After hearing what he said, everyone slowly calmed down. After all, they have spent three years in this darkness, not less than these few months.

Without further ado, everyone took action immediately. A few days later, in the room, Xiao Chen crossed his legs and closed his eyes, slowly breathing out his energy. A few days ago, he suppressed the three corpse demons. I don’t know if the three corpse demons will be killed next time. When will I wake up?

I don’t know how many inches the Three Corpse Demon had grown to at that time. Now the Three Corpse Demon has grown to one inch and seven minutes long. According to Ku Lingzi, once the Three Corpse Demon reaches three inches, it will be fully formed. At that time he will be devoured by the three corpse demons.

Now the three corpse demons are like parasitism in his body. As his skill increases, the power of the three corpse demons becomes stronger. It seems as if he is using him as a cauldron. Once it is fully formed, it will When devouring the host.

"Ha...Three Corpse Demons."

Xiao Chen raised his wrist and smiled coldly. Although he still didn't know who drove the three zombie demons into his body back then, thinking about it, his life experience was anything but ordinary.

At this time, a burst of footsteps suddenly sounded outside, followed by Hua Weiyang walking in, Xiao Chen immediately got up and walked over, "Weiyang, you have consumed too much spiritual energy in the past few days, why didn't you rest for two more days before you came out again?" ”

"That's not to worry about you."

Hua Weiyang walked up and suddenly thought of something. She lowered her head and sighed softly. Xiao Chen frowned slightly and caressed her face, "It's so good, why are you sighing again..."


Hua Weiyang shook her head and raised her head to look at him, "Do you still remember what Fairy Suwen said?"


Xiao Chen nodded and didn't say much.

Hua Weiyang said, "The twenty-year period is already close."

Xiao Chen smiled softly, "Are you worried about this?" After saying this, he turned and walked to the window, looked at the dark sky, and said slowly, "I absorb the Hongmeng Purple Qi into my body, and I will be safe for a while. Worry, besides, the three corpse demons are in my body, and they will die as soon as I die. It took thousands of years for it to find a host for it to take shape, so I don’t think it will let me die easily.”

She originally thought that saying this would make her let go of her worries, but when she turned around, she saw her frown deepening. Xiao Chen walked back slowly and whispered, "What's wrong?"

"you say……"

At this moment, Hua Weiyang frowned and looked at him, hesitated to speak, and finally said those words, "Is this our life? In the end, only one person can survive..."

At this moment, for some reason, Xiao Chen suddenly felt a sharp pain in his heart, and his mind suddenly flashed back to the time when he went to Wuwanghai three years ago, when he followed the Eye of the Sun to the Leixia Kingdom, and experienced the experiences of the little princess Yunyi and the guard Qian That night thing.

He still remembered what Situ Wenqing said that day, every word and every sentence.

"The princess and Qianye have a very rare situation of 'mutual growth and mutual restraint' from ancient times to the present. It is precisely for this reason that Qianye will not be affected by the princess. Even if he is close to her, his life span will not be reduced. This is 'mutual growth' ', but of the two, only one of them will survive in the end, this is 'mutual conflict'..."

"I have tried many times to break this strange fate, but no matter how powerful human power is, I also held out hope that maybe both of them could live well, but... But in the end, the result was still the same. It turns out that Only one of them can survive. No matter how strong the human power is, it will eventually be exhausted. However, God’s will cannot be violated after all. Fate can be changed, but fate has been determined. It turns out that it is difficult to change..."

Suddenly, he remembered a long time ago, when the two of them had just met and fled to the Kunlun Mountains. In the wind and snow, Hua Weiyang was also seriously injured. Angry, Wei Yang woke up soon after, but when she woke up, she was very angry.

It’s not that he was angry that he was offensive, but he said, “What do you know? I mean, you will lose your longevity. You don’t understand. Anyway, you must never do what you did just now…”

However, time after time, he did not lose his longevity, and he did not even feel any discomfort due to the cold air in her body.

At this moment, Xiao Chen slowly came back to his senses, stopped thinking too much, and gently held her in his arms, "Fool..."

Hua Weiyang leaned on his shoulder and gently closed her eyes. At this moment, her heart suddenly felt silent. "Even if it is true as the second brother said, it is fate and cannot be changed. If only one person can survive in the end, that person, It must be you, idiot..."


On an isolated peak ten miles away, a gentle sigh suddenly sounded. The man was Ku Lingzi. For some reason, he suddenly let out a long sigh.

About half an hour later, I saw a figure slowly walking up from the bottom of the mountain. That person was Xiao Chen, he was the only one, and Hua Weiyang was not beside him.

"You came."


Xiao Chen jumped up and used Qinggong to fly up the steep cliff. He had already sent Hua Weiyang back to Weiyang Palace, and then came alone to the lonely peak where Ku Lingzi was.

"Is Shen Jing here?"

"Not here."


Xiao Chen nodded slightly. There was only Ku Lingzi here, so there was nothing he could not say. Ku Lingzi stood on the edge of the cliff with his hands behind his back. After a while, he turned around and looked at him: "Go to the Lingxu Realm." "Have you really thought about it clearly?"

Xiao Chen looked at the darkness below and said slowly, "In the past few years, I gathered a lot of spiritual power everywhere and distributed it under various sects below. If Beigong Changfeng wants to shake the foundation of Wuyutian, he will inevitably start from After acquiring these sects, in the past three years, he must have taken away all the power of those spiritual veins..."

After a moment of silence, Ku Lingzi said, "Recovering the power of spiritual veins is just one of the reasons. Second, you want to find out something, right..."

Xiao Chen raised his head and looked at the dark sky in the distance. He was noncommittal about Ku Lingzi's words. After a long time, he said again, "Why don't you, senior, tell me... about this Spiritual Ruins Realm."

He still knew very little about the Lingxu Realm, but Ku Lingzi seemed to know a lot of things. At this time, Ku Lingzi turned his head, looked at him and said, "Do you really want to know?"

Xiao Chen also looked at him and said, "I would like to hear the details."

"Forget it..." Ku Lingzi turned back, looked at the dark sky in the distance and said, "Have you ever heard of the 'Ten Saints'?"

"Ten Saints..."

Xiao Chen pondered for a while, looked at him and said, "Could it be the ten powerful men in the holy realm who have become saints?"

I thought that after being a saint for three thousand years and experiencing countless tribulations, those who became a saint would probably be the pinnacle of power in the world at this stage.


Ku Lingzi shook his head and continued, "Before you become a saint, you must go through four stages. These four stages are the 'Hehe Stage', 'Dongzhen Stage', 'Transcendent Stage', and 'Entering the Saint Stage' ...Even if one reaches the stage of becoming a saint, he may not be able to become a saint in the end. However, those who can successfully become a saint will become a 'quasi-saint' when they are only one step away from becoming a saint..."

When he said this, he paused for a while and then continued, "The ten saints I just mentioned are the ten quasi-sages in the Lingxu realm. Quasi-sages, as the name suggests, as long as nothing unexpected happens, they will be able to go smoothly." To become a Saint, the ten quasi-Saints that year, for unknown reasons, all failed, and even ended up miserable. At that time, this incident shocked the entire Lingxu Realm, but no one knew why..."

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