped, and the red mist gradually dispersed. Everyone finally escaped from the illusion. However, when they saw the scene in front of them, they... He was stunned and didn't dare to speak.

I saw Xiao Chen and Qian Luo walking side by side, slowly walking outside the village, completely turning a blind eye to the people on both sides.

The two of them just walked outside as if nothing had happened in front of everyone. It was not until their figures disappeared that everyone came back to their senses one after another and looked at Beigong Changji.

Beigong Changji squeezed his fingers tightly, still looking motionless in the direction Xiao Chen and the two were leaving. Unexpectedly, a layer of sweat had formed behind him, soaking the clothes underneath.

Let’s talk about Xiao Chen and Qian Luo. After the two of them arrived at the foot of the villa, Xiao Chen still walked with his hands behind his back, as if nothing had happened. He walked slowly without using his sword or using the wind control technique. After a while, When they were some distance away from Luofengzhuang, they sent a secret message to Qianluo, "Luo Die, see if anyone is catching up behind you."


Qianluo was stunned for a moment, then quietly looked back, then turned back and whispered, "Sir, they didn't catch up, but I just heard you say that Beigong Changji has already reached the extraordinary stage. I was shocked, but luckily I didn’t let him see it..."


Xiao Chen nodded, stopped, looked at her and said, "Hurry up." After finishing speaking, he pulled her to perform the Ling Xian Step to the extreme. In an instant, he was already a hundred miles away, but he still didn't stop. Next, after running away for thousands of miles, he slowly stopped.

Qian Luo was stunned. She hadn't finished speaking just now. She looked at Xiao Chen blankly, "Mr. Xiao, you..."

“Fortunately I didn’t catch up.

Xiao Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I really didn't expect that this person has reached the extraordinary level of cultivation. If I had known that he had the extraordinary level of cultivation, there is no way I would have taken this risk..."


Qianluo was even more confused. He looked at him blankly and said, "Young master, you just now, you just now... you were so calm just now, as if you already knew that he had extraordinary cultivation level, and you didn't care about it at all." He took it seriously, and I thought you could beat him, so that's why..."

"If I am not calm, if I teach him to see some clues, if he takes action, both of us will definitely die. He almost did it before, it was really dangerous..."

As Xiao Chen spoke, he looked over at her and said, "Do you think the Transcendent Stage is the same realm as the Dongzhen Stage? Fortunately, he is wary of me. Otherwise, the two of us would have fallen into a trap today... "

Looking back now, Xiao Chen still feels that he acted too rashly this time. He had snooped around and determined that Beigong Changji only had the cultivation level of the Dongzhen stage. However, he did not expect that after going there, when he saw the other party for the first time , he felt that this was not the Dongzhen period, but the extraordinary period!

But at that moment, it was too late for him to leave. Fortunately, his expression did not change at that moment. Otherwise, if Beigong Changji had seen the clues, the consequences today would be unimaginable.

After entering the illusion, he was actually even more nervous. He was approaching Beigong Changji step by step, without even a hint of luck. If the opponent attacked him at this time, he would be seriously injured!

With his current level of cultivation, he may be able to deal with one or two cultivators of the Dongzhen stage, but even if Lu Yan is added to it, he will never be able to defeat a cultivator of the extraordinary stage. The reason why the extraordinary stage is called extraordinary At this stage, it is already gradually transcending the world, and it is definitely not comparable to the real thing.

So just now, he was actually attacking the mind. Fortunately, his artistic conception of immortality made the other party unable to see through his depth for a while, making Beigong Changji mistakenly think that he was hiding something. Otherwise...

At this moment, a layer of cold sweat formed on Xiao Chen's back. After Qianluo figured it out, he was completely stunned. Finally, he nodded blankly, "Young master... you are truly a god."

"Stop talking, leave here as soon as possible. If Beigong Changji finds out that something is wrong, I'm worried that he will catch up, not to mention..."

At this point, Xiao Chen couldn't help but frown deeply, "I'm really worried now that I'm being targeted by that Wutian Palace..."

"Then... let's go quickly."

Qian Luo also came to his senses immediately, and the two of them no longer delayed, and disappeared into the forest in front of them.

And not long after the two left, a figure suddenly appeared in the woods behind. The man was dressed in white. He was a gentle and handsome man. He held a white folding fan in his hand and looked at the direction where the two left. , closed the folding fan and chuckled softly.

Three days later, Xiao Chen and Qian Luo traveled all the way under the stars and night. This day was not far from the place where he came in. If he went at the fastest speed, he would be able to arrive in one day at most.

But at noon that day, Xiao Chen suddenly felt a spiritual consciousness coming from thousands of miles away, as if falling from the sky, and instantly locked on his body.

"Master Xiao, what's wrong with you?"

When Qian Luo saw his expression was different, he immediately stopped and asked with a frown.

"Being tracked by someone's consciousness..."

At this moment, the expression on Xiao Chen's face became extremely solemn. Since he entered the Lingxu Realm, he has never felt such a strong spiritual consciousness. It can be transmitted from thousands of miles away. Could it be... a quasi-sage!

Qianluo was also startled, "Could it be Beigong Changji who caught up..."

"Let's go!"

At this moment, Xiao Chen didn't have time to explain, so he immediately grabbed her and moved forward. There was absolutely no way the person coming was Beigong Changji!

At this moment, he almost pushed his speed to the limit. However, no matter how fast he was, the spiritual consciousness behind him was getting closer and closer to him...

Until the afternoon, when the spiritual consciousness came from less than a thousand miles away, Xiao Chen still used Ling Xian Step to the extreme. Qianluo had never seen him look so nervous. Even in the Tomb of Gods and Demons more than ten years ago, Here, being surrounded and killed by tens of thousands of people, he has never been so nervous as at this moment...

At this moment, she seemed to finally realize something. Could it be that the person behind her was actually a quasi-sage!

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