The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 829 Unparalleled Ancestor Lineage

Qianluo saw that he was concentrating on sensing the spiritual power here with his eyes closed, so he didn't bother him. After a while, Xiao Chen opened his eyes and said, "There is spiritual power flowing here, which means that there must be a force supporting the entire illusion." Extremely strong spiritual power, but what kind of spiritual power is enough to support such a huge illusion? "

"Spiritual power……"

Qian Luo looked around and saw that this flow of spiritual power was too subtle. Her consciousness was not as sharp as Xiao Chen's, so she naturally couldn't sense it.

"It's all my fault..." ✬♦

She slowly lowered her head and said, "If I hadn't been careless before, I wouldn't have fallen into their hands. If Mr. Xiao hadn't come to save me, I wouldn't have..."

"Even if I don't come to save you, Beigong Changfeng will still not let me go."

Xiao Chen said lightly. When Qianluo heard the words, he raised his head and looked at him, "Ah, by the way, I don't know yet, how did you become enemies with them? Also, I heard him say before... nothing Lord Yuzun, you, who are you..."

Xiao Chen took a deep breath and said, "I don't know. Maybe I have a grudge against them since I was born. The six aristocratic families..." At the end of his words, he closed his eyes.

Seeing his expression at this time, Qian Luo stopped asking any more questions and just said in his heart, "No matter how many enemies you have, no matter how powerful your enemies are, I am not afraid. If they want to kill you, then I will kill you." them……"

After a long time, Xiao Chen opened his eyes again and looked at her, "Are you resting well? Okay, let's move on. I'll see if I can find the source of this spiritual power."


Qian Luo nodded vigorously and stood up immediately. But as soon as he stood up, he suddenly felt a pain in his ribs. Xiao Chen saw a flash of pain on her face, raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's wrong with you?" But are you injured?"

"No, no..." Qianluo shook his head and said, "I was slightly injured when I was chased by people from the Immortal Alliance, but I'm fine..."

When she said this, she smiled sweetly, "Mr. Xiao, do you still remember that time? You were seriously injured and asked me to go out and buy medicine for you. I have always kept the names of the medicinal materials you wrote to me at that time. Fortunately, the names of these medicinal materials I didn’t lose it at the time, otherwise I wouldn’t have known how to heal myself, but I’m fine now.”


After hearing what she said, Xiao Chen just nodded, turned around and continued walking forward. Qianluo stood behind, looking at his back. Why did he feel that he was still so cold and cold, never smiling...

"Well, Mr. Xiao..."

As she chased after her, she asked, "The person you want to save, is she okay now?"

Xiao Chen suddenly stopped, nodded, and continued to walk forward without saying anything. But at this moment, he felt helpless in his heart. He didn't know when the power of the spiritual veins would gather, and he didn't know when the ancient heaven-defying formation would come together. Only then can I open it, but now I am trapped here.

In Wushuang City, everything is still in order, and it has not been chaotic due to what happened half a month ago. At this time, in a deep palace courtyard, I can see flowers blooming in the courtyard, falling flowers in profusion, and next to the rockery, there are three The Taoist figures were the three people who came to help Beigong Changfeng before.

At this moment, the old man in purple clothes was pacing back and forth in the courtyard, and said with some dissatisfaction, "You said, it's been half a month, and Beigong Changfeng hasn't come up with a solution yet. I don't think there is a solution if this continues. Is it possible?" Do you really want to wait a hundred and eighty years, as he said, until the boy's bones turn to ashes down there, and then we come back?"

The other two people frowned, and the old man in green said, "We can't delay it like this. It will take another half a month at most, and then I have to go back."

"Then our trip was in vain?"

The old man in purple looked at him. At this moment, footsteps suddenly sounded outside, and then Beigong Changfeng strode in. "Three brothers, there is no need to worry."

"Why aren't you in a hurry?"

The old man in purple looked at him, "That kid is trapped down there, and this is your Wushuang City. Of course you are not in a hurry. You wish that kid was trapped down there forever and can't get out, right?"

"That's wrong."

Beigong Changfeng looked at him, then looked at the other two people, and said, "It's not that I don't want to capture that person, Wuyin died at the hands of this person, not to mention that I want to avenge Wuyin, now Wuyin His soul is still scattered between heaven and earth. If I want to reunite Wuyin's soul, I must use that boy's soul as a guide. At this time, I want to capture that man more than my three brothers..."

The old man in purple looked at him doubtfully, "Seriously?"

Beigong Changfeng turned around and looked at him and said, "It's absolutely true. Now that kid is trapped down there, but he will definitely find a way to come out. Let me think of a way again, and it will take up to half a month..."

After listening, the old man in purple frowned deeply, pondered for a moment, and then looked at the other two people, "What do you think?"

The old man in green and red looked at each other and nodded at the same time, "Well, if we wait another half month, if we can't catch him by then, there's nothing we can do..."

Beigong Changfeng raised his hand, cupped it to the three of them and said, "Changfeng, I have thanked my three brothers. If it happens one day..."

“Hey, okay, okay.

Before he could finish speaking, the old man in purple raised his hand to interrupt and said, "We'll talk about it another time. You'd better go back and think about how to catch that kid..."

