In fact, at that time, Dao Wuwei had deep concerns. Firstly, he was worried that Xiao Chen would come back, so he would never dare to harm Luodie until he successfully transformed into a god. Secondly, he was worried that Qin Yan and Yun Wan's affairs would be revealed. You know, San Lai was even more worried that the superiors would know about this "too much forgetfulness", so at that time, he just followed the trend and let Luodie take over the positions of Qin Yan and Yun Wan.

Ten years have passed since then. During these ten years, a large amount of spiritual energy has poured into the world. Everyone's cultivation has improved rapidly. Dao Wuwei has already transformed into a god. During this period, he once had murderous intentions towards Luo Die and wanted to kill Qin. The matter between Yan and Yun Wan, as well as the matter of "The Supreme Being Forgets His Love" were completely covered up. As long as Luo Die died, no one else in the world would know about it.

The more he thought about it, the more murderous thoughts he felt in his heart. Luo Die couldn't feel it, but he hid it deeply. Even when Dao Wuwei wanted to take her life, she still pretended not to know anything, and even had no luck at all. , so close to Dao Wuwei, in the end, she made the right move again.

Dao Wuwei was reluctant to kill her. After all, it was the sharpest sword he had cultivated over the years. He no longer had anyone as outstanding as Luo Die under his command. Only Luo Die could do many things. The rest of the people could not do it. I can do it for him.

That night, he once again called Luo Die to the secret room where he practiced. Not many people knew about this secret room. It was very cold inside. Dao Wuwei sat on the stone platform in the middle of the secret room with cold eyes and said coldly: " Kneel down!"

Luo Die trembled all over, not daring to resist, and immediately knelt down, lowered his head and whispered, "I don't know why this disciple has annoyed the master and made the master so angry..."

Dao Wuwei pointed his hand at her and said angrily, "You still dare to lie to me as a teacher. At the beginning, you still read the book 'Tai Shang Wang Qing', yes or no! Tell the truth!"

Luodie's body trembled even more violently, her face turned pale, and she kept shaking her head and said, "I don't know where Master heard these words. Ten years ago, I found this secret book from Qin Yan, and I did take a look at it, but After just one glance, I felt dizzy and very uncomfortable. I haven't looked at it again since then..."

As she spoke, tears had already flowed out, and she choked and said, "If the master still doesn't believe it, then let's destroy the disciple's cultivation. Anyway... Anyway, the disciple's ability was also taught by the master, and the disciple's life is also Even if the master took back all the things the master saved back then, the disciple would still have no complaints..." At the end of his words, he closed his eyes, and two lines of tears fell down his face.


Dao Wuwei's voice dropped, and he suddenly flew over, stretched out his hand to strangle her throat, and said coldly, "If you still refuse to admit it, then I will destroy your cultivation today!"

Luodie closed her eyes and burst into tears, "Master doesn't believe me. No matter how much I say, it's useless. So please ask Master to take action to prove your innocence."


Dao Wuwei had a ferocious look on his face, and when he pressed the true energy in his palm, a strong wind blew up in the whole secret room, and a strong force penetrated directly into Luodie's limbs and bones, as well as the meridians of his body.


Luodie let out a muffled groan, and a mouthful of bright red blood surged up. At this moment, Dao Wuwei seemed to finally believe her, and finally stopped slowly, "That's all, if you want to practice this secret book, and Weiwei The teacher said that’s it.

Luodie slowly opened her eyes, her eyes still full of tears, and said in a choked voice, "If the master wants the disciple to practice, the disciple will practice. If the master doesn't want the disciple to practice, the disciple will never dare to look at it again."


Dao Wuwei sighed heavily and flicked his sleeves, "That's it, go ahead."

"Yes, Master..."

Luodie stood up and turned around to go outside the secret room. Her tears were still falling down drop by drop. She was crying not because of what Dao Wuwei had just done, but because she hated herself. The enemy was right in front of her, but she took revenge. No revenge.

