The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 814: Entering the tiger's mouth again

Soon, the thousand-foot huge wave hit the small town, and everyone fled up there in panic. However, how could they outrun such a huge wave?

"Girl... let's go!"

The young man named Daniu was also frightened and at a loss. He wanted to pull Qianluo to escape with him, but unexpectedly, Qianluo's palm flicked and a soft force sent him to that high place.


Seeing that the girl was still standing alone below, everyone was even more surprised. But the next moment, an even more surprising scene appeared. Qianluo flicked his palms, and two waves of palm power surged towards the sea. Taking advantage of the wind and waves, he knocked down the huge waves in one go.


Everyone was stunned. Could it be that this girl was actually the fairy who descended to earth? Otherwise, how could she have such a powerful ability to calm the huge waves?

The young man was also stunned. Thinking back to the scene just now, he still felt like he was in a dream. Could it be that he actually saved a fairy during his trip to sea? Yes, if she wasn't a fairy, how could she be so beautiful...

When everyone was in a trance, they saw two sword lights suddenly flying over the sea, one green and one purple, and two powerful forces also surged towards this side.

Qianluo's eyes were cold and stern as he watched the two sword lights getting closer and closer. He loudly shouted to the townspeople behind him, "Get away from here quickly!" ♦✧

When everyone heard this, they immediately came to their senses and fled away. When the two sword lights came closer, Qianluo also raised a fairy sword with cold light, and stared coldly at the sword light. The two people who appeared said, "We are all mortals here. If you two take action here, you will only risk hurting the lives of innocent mortals.

"If you don't want these mortals to die because of you, then just go back with us!"

The two people's voices were cold, and they arrived in an instant. Qianluo was slightly startled. She was still injured, so she could never be a match for these two people. With a twist of her fingers, she immediately turned into a ray of sword light and went away, so as not to be in trouble. There is a war in this town, and innocent mortals are injured.


The two of them immediately chased after him and reached the top of the mountain. They intercepted Qianluo one after another. The middle-aged man in green clothes in front said coldly, "I have been chasing you for several months, where do you want to run now?" …”

"Do you still want to run..."

The man in purple clothes from behind also pressed forward. Qianluo had nowhere to escape. Just when he was about to fight to the death, a sharp sword light suddenly flew towards him. "Bang! Bang!" Two sounds, and the middle-aged man in green clothes and the man in purple were knocked out. The men were both shocked and flew out. If they had not blocked it with their swords in time, they would have been seriously injured.


The expressions of both of them changed. Who could repel them so easily? Those two sword energies just now were so powerful!

Just when the two of them were shocked, a figure in the distance landed on the top of a tree. They saw that the man had white hair flying and his eyes were cold and indifferent. He should have an out-of-this-world energy. Temperament, but for some reason, it seems that there is always something missing in him, even though at this time, he was able to repel the two killers of the Immortal Alliance with one sword.

At this moment, not only the two people from the Immortal Alliance were stunned, but Qian Luo, who was not far away, was also stunned. Looking at the white-haired man on the treetop, he was actually speechless at this moment.

"Leave now, I can still spare your lives..." The white-haired man stood on the top of the tree, holding a leaf in his hand, and said coldly.

"Who are you when the Immortal Alliance is doing something? How dare you stop it here!"

The middle-aged man in green pointed his hand with a stern look on his face, but it seemed that he had overlooked one thing: this was no longer the Eastern Continent.

"Immortal Alliance? What is the Immortal Alliance..."

The white-haired man on the treetop was still cold and indifferent. At this time, the two people from the Immortal Alliance finally realized that this place was no longer under the control of the Immortal Alliance, but they were still unwilling to accept it. They looked at each other and at the same time He raised his flying sword and slashed at the man on the tree. Immediately, the leaves flew across the sky and the earth!

However, the white-haired man still had cold eyes. He swiped his fingers, and leaves flew out from his hands with two "bang bangs". Not only did they instantly break the flying swords of the two men, but it also directly struck them both with the sharp sword energy. The person was so shocked that he vomited blood and flew out.

"Since you want to die, then I...will make it happen for you!"

The white-haired man's mysterious power was shaken, and the leaves on the ground suddenly flew up. At this moment, a terrifying mysterious force surged out. The two people in the Immortal Alliance trembled. Knowing that they were no match for this person, they twisted their fingers to form a seal. It instantly turned into a sword light and fled into the distance.


Seeing the two of them running away, the white-haired man snorted coldly, then gently landed in front of Qian Luo, "Luo Die, why are you here..."

"Xiao...Mr. Xiao..."

Until now, Qianluo still can't believe it, like a dream, but this time, she can be sure that everything in front of her is real and no longer a dream...

At this moment, her tears suddenly burst into tears, as if she wanted to cry out all the grievances she had suffered over the years.

Seeing her crying so hard, the white-haired man couldn't help but sigh softly. Perhaps it was a common problem among all men in this world. He always couldn't see a beautiful woman crying. He gently comforted her and said, "Okay, okay, I won't cry if I don't want to." Cry... just tell me what's going on."

After crying for a while, Qianluo finally raised his head. His eyes were still red, and there were a few crystal clear tears hanging on his long eyelashes. It was so pitiful that it made people feel sad.

After a while, she slowly lowered her head and said in a choked voice, "I, I killed Dao Wuwei..." At this point, she could hardly help but shed tears again.

I thought Xiao Chen would be surprised, but the white-haired man just said lightly, "Oh, this person should have died long ago."

Qianluo raised his head and said, "You...don't you ask me why I killed him?"

"You always have your own reasons for killing him." The white-haired man said calmly.

Qianluo was stunned for a moment. Although he was indifferent to him in the past, he was never as indifferent as he is now. Why now, has it really been a long time and he has already forgotten about him...

"Ah... you, why is your hair all white?"

It seemed that only now did Qianluo notice his full head of white hair. He suddenly recalled that when he tied his hair in the Tomb of Gods and Demons, he discovered that there was a strand of white hair hidden in his hair. Thinking that it had only been more than ten years, his hair was now completely white.

"When I get back, I will tell you slowly. You come with me. After I get you settled, you can tell me slowly what happened in these years."

As the white-haired man spoke, he put his hands behind his back and walked forward. Qianluo nodded and followed quietly. Now that Dao Wuwei is dead, her great revenge has been avenged, but the leader of the Dongli Alliance has saved her. After her death, she no longer knew anyone in this world. It was as if Xiao Chen had become her only relative in this world.

The two walked for a while, and suddenly a black basalt stone appeared on the edge of the cliff in front of them. The basalt stone was about ten feet tall and stood there. Qianluo looked up and said, "Well, there is a stone there." …”

"Well, it's just an ordinary stone." The white-haired man said calmly.

"I'll go over and take a look."

Qianluo said as she trotted over. The moment her palm touched the basalt stone, a cold feeling immediately spread throughout her body.

At this moment, it was as if she had incarnated into this basalt stone and had stood here for thousands of years. She had seen the prosperity and loneliness of the world, and felt that Xiao Chen had been here before, and had felt the same on this basalt stone as she did at this moment. A peaceful artistic conception of immortality and immortality!

"What's wrong?"

The white-haired man saw that her expression suddenly became a little strange, and slowly walked over. At this moment, Qian Luo woke up and immediately jumped away, focusing on the person in front of him who looked exactly like Xiao Chen, and said coldly Said: "You are not Mr. Xiao, who are you?"

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