"Hey... then, Changfeng will take his leave first." Beigong Changfeng bowed his hands to the three of them again and went outside.

At night, the moon was as cold as frost, and the shadows of the trees on the ground were whirling. Above the main hall, Beigong Changfeng sat at the head of the hall, holding a soul jade tightly in his hand: "Wu Yin, I'm sorry, grandpa now, I still can’t avenge you..."

At this moment, footsteps suddenly sounded outside, and then a woman wearing red clothes walked in. The woman was beautiful, but a little cold, and it was Beigong Ruoqing.

"Qing'er, why are you here..." Beigong Changfeng immediately put away the soul jade and walked away slowly.

"I can't sleep. I've been thinking about Third Brother these days. Third Brother was sent away by his grandfather when he was so young. He has suffered so much in the outside world. How could he still..."

The more he talked about it, the more tears gathered in Beigong Ruoqing's eyes. Beigong Changfeng sighed softly, slowly stretched out his hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and sighed, "Everything is also Wuyin's creation..."

Beigong Ruoqing raised her head and said, "Grandpa, Third there nothing even Grandpa can do? Otherwise, go to the clan and ask the elders..."


Before she could continue speaking, Beigong Changfeng stretched out his hand to stop her, shook his head and sighed. Now, he didn't dare to report anything to the clan. If the elders in the clan knew about this, I'm afraid that The consequences are disastrous...

In fact, another reason why he was so eager to catch Xiao Chen was that he was afraid that this matter would get bigger and bigger, and it would inevitably be revealed to the family in the end, and then it would be very bad.

Beigong Ruoqing said with tears in her eyes, "Then third brother, he...has nothing to do..."


Beigong Changfeng just kept sighing. During the day today, what he told the three people about resurrecting Feng Wuyin with Xiao Chen's soul was actually just to stabilize the three people. He knew in his heart that this was not possible at all. possible.

There is indeed an ancient spell in this world. If person A is killed by person B, then this ancient spell can be used to resurrect person A with the soul of person B, life for life. But now Even Feng Wuyin's soul has dissipated, how can he be resurrected again?

Sighing, Beigong Changfeng said, "Qing'er, go back and rest. I will definitely avenge Wuyin..."

"If the third brother can come back to life, and can hold Qing'er, coax her to sleep, and take me to play outside like before, then I would rather not take revenge..."

Beigong Ruoqing's voice was still choked with sobs. As she spoke, she turned around and headed outside the hall.


Looking at her soulless figure, Beigong Changfeng couldn't help but let out a long sigh. If Wuyin could live again... he would also kill Xiao Chen!

At this moment, a very cold murderous intention flashed in his eyes.

Three more days have passed in Dongxuhuantian. Xiao Chen and Qianluo are in this cold and dark illusion, and they feel that the true energy in their bodies is draining faster.

"Mr. Xiao, have you...have you found the source of these spiritual powers?"

These days, Qian Luo is also helping to sense the sources of these flowing spiritual powers, but her consciousness is not as sharp as Xiao Chen's, and she can't sense many.

"Although I haven't found the specific location, I think all these spiritual powers come from deeper underground, a huge spiritual power vein..."

Xiao Chen's eyebrows were slightly condensed. As he spoke, he looked at the ground at his feet. Qianluo also followed his gaze and looked at his feet, muttering, "Deeper underground..."


Xiao Chen frowned slightly and nodded. At this moment, he couldn't help but think of Wei Young. If Wei Young was here, with her ability, where did these countless spiritual powers like tree roots come from and where do they flow to? Every branch could not escape her induction, but he could not do it and could only roughly sense it.

"I see……"

At this moment, Xiao Chen finally thought of something. That day when he was at the Lu Family Villa, Lu Yan just used the power of the Lu Family's ancestral lineage, and in an instant he caused strange phenomena in the world and the spiritual power to run wild. The ancestral lineage of a family also A family's destiny is the result of countless generations. There is no doubt about its power.

But now it seems that under this Wushuang City, there is an ancestral line of the Beigong family. The Beigong family has countless branches, just like a big tree. Under the big tree, there are countless roots and thick roots. There are thin ones and different lengths, and the one under Wushuang City is one of them.

"It's the ancestral lineage of the Beigong family. No wonder the spiritual power is so powerful..."

Xiao Chen stared at the ground. He should have thought that the only thing that could support such a large illusion, apart from the ancestral veins of the Beigong family, was the power of the earth's spiritual veins. But there is no aura of the earth's spiritual veins here, so then It can only be the ancestral lineage of Wushuang.

"Ancestral veins..."

Qianluo's face was startled. If it was the ancestral lineage of the Beigong family, how could such a powerful spiritual power be broken? It’s almost impossible…

"Hehehe, not bad, not bad, young man, can actually find the unparalleled ancestral lineage here..."

At this moment, a mysterious voice suddenly came from nowhere. Xiao Chen immediately condensed his expression and stretched out his hand to protect Qian Luo behind him, but he didn't know which direction the voice came from. He concentrated and said, "Senior He Fang Gao Ren Here? Why don’t you show up to see me..."

(Thanks to yesterday’s “God’s Flash Sale” and “Smuggling into the African Emirates” for supporting me and sending monthly tickets. Three updates today!)

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