Upon hearing this, both the old man in green and the old man in red frowned. The old man in purple in the middle kept shaking his head and looking at Beigong Changfeng, "Brother Changfeng, you are quite cruel. If you do this, then Didn’t the rest of the people on the first to eighth floors of the Thunder Heaven Prison also disappear into ashes? "


Beigong Changfeng flicked his sleeves coldly, "I said that those who achieve great things don't stick to trivial matters. What's more, the people imprisoned here are all extremely vicious people. So what if they are dead?"

"As expected of Brother Changfeng, he is tall, he is really tall. The old man in purple gave a thumbs up, and his expression was a little weird.

"Okay, don't waste any more time."

Beigong Changfeng frowned, as if he was a little impatient. As soon as he finished speaking, he lifted his feet and flew to the east of the formation. The old man in green and the old man in red looked at each other, and then also went north and south. The old man in purple was left looking around, and finally had to go west.

The four of them each held one side at the moment, reciting incantations in their mouths, forming seals with their hands, and at the same time shooting a beam of profound energy into the forbidden formation. The entire formation suddenly burst into blood, and the entire night sky was reflected in it. color.

"What's going on over there in Leitian Prison..."

In Wushuang City, many cultivators apparently saw the four streaks of blood rising into the sky from the prison, and at the same time felt a terrifying forbidden aura. Many people became panicked.

"It can't be the same person forty years ago. It's so scary. What happened? Why didn't Senior Changfeng inform us in advance..."

The city began to panic, but soon, disciples from the Beigong family came to maintain order. "You don't need to be nervous. Master is stabilizing the prohibition formation of Thunder Sky Prison at the moment. Everything will be fine..."

"How come the restrictions of Thunder Heaven Prison have been loosened? Could it be that the person from forty years ago was about to rush out from below..."

"It's nothing. Master is just stabilizing the formation. There is no need to be nervous, and please do not spread rumors. Everyone should go back..."

After the disciples of the Beigong family said it, order was quickly restored in the city, but there were still people standing outside, staring intently at the bloody light in the sky from the Thunder Sky Prison. Some of them with higher cultivation levels could clearly feel it. Coming out, the forbidden aura is very terrifying, and it is definitely not a stable formation...

Under the Thunder Heaven Prison, Xiao Chen and the two could clearly feel the suddenly strengthened restriction. Qianluo frowned, "Master Xiao, what should I do? The restriction of this formation is too strong, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to get out... …”

"Don't be nervous, go up and have a look.

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, and as he spoke, he walked up. Qianluo followed him cautiously. The more they walked up, the more terrifying they could clearly feel the restriction. If they encountered the restriction head-on, If so, I'm afraid that no matter how high the cultivation level is, people will have to suffer serious injuries.

"Let me out... let me out!"

"Is there anyone? Help me... Hey! Those two outside, help me out. I have a way to get you out..."

When the two of them went to the upper floors, they heard many people calling for help in the prison. Qianluo was a little concerned about who these people were and were imprisoned here, but Xiao Chen ignored these people and continued to go up. Go, when you get to the third floor, the restrictions on it are already very heavy and you can't go up any further.

"Can't go up..."

Seeing the traces of blood mist spreading down from above, Qianluo immediately stopped and looked at Xiao Chen, "Master Xiao, what should we do? The restrictions here are getting heavier and heavier, and they are still seeping down. We We must return to the eighth floor..."

"Wait a moment……"

Xiao Chen raised his hand, closed his eyes lightly, and concentrated on sensing the power of the restriction and formation. When Qian Luo saw that he had closed his eyes, he immediately retreated to the back, quietly and not to disturb him.

After a while, Xiao Chen opened his eyes. Qian Luo immediately stepped forward and pulled him down from the steps. "Master Xiao, be careful..."

I saw that the red mist on the stone steps spread downwards, and it almost enveloped Xiao Chen inside.

"Master Xiao, did you sense anything?" Qian Luo asked slightly nervously after pulling him down.

Xiao Chen looked at the layers of red mist and said attentively, "This prohibition formation has been here for about thirty or forty years, and it was not set up by the four people above."

"That's..." Qian Luo frowned. From this point of view, this formation was not actually used to deal with Mr. Xiao before.

