The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 809 The power of the seal (fifth update!)

"No!" Lu Li said firmly, looking at the cracks on the barrier, "Senior Beigong has repeatedly told us that we must not let them out no matter what. We must hold on, no matter what method we use... at least we must hold on until the senior comes out. "But..." Lingxuzi's face became more worried, looking at it and said, "It's the woman who pretended to be Xiao Yichen. Her spiritual power is too strong. As long as she is there, we can't break the spiritual power of the 72 formations..." "Boom! "

Suddenly there was a loud noise, and countless cracks appeared on the layer of confinement. The disciples of Taishi Daomen and Lu family were frightened and hurriedly approached the elder.

At this moment, a cold voice finally came from there, "Listen, people outside, it's not easy to practice. If you leave now, you can still protect your life. If you wait for me to come out, none of you will survive..."

The cold words frightened many disciples of Taishi Daomen and Lu family, and they hurriedly ran to Lingxuzi and Lu Li, "Elder... Elder, otherwise, otherwise let's leave here first..."

Thinking of the man killing one person with one step three years ago, the disciples seemed to fall into a thousand-foot cold pond and dared not stay here anymore.

"Asshole! "

Lingxuzi glared at several disciples, frightening them so much that they dared not speak. He looked into Wuyutian again and said coldly, "Xiao Yichen, you have committed many evil deeds and killed countless people in the past. Three years ago, the senior sealed you here. Now do you still want to come out and stir up blood and rain in this world again?"


Xiao Chen's faint voice came out again, "Lingxuzi, when did you speak in the same tone as those so-called famous and righteous people..."


Lingxuzi snorted coldly and didn't say much to him. At this moment, Lu Li sensed a breath hidden in the distance and shouted coldly, "Who! Come out!" Before he finished speaking, he stretched out his big hand and turned into a palm shadow of a hundred feet, grabbing a girl from a distant island.

"Ouch! ”

The girl was wearing a light red fairy dress, and looked about seventeen or eighteen years old. It was none other than Ruoshui. Even after three years, her appearance had not changed at all, and she was still the same as before.

Lu Li recognized who the girl was, and immediately came up with a vicious plan in his mind. He captured her and said to Wuyutian, "Xiao Yichen, look who I caught!"

"Ouch! Let me go... Senior Brother, you, you don't have to worry about me, they dare not do anything to me..."

In Wuyutian, Xiao Chen recognized Ruoshui's voice and said lightly, "Do you know who she is? If she is injured in your hands, you may die a hundred times, which may not be enough..."


Lu Li snorted coldly, "Boy, don't use Lingyin to scare me, I tell you! Remove the seventy-two formations immediately, otherwise I will crush her throat!"

"Senior, you don't have to worry about me! I..." Ruoshui struggled and tried to speak, but before she finished speaking, Xiao Chen's voice came out again, "Oh, whatever... Then you can try it. " "Woo... Why do I feel that Senior Brother doesn't worry about me at all... Senior Brother! You really don't have to worry, they don't dare to do anything to me..." "Well? Why don't you do it?" Xiao Chen's voice came out again. "Woo... It seems that Senior Brother really doesn't worry about me at all..." "You!" Lu Li pinched his fingers and stared fiercely at Wu Yu Tian. At this time, there was a "clang" sound, and a cold light flashed. It was Lingxuzi who put a sword against Ruoshui's throat. At this moment, his eyes were as cold as frost. "I will count to three and remove the formation immediately, otherwise..." Seeing the cold light on the sword, even Lu Li was stunned for a moment. At this moment, he really felt the murderous aura on Lingxuzi. At this moment, whether it was inside or outside Wu Yu Tian, ​​it suddenly became quiet, and everyone was focused and motionless. "What should we do?" Madam Xianshu frowned. Although Xiao Chen seemed indifferent, she knew that he cared about everyone related to Ling Yin, not to mention the girl outside, whose identity was so unusual. ", don't..." Ruoshui said with difficulty, but before she finished speaking, Lingxuzi thrust his sword forward and stabbed a hole in her neck, and blood immediately flowed out. "One!" For some reason, Lingxuzi suddenly became murderous, and his face was terribly cold. Even Lu Li next to him didn't expect that he would dare to hurt the girl... In Wuyutian, everyone looked nervous and didn't dare to activate the formation rashly. Everyone looked at Xiao Chen. What should they do now? It was not easy to break the confinement outside... "Two!" Lingxuzi's murderous aura became heavier, and the sword in his hand suddenly trembled, and the cold light on the sword edge was already fluctuating! Suddenly, Ruoshui somehow broke free from Lu Li's restraints, and then she quickly pressed several acupuncture points on her chest. At this moment, a strong wind blew, the wind and clouds changed dramatically, and a terrifying force emanated from her body.

This came too fast, Lingxuzi immediately reacted and stabbed her with a sword, but he didn't expect that with a "clang", the sword was caught by Ruoshui with one hand. No matter how hard he tried, the sword could not be retracted.


Ruoshui seemed to have suddenly lost control, his eyes became red, and with a strong force on his hand, with a "bang", he crushed the fairy sword that Lingxuzi had practiced for many years. Lingxuzi was also seriously injured as a result, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. Then he flew out.

For some reason, she suddenly had such a powerful force in her body. Lu Li woke up in shock, but before he could make a move, he was hit by Ruoshui's palm. Immediately, his internal organs were torn apart, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and he flew backwards. When she got out, the two mid-level masters could not withstand her power at all.


At this moment, Ruoshui completely lost control, his eyes turned red, he covered his head and let out a long roar. A terrifying force surged out of his body, sending everyone around Taishi Taoism and the Lu family flying away. Those cultivators Someone who was a little lower couldn't withstand her power and was directly shocked into a bloody mist.


Inside Wuyu Tian, ​​Xiao Chen has already felt this strange power in her body. At this time, thousands of miles away, a sword light is flying towards this direction at high speed. The person wielding the sword is none other than Qian Yu Nichang. .


Seemingly because the power in Ruoshui's body was out of control, Qianyu Nishang also clutched her chest and let out a groan. A look of shock flashed on her face. She looked in the direction of Wuyutian and murmured, "Ruoshui, don't let this power happen." Rush out..." As soon as he finished speaking, he turned into a sword light and rushed in the direction of Wuyutian.

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