The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 820 The sky beyond the sky

"Hmph... I thought you were capable of something, but it seems like it's nothing more than that..."

Lu Yan snorted coldly. Just as he was about to finish his work, his expression suddenly changed. How is this possible? Did he miss? Impossible, no matter how fast that kid was, how could he have escaped from the Void Forbidden City at that moment...

At this moment, Lu Zhang's expression also changed. He saw Xiao Chen's figure appearing behind Lu Yan, and shouted "Behind me!"

Lu Yan naturally reacted in an instant, turned around and struck out with a palm. However, when the unparalleled palm force hit Xiao Chen, the opponent gradually disappeared like a ghost.

"Oops..." ✾

At this moment, Lu Zhang seemed to realize something was wrong. He turned around in an instant and covered his body with a layer of golden light to protect his true essence. However, before he could take action, Xiao Chen appeared in front of him, "Bang." "With a sound, the layer of golden light shattered, and this palm hit him hard on the chest.


Lu Zhang spurted out a mouthful of blood, and immediately his bones were broken, his muscles were broken, and his internal organs were torn apart. Just like Lu Li just now, his whole body was thrown down hard. With a "boom", dust flew up and the ground of the square was smashed out. Countless cracks came.

"Two...Second Elder!"

The disciples all turned pale with fear and hurriedly ran over. It wasn't that Lu Zhang was weak in cultivation and couldn't withstand even one palm, but that Xiao Chen's palm was too strong!

In mid-air, the wind was cold and cold. After Lu Yan lost consciousness for a moment, he immediately came back to his senses. How on earth did that person escape from his void confinement? Is it possible to ignore the prohibition of the void? What kind of technique is it...

Of the three Hehe period masters, only one is left now. Xiao Chen is still calm and composed, slowly putting his hands behind his back, and said calmly, "Great Elder... do you want to continue?"

Hearing this, many people below trembled. Is his strength really so terrifying? And only now do many people realize that from the beginning to the present, from beginning to end, he has not even used the Emperor Sword at all! Two elders have been seriously injured...

Next, no matter how high the Great Elder is in cultivation and ranks first among the three, can he kill this person? If this person cannot be killed, wouldn't the Lu family be in catastrophe today?

At this moment, all the disciples trembled in their hearts, and subconsciously looked at the hundred-foot black shadow under the clouds. When they saw the black shadow's bloody and terrifying eyes, the disciples turned pale and were speechless.

Lu Yongyuan stood in the square. At this moment, a layer of cold sweat had already formed on his body, and sweat was pouring down his forehead. If he had known this earlier, he would have persuaded the three elders to return the power of the spiritual veins no matter what. , why does it need to get to this point?

The two elders have been seriously injured. If even the great elder is seriously injured next, who can stop this person today? The Lu family’s millennium-old foundation was destroyed in one day!

"Yes, he is worthy of being the Lord of Wuyu Tian... I, Lu Yan, will come to meet you today!"

In mid-air, Lu Yan's eyes were cold and stern. Just as he finished speaking, he saw a shock of profound energy all over his body. The golden light surrounding him suddenly began to flow in the opposite direction, and then turned blood red.

"Great Elder..."

Everyone below was shocked. They saw that the aura on Lu Yan's body was getting stronger and stronger, but there was a faint evil aura. He was...reversing the Lu family's ancestral mysterious skill "Heaven Beyond the Sky"!

The ancestors of the Lu family once passed down the oral message that there is no limit to the sky beyond the sky. If one day, the cultivation has reached the end and it is difficult to make a breakthrough, you can try to run the sky beyond the sky in the reverse direction, but remember not to force it, otherwise you will not be able to achieve it, and you will easily become possessed. Mysterious power eats the heart, and the body and soul are destroyed, and there is no recovery.

At this moment, everyone below was shocked. There are thirteen levels in the Heaven Beyond the Sky. If you want to practice Xuan Gong in reverse, you must first practice the Heaven Beyond the Sky to the thirteenth level. But in these thousands of years, no one in the Lu family has It is very difficult to cultivate Heaven Beyond Heaven to the thirteenth level, even to the tenth level. Unexpectedly, the Great Elder... he has actually cultivated Heaven Beyond Heaven to the peak of thirteen levels!

Not only were all the disciples shocked, but the faces of Lu Yongyuan and the elders were also full of horror. They never expected that the great elder... had actually cultivated the Heaven Beyond Heaven to the thirteenth level, and could also use This Xuan Gong operates in retrograde motion...

The clouds in the sky were rolling incessantly. At this moment, Xiao Chen felt a very strong aura. This feeling was inexplicably familiar. It reminded him of the time when he went to the Eastern Continent to look for the hibiscus flower. That time in Yanggu , he had already obtained the Fusang Flower, and when he was about to leave, Emperor Yun suddenly came.

At that time, Yun Tianzi's cultivation level was much higher than his. With such a huge disparity in cultivation level, he had no chance of winning. However, fortunately, he first used his "Golden Crow Foot" to sneak attack Yun Tianzi, and finally used The Soul Confinement Technique imprisoned Yun Tianzi's soul, but even so, he was severely injured that time. If Luo Die hadn't suddenly come back to rescue him, I'm afraid he wouldn't have been able to escape by then.

Facing Lu Yan at this time, Xiao Chen actually had a similar feeling to when he faced Emperor Yun, but now, he no longer had the golden crow's feet.

Just as he was thinking about it, Lu Yan finally struck him with a palm. The palm was so fast and fierce that a bloody light burst out between the sky and the earth, and streaks of bloody light swirled around Lu Yan's body.


With a loud noise, the mountains with a radius of dozens of miles suddenly trembled violently, and the entire Lu Family Villa shook violently. Even with a very strong defensive formation, it seemed as if it was about to collapse.

In mid-air, Xiao Chen was so shaken by Lu Yan's palm that he flew backwards, and an ancient sword with bursts of green light appeared in his hand. The unparalleled sword energy shocked people's hearts. The swords of everyone below, at this moment Everyone couldn't help but trembled, a sword energy that was like an emperor coming to the world, intimidating everyone's sword.

It was at that moment that Xiao Chen sacrificed the Emperor's Sword. However, even though the Emperor's Sword blocked him, he was still knocked away by Lu Yan's palm. It can be imagined that at this time, Lu Yan's skill has reached such an extent.

After landing on a mountain peak, Xiao Chen immediately calmed down his breathing. Looking at Lu Yan in the distance, whose skill had greatly increased, he thought that the Lu family's Xuan Gong indeed had its own uniqueness. If he had a head-on confrontation with it, he would be inferior to me. Of the policy.

Just as he was thinking about countermeasures, Lu Yan suddenly rolled up the blood mist in the sky and attacked again in an instant. This time the attack was even more fierce. Before the force of the palm could be reached, Xiao Chen was covered by the wind of the palm and felt faintly. Suffocating, the boulders under his feet continued to break apart.


Lu Yan struck with a palm, and the unparalleled palm force was like Mount Tai falling. It was unstoppable. Half of the mountain peak immediately collapsed. For a moment, only the roaring sand was seen, spreading across the sky and the earth. Everyone was trembling with fear and stared at each other. Look, there is no trace of Xiao Chen in the wild sand. Could it be that he was beaten to death by the great elder's palm?

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