Xiao Chen said, "It was set up by at least four masters of the Dongzhen stage, and even... masters of the Dongzhen stage and above."


Hearing what he said, Qianluo was stunned. The formations of four Dongzhen stages, or even those of Dongzhen stage and above...

"Yes." Xiao Chen nodded, and at this moment, his eyebrows knitted deeper.

Qian Luo looked at him and asked in a low voice, "Then if the two of us work together, how likely is it to be able to defeat it...about what percentage is it?"

"Not even a percent."

Xiao Chen shook his head and said, "This formation is not only set up by masters above the four cave masters, but it is also not an ordinary formation. Even if there are not those four people outside to stabilize it, with your current cultivation base, I want to It is impossible to break it.”


Qian Luo's face turned slightly pale, and he glanced behind him, as if he had grasped the last resort. He turned around and said, "If all the people in this prison are released, can we break through this prison with our combined efforts?" Restriction formation?"

Xiao Chen still shook his head, "Those people can't even protect themselves, it's useless..."

"Then, there is no other way..."

Qian Luo's face became even paler, and his expression was a little dazed. He suddenly raised his head, looked at Xiao Chen and said, "Mr. Xiao, I'm sorry, it's all me... It's all me who hurt you. If it weren't for me, if it wasn't for me... "

Xiao Chen looked at her and said calmly, "At the Tomb of Gods and Demons, you and I were besieged and killed by tens of thousands of people. Do you think it was more terrifying then or more terrifying now?"


Qianluo was stunned by his question and was speechless. Xiao Chen looked at her and continued, "Later, I went deep into the forbidden area of ​​the Tomb of Gods and Demons, passing by the place where the gods and demons lived, and the forbidden area of ​​the big devil. What do you think? It was scary then, but it’s scary now.”

Qianluo still stared at him in silence, Xiao Chen continued, "Finally, when we came out of the Tomb of Gods and Demons, you and I were trapped in the realm of chaotic void. Do you think it was scary then or now?"

"Master Xiao..."

Qian Luo was startled and immediately understood. The dangerous situation with him was much scarier than it is now. In the end, he broke out. Why should he be afraid of this forbidden formation now?

"Let's go back to the eighth floor first."

Xiao Chen said as he walked back. The two of them returned to the eighth floor. By the second day, the restrictions on it had penetrated to the fifth floor. In two days at most, then The terrible restrictions will penetrate into the layer where they are located.

As for the people on the third and fourth floors, their life and death are unknown. It’s not that Xiao Chen deliberately didn’t save them, but the restrictions in each cell are very heavy. If they are touched rashly, they may not be able to open them, but they will also cause trouble. trouble.

But the eighth floor where Luo Die is located has no restrictions. It was obviously arranged by Beigong Changfeng.

"Master Xiao, the restriction has reached the fifth level..."

Just as he was deep in thought, Qian Luo hurried down and Xiao Chen opened his eyes and asked, "How long will it take before we reach the sixth floor?"

"About...three hours." Qianluo was a little panicked and asked in a low voice, "Master Xiao, what should we do..."

"let me see……"

Xiao Chen slowly frowned, thinking that this formation was set up decades ago by four masters above the Dongzhen stage. It goes without saying that it is powerful, but the people imprisoned in this prison may not be the same. How powerful. The dungeon restrictions on each level are already able to trap those people. There is no need for such a powerful restriction formation. So why?

It couldn't be that Beigong Changfeng had anticipated this day decades ago, so he asked someone to set up such a powerful formation here in advance, right? Then the only possibility is...

At this moment, Xiao Chen slowly looked down at his feet. When Qianluo saw him looking at the ground at his feet, he immediately understood, "The ninth floor..."

"Not bad, ninth floor."

Xiao Chen looked at the ground under his feet and said, "This dungeon should have a ninth floor, and there is a very powerful person sealed on the ninth floor. The prohibition formation above was set up to seal this person." …”


After hearing what he said, Qianluo immediately started searching around carefully. However, no matter how hard he searched, he could not find the way to the ninth floor, and there was no way to the next level at all.

Xiao Chen said, "The ninth floor has been sealed. It is very likely that it is an extremely powerful illusion..."

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