The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 833 Unparalleled Disaster

At this moment, Xiao Chen used the Yaoguang Mind Technique to completely calm down in his heart. He looked at him and said, "Senior, I misunderstood. I just thought... I thought that there was once a person, and the whole world could not tolerate her and me..."


Guan Zhen looked at him, smiled meaningfully, and stopped asking any more questions, while Qian Luo stood beside him blankly, his words echoing over and over again in his ears... That person was him. I tried so hard to save someone even if I risked my life...

Xiao Chen took two steps forward and asked, "I just heard my senior talking about the 'Wutian Palace'. I wonder where this Wutian Palace is..."

"Wutian Palace..."

Guan Zhen took a deep breath, shook his head and said, "That is one of the most mysterious forces in the Lingxu Realm. Legend has it that it was originally founded by six aristocratic families. Of course, this is just a legend. As for the one who really controls Wutian Palace behind the scenes, No one knows who it is..."

"Thank you, senior, for informing me. Wingdings: ♦︎♦︎⬧︎♦︎◆︎⌧︎♦︎♦︎□︎❍︎"

Xiao Chen roughly understood that it was probably like the Tianmen of the Five Immortal Domains outside, but this Wutian Palace was much more mysterious than the Tianmen, and there was no doubt about its strength.

"Okay, the shock just now has probably alarmed the people above. You can go down now, little friend. Guan is waiting for your good news..."

Guan Zhen said slowly while closing his eyes.

"Luo Die, let's go."

Xiao Chen no longer hesitated, looked at Qianluo, and immediately went to the front. He didn't know where the front was. It was still in the illusion, but the terrain was low. He had to find a cave, and then set up a trap outside the cave. Some defenses are then guarded outside by Luo Die, so that one can safely perform one's energy.

About half an hour later, the two of them came to the top of a valley. Spiritual power was constantly seeping up from the valley bottom. Even though Xiao Chen was not as sensitive to spiritual power as Hua Weiyang, he could clearly sense it at this time. There should be something down there. It is the gathering place of the ancestral power of Wushuang City.

"In the illusion, even if there are hundreds of places that are imaginary, there will always be one place that is real... It seems like this is it."

Qianluo said attentively, and at the end of his words, he looked at Xiao Chen beside him, "Master Xiao... are you going down now?"


Xiao Chen nodded slightly, without further hesitation, and jumped down to the valley. He only felt a wave of spiritual power coming towards him, and in a moment, he had reached the bottom of the valley.

Qian Luo also flew down, and the two of them observed the area for a while. Xiao Chen came to the deepest part of the valley, which should be the closest place to the power of the Wushuang Ancestral Lineage.

The two found a cave and placed many illusory array restrictions outside the cave. Then, Xiao Chen entered the cave and threw two talismans at Qian Luo. "If you are defeated, use this talisman to kill the heart fire, which may be able to withstand it for a while." ”

Qianluo squeezed the talisman in her hand tightly, nodded, and said nothing. Just now, Guan Zhen passed on her 30% of her internal strength, which made her "Thousand Sun Tiangang Jue" directly break through to the third level. Combined with her cultivation of the mysterious With her magic skills and illusion skills, almost no one below the Hehe stage can be her opponent.

Let's say that after Xiao Chen entered the cave, he immediately set up a barrier at the entrance, then sat down cross-legged and began to breathe slowly.

When a cultivator reaches a breakthrough level, if they are disciples with a relatively low level of cultivation in the sect, most of them will be guarded by their masters or elders to prevent them from going crazy. However, if they are people who have reached the realm of cultivation, they will often go out to look for places with rich landscape spiritual energy. , using the spiritual veins of mountains and rivers and the essence of spiritual energy of heaven and earth to break through one's own cultivation.

Previously, Xiao Chen merged with that ray of Hongmeng Purple Qi, and his cultivation level was greatly improved. Now, if he can fully utilize the ancestral lineage of Wushuang City, it is not impossible to break through to the Dongzhen stage.

About an hour later, he had finished breathing in and out. Suddenly, he raised his palms and placed them on his Dantian. A trace of true energy was flowing continuously from his body. The skills from the remaining scroll of that day's book instantly appeared in his mind. In the midst of it, the whole cave was suddenly filled with strong winds, and a very strong spiritual power from the ground continued to surge up to him.

Outside the cave, Qianluo's face was slightly startled. She could clearly feel the ground shaking at this time, and a very strong spiritual power was constantly coming up. This was the ancestral power of Wushuang City! Mr. Xiao, he succeeded...

Ancestor lineage is the destiny of a family, condensed by countless generations. Not to mention that it is extremely difficult for ordinary people to find the ancestral lineage of a certain family. Even if they find it by chance, there is no way to use it.

Not only did Xiao Chen find the ancestral lineage of Beigong Changfeng by chance this time, he was also able to use the fragments of the Heavenly Book for his own use, using the power of this ancestral lineage to achieve a breakthrough in his own cultivation. This may be something Beigong Changfeng never thought of.

A few hours later, the spiritual power below the valley became more and more surging, and the entire valley trembled. Inside the cave, Xiao Chen could be seen cross-legged with his eyes closed, and several rays of light on his body were flowing endlessly, like a heavenly being, covering the entire valley. The cave is extremely brightly illuminated.

