The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 817 No Pardon (Part 2)

Xuan Yuanzi stood aside. At this time, he also felt Xiao Chen's two cold eyes full of murderous intent. Knowing that something was wrong, he immediately stepped forward and looked at him and said, "The power of this spiritual vein has been withdrawn. I don't know Wuyu." How are you doing, Lord?"

Xiao Chen said calmly, "This power of spiritual veins belongs to me, Wuyutian. It is natural to take it back, but I also said before, that person..." At this point, he pointed to Lingxuzi .

At this moment, everyone held their breath and remained silent. Lingxuzi also trembled in his heart, but remembering what his senior brother had said just before he arrived, he must not show any timidity. He stepped forward, raised his head and straightened his chest and looked at Xiao Chen, " Xiao Yichen, you have withdrawn the power of your spiritual veins, what else do you want! You really think that I, the Taishi Dao Sect, will not dare to be your enemy today!"

"What else do you want to do..."

Xiao Chen looked at him and said lightly, "If you kill someone, shouldn't you give an explanation..."


Lingxuzi's heart trembled even more. Looking back on the past three years, he didn't kill anyone. It was all done by the people below. However, when the two sides fought, death and injury were inevitable. Since there were casualties on both sides, what's the point of killing people and not killing people?


He snorted coldly, looked at Xiao Chen and said, "I didn't kill any of you, and the deaths of those people were not at my hands..."

"Elder Lingxu, if you think about it again, he really didn't kill Wu Yutian..." Xiao Chen's eyes began to become colder and colder.

Being stared at by his aggressive gaze at this moment, Lingxuzi felt suppressed even in his breathing. He tried to think back. At this moment, he seemed to finally remember something. That time three years ago, that time in Wuyutian, he did kill a person. Man, a man named You Chang...

“It seems that Elder Lingxu has remembered it.

Xiao Chen's cold eyes gradually became indifferent again. Xuan Yuanzi stood next to Lingxuzi. Knowing that his junior brother killed someone, he was afraid that it would not be easy to deal with it this time. He stood forward and said, "People can't be resurrected after death. I don't know." Lord Wuyu, what are your plans?”

"Since people cannot be resurrected after death, then those who kill people should pay with their lives."

Xiao Chen's eyes were indifferent. As soon as he finished speaking, he flicked his sleeves and with a "clang" sound, the fairy sword of a disciple in the square suddenly flew up. With a "bang" sound, it was inserted at Lingxuzi's feet.

Ling Xuzi suddenly turned pale with fright, took a few steps back, looked up at Xiao Chen, pointed at him and said, "Kill to pay for life? Then how do you count if you kill so many of me!"

Xiao Chen's eyes were indifferent and he stood with his hands behind his back. He looked at him motionlessly with two eyes. The silent gaze at this moment was the most nervous. Xuan Yuanzi took a few steps forward and stood in front of Lingxuzi. Looking at Xiao Chen, he said, "It would be a bit serious to say that a person must be killed to pay for his life, but it doesn't matter, I am a poor man and I have no talent. Today, I am here to meet my little friend."

As soon as he finished speaking, he kicked off his feet and rushed towards the giant sword in an instant. When he raised his palms, the situation suddenly changed, and an unparalleled palm force rushed towards Xiao Chen.

But Xiao Chen was standing on the giant sword at this time, and his body did not move at all. When Xuan Yuanzi's palm came close, a force of nine yin and nine yang was swung out, and with a "bang", the two of them The palms collided, causing a violent tremor within a ten-mile radius.

The disciples were shocked and saw the wind surging in mid-air. Elder Xuanyuan was facing off against the man's palm power. There were no moves or spells. They were purely competing for their own internal strength!

"What a strong internal force..."

Xuan Yuanzi never expected that before, he had always thought that the reason why this son was so powerful was that he was better than the leader of the Jingdao Demon family, but now he discovered that the other party's profound skills were actually like the vast ocean, with a continuous flow of internal energy. , what kind of inner strength and mental method is this?