In fact, in the past ten years, she has found out that the murderer who killed her parents and her entire family was actually the master she had known for many years, Dao Wuwei, the seemingly sanctimonious peak master of one of the seventy-two peaks of the Immortal Alliance. , the immortal leader that everyone worships, is actually a hypocrite who is worse than a beast.

Dao Wuwei looked at her back as she turned away. He frowned deeply until the back gradually disappeared. He didn't know why, but he often had nightmares during this period, dreaming about the scene when he massacred thousands of families, and dreaming about Luo Wuwei. Die seeks revenge on him. Every time he wakes up, he tightly holds the sword in his hand, but he finds that it is just a dream.

He asked himself that what he did back then was perfect, and Luo Die would never know it in this life. But he did so many things and killed so many people back then, but in the end, he only got half of "Tai Shang Forgetting" and the other half. Department, he really didn't know where Qian Liyan was hidden back then.

But he can conclude that Qian Liyan must have obtained a complete "Tai Shang Wang Qing" back then, but kept it separately. The most important "Part Two" was hidden somewhere. Over the years, he has tried his best to He tried every means, but still couldn't find it. Unless Qian Liyan came back to life, he might never find it again in his lifetime.

"Back then, all the mechanisms were exhausted and stained with blood. In the end, only half of the remaining scrolls were left..."

Dao Wuwei took out the half of Taishang Wangqing from his sleeve, with a look of reluctance in his eyes. Qian Liyan would not say where the other half was until his death. With this person's mind, how could he hide this half? Where? He could never guess it. He guessed and searched again and again, but in the end it was just one more disappointment...

"But even if it's only half of it! I will definitely understand you thoroughly. I'm too supreme to forget my love..."

At this moment, Dao Wuwei's eyes became fixed again. No matter what, he had to understand this strange book that was left from heaven in ancient times. Even if it was only half of it, even if it eventually made him go crazy, he would still be there. Don’t hesitate!

It has been another four years since he left. During these four years, Dao Wuwei has made some small achievements in understanding Taishang Wangqing, and his cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds. Even the status of Wuwei Peak has been improved a lot in the entire Immortal Alliance.

In the past, because of his low cultivation level, other peak masters looked down on him and thought that he was not worthy of being on an equal footing with them. But today, those peak masters who looked down on him in the past probably did not expect that his cultivation base would improve so quickly.

And this year was also the second year that Wuyutian fell into eternal night. The layers of black clouds still lingered, and the power of confinement showed no sign of diminishing. During this period, Qianyu Nishang came twice, but every time Then he looked at it from a distance, and then left quietly.

This eternal night ban is an ancient taboo technique. No one can break it now. Even if the Seven Xuan Qing Lords come, they will probably be helpless. What's more, how can the Seven Xuan Qing Lords come to relieve the danger of Wuyu Tian?

Let’s talk about the Eastern Continent Immortal Alliance. Dao Wuwei’s cultivation has been advancing rapidly, but he finally encountered obstacles. Not only was Taishang Wangqing unable to continue practicing, but it even backfired on him, which puzzled him. Could it be that practicing the residual scrolls, everything Is it just a mirror in the end?

No, there must be something wrong...

He thought about it for so many years, especially during the years of cultivating Taishang Wangqing, his heart was as still as water, and it was impossible for him to be in love with anyone. In this case, wouldn't it fit in with Taishang Wangqing? How can I fail in cultivation? Isn't it that simple?

"Could it be that... the Supreme Being forgets his feelings, not is ruthless? Or must he have feelings first, and then forget his feelings? How on earth..."

Dao Wuwei thought about it for a long time. He didn't know whether he suddenly became obsessed or was confused. He suddenly had a bold idea in his mind. In this case, it would be better to give Luodie a try and let her practice dual cultivation with him. If he succeeded, he would break through this problem. There are many obstacles, and if you lose, there will be no impact...

Thinking of this, Dao Wuwei's face suddenly became very ferocious and scary, and he smiled gloomily and said, "Qian Liyan, you hide it, you keep hiding it, if you prevent me from finding that half of the secret book, then I will use your daughter to Use dual cultivation to torture her to death, so that you can't find peace even under the nine springs, hehehe..."

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