Qianluo knew that he was in a critical period of cultivation and did not dare to disturb him at this time. He could only use this place to enhance his spiritual power and once again strengthened the forbidden illusion array near the cave.

In the Wushuang City above, during these few hours, the entire Wushuang City was shaking endlessly, and spiritual energy was rapidly lost. The most serious place was the green peak where the Beigong family was located. The mountain was surrounded by spiritual energy all year round. , the vegetation did not wither, but in just a few hours, the spiritual energy of the mountain declined greatly, and many flowers and plants appeared to wither and wither.

The cultivators in the city were puzzled as to why the aura of Wushuang City suddenly began to disappear. Could it be because of the formation in Leitian Prison? How could they have expected in such a short period of time that there was something wrong with the Wushuang ancestral vein deep underground in Wushuang City.

The disciples of the Beigong family were even more panicked. The other cultivators in Wushuang City just felt that the spiritual energy around them was disappearing quickly, but they could clearly feel that their own skills were also slowly losing, as if the luck of the entire family was disappearing. Continuously declining.

"'s ancestral blood!"

Above the main hall, Beigong Changfeng's face suddenly turned pale and pale. It seemed that he finally realized that there was something wrong with his ancestral lineage. It was no wonder that he was so hindsight. Most ordinary people would only think that it was the formation in the city. If something goes wrong, how can you imagine that Xiao Chen can actually use other people's ancestral lines?

As soon as his figure moved, Beigong Changfeng instantly turned into a ray of light and went outside. When he got outside, he happened to meet three other people. The old man in purple shouted noisily, "Brother Changfeng, what's going on here? There are so many people." It’s been an hour…”

"It's too late to explain, go to Lei Tian Prison quickly!"

Beigong Changfeng looked anxious. As soon as he finished speaking, he went to Lei Tian Prison in an instant. The three people behind him looked at each other and vaguely realized that the matter had become a bit serious this time. No longer hesitating, they immediately chased after him. Go up.

The four of them came to the vicinity of Lei Tian Prison. Bei Gong Changfeng's face was still as pale as paper. He looked at the formation outside Lei Tian Prison with some disbelief and murmured, "It's the ancestral veins under Wushuang City. The ancestral veins were captured by that The kid moved..."

"What did you say……"

The expression of the old man in green was condensed, but this time, even the old man in purple, who had never been serious, changed his expression. How could the ancestral lineage of Beigong Changfeng be affected by that kid...


Looking at the imbalance of spiritual power around him, the spiritual energy of the entire Wushuang City was rapidly dissipating. Beigong Changfeng's face became even more ugly, "That kid, that kid is actually using the power of his ancestral veins to break through in cultivation!"


This time, even the old man in purple was stunned. The ancestral veins were hidden deep underground. How could that kid... If the power of the ancestral veins fails because of this, the entire Wushuang City will become a dead city, covering hundreds of miles. The sky will be filled with yellow sand, and not a single blade of grass will grow within a hundred years.

"Quick! Maintain the formation... to prevent the spiritual power from continuing to collapse!"

Beigong Changfeng has never been so panicked. In the past, he could always treat it calmly no matter what it was. However, the issue of ancestral lineage is not a trivial matter. From a small perspective, it is nothing more than the decline of his lineage. But from a larger perspective, then Even if it affects the entire Beigong clan, if that is the case, then even if he dies a hundred times, he will not be able to apologize.


The old man in green no longer hesitated and immediately returned to his previous position. The four of them worked together to stabilize the formation.

Even the three of them were so nervous this time. That was because they were too close to Beigong Changfeng. Once Beigong Changfeng's ancestral line failed, their place would inevitably be affected.

Until nightfall, the spiritual energy of the entire Wushuang City continued to drain, and the power of the ancestral veins had been affected, and it seemed that it could not be stopped.


Beigong Changfeng's face was already ashen. How could he have thought that by trapping Xiao Chen down there, the other party would be able to touch his ancestral lineage in Wushuang City? What should he do this time? Why did Mr. Guiwu fail to think that this son would touch his ancestral line...

"Brother Changfeng, please think of a solution quickly!"

At this time, the old man in purple clothes was also anxious. If he had known that he would not come to this muddy water, but now he is trapped in the mud, how can he get out? If something happens to Beigong Changfeng's ancestors this time, he will probably be severely punished by the clan. No one present today will be able to escape.

"never mind……"

At this moment, the old man in green was the first to calm down. He looked at Beigong Changfeng and said, "Changfeng, let that boy come up. You promise to make a blood oath that you will never offend him again. All past grudges will be wiped out."

"Blood oath..."

Beigong Changfeng looked stunned, and his heart suddenly hurt. Once he made a blood oath, there was no way he could avenge Wuyin...

But at the moment, he doesn't care about that much anymore. He can only save his ancestral line. If his ancestral line is lost, he will die ten thousand times.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated and immediately sent a secret message to the illusion on the ninth floor of the Thunder Heaven Prison: "Xiao Yichen, come up quickly. I will make a blood oath with you, and I will never be your enemy from now on." , I will never touch any flower or tree in your desireless world, and I will never hurt anyone around you. If you violate your oath, your soul will be destroyed!"

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