In the square below, all the disciples held their breath. Being able to confront Elder Xuanyuan's Heavenly Fire Mysterious Technique, how deep is this person's skill?

Master Zhongyi stood by silently, concentrating. He knew that the internal strength practiced by Xuan Yuanzi was known for its fierceness, and its internal strength was like fire. Anyone who fought against it would be burned inside and outside in a moment, but the inner strength cultivated by this son in front of him was heart The method is also very unique, not inferior to Xuan Yuanzi at all, and even Xuan Yuanzi is no match for him.

Thinking of this, Master Zhongyi couldn't help but sigh deeply in his heart, and simply closed his eyes. Just as he closed his eyes, as expected, Xuan Yuanzi's face suddenly turned red. It was able to burn the opponent's internal organs, but now, it looked like he himself was being eaten back.


There was a loud noise, and the clouds in the sky surged. Xiao Chen flicked his palm, and Xuan Yuanzi could no longer bear the force and fell heavily downwards.

This time, all the disciples were even more shocked. Seriously, even Elder Xuanyuan was no match for this person! Could it be that this person has...actually entered the cave's true stage?


Lingxuzi stepped forward quickly and supported Xuan Yuanzi. Unexpectedly, even his senior brother was no match for this person. Could it be that today...he really wanted to die?


At this moment, a clear sigh sounded slowly, and the disciples were startled. The person who sighed was actually the master Zhongyi Zhenren.

I saw Master Zhongyi slowly opening his eyes, looking at the motionless white-haired young man on the giant sword, and sighed, "My cultivation is extraordinary. There is really no one in my sect who can match my cultivation." Man, if I want Elder Lingxu’s life, I’m afraid… but I can’t.”


The expression on Lingxuzi's face was stagnant. He did not expect that at this time, even his senior brother could not protect him, and Master Zhongyi would still stand up and speak for him.


Master Zhongyi once again let out a long sigh. Although he has rarely interacted with Lingxuzi and Xuan Yuanzi over the years, and they have long been inseparable from each other, and there is even a lot of dissatisfaction between the two parties, but no matter what, Lingxuzi is his disciple after all. How can you, my elder, kill you just as you say? What's more, in front of so many disciples...

"Then Zhenren, we must protect him today..."

Suddenly, Xiao Chen disappeared from the giant sword, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Master Zhongyi. At this moment, he still had his hands behind his back, but his eyes were much colder and suffocating.

At this moment, Master Zhongyi couldn't help but tremble in his heart, he was so angry! This aura, eyes... are just like that person from more than forty years ago, so similar... almost exactly the same!

The atmosphere in the square seemed to have suddenly solidified. Everyone was silent. Suddenly, Ling Xuzi, who was originally standing behind Master Zhongyi, stood up and pointed at Xiao Chen. The expression on his face became extremely strange. Excited: "Xiao Yichen, what do you want! I didn't want to kill him that day. He rushed up to die on his own. What does it have to do with me?"

"Oh...but that palm, wasn't it from Elder Lingxu?"

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold and he walked towards him step by step. Facing such a compelling aura, Lingxuzi's heart was already in chaos and he could not even speak incoherently. "He, with his little cultivation, he can't even bear my palm." Come on, how can such a life be compared with mine? It’s nonsense!”

"All living beings are inherently neither noble nor humble. How can it be said that the lives of elders are precious and the lives of others are cheap..."

Xiao Chen got closer and closer, thinking about that day in his mind. He would never forget it. On that day, Wei Young had never cried for so long...


With a sharp sound, Xiao Chen picked up the long sword on the ground. With a flick of his sleeve, the sword was inserted at Lingxuzi's feet. "If I kill it on my own, I can still keep my soul and reincarnate. If I take action, the shape will be the same." All gods will be destroyed..."

At this moment, the atmosphere in the entire square became extremely tense. Everyone was stunned and silent, looking at the swaying long sword at the feet of Elder Lingxu.

Xiao Chen, on the other hand, still stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes cold and indifferent, as if there was no emotion at all.

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