The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 788 Six Meridians Heart-Eating Divine Curse

People from the Taishi Daomen and the Lu family in the distance also had shocked faces at this time. Who shot that sudden green light just now...


Xiao Chen raised his head, and the black energy on his wrist had disappeared. He was almost mentally eroded by the three zombie demons just now, but now he was completely awake. Taking advantage of Beigong Changfeng's absence, he violently activated all his profound energy and struck out with one move. "Li Hate Palm" hit him.


This blow caught Beigong Changfeng off guard, and he stepped back repeatedly. When he looked at Xiao Chen again, his eyes were obviously more fearful, and there was no trace of the previous contempt.


At this time, Lingxuzi and Lu Li both flew up. Although both of them were still injured, they could no longer care about that much. Xiao Chen's terrifying power just now still made them feel like they were in a nightmare and were frightened. .

"No problem!"

Beigong Changfeng raised his hand and ordered the two of them to retreat. He saw his sharp eyes, full of murderous intent, staring at Xiao Chen motionlessly. At this moment, he seemed to have made some decision in his heart.

In the end, he never imagined that dealing with someone whose cultivation level was lower than his would actually force him to use the "Six Meridians Heart-Eating Divine Curse".

Let's put it bluntly, a person with a lower cultivation level than him, even a person with a cultivation level equal to or even higher than him, may not be able to force him to use the Six Meridians Heart-Eating Divine Curse.

At this moment, the sky was full of dark clouds, and strange curse seals suddenly flew around Beigong Changfeng. Such a strange and terrifying aura filled the air in an instant, even if Taishi Daomen and Lu Everyone at home felt deeply suffocated.

Lingxuzi and Lu Li were even more shocked. They had always known that the Beigong clan had an extremely ancient spell, but this spell could not be used easily. Every time it was used, it would inevitably damage one's soul and life, and Could it be that the senior used this powerful spell at this time? The two of them really didn't expect that Xiao Yichen could force him to use this spell.

"Boy, let me see what you can do this time!"

At this moment, Beigong Changfeng could not help but form seals with his hands, his eyes became extremely scary, and two strange rays of light flashed in his pupils, as if he had changed into a different person in an instant, and strange streaks were flying around his body. 's curse seal.

"This is……"

In Wuyutian, Ku Lingzi's expression suddenly became very solemn. Shen Jing next to her saw that his expression became so serious, and immediately knew that something was wrong. She raised her eyebrows and asked, "Senior, what's wrong?"


Ku Lingzi's face changed slightly, and he immediately sent a divine message to Xiao Chen: "Boy, come back quickly, you can't resist this curse now!"

However, Xiao Chen didn't listen. As soon as his inner energy gathered, a mysterious light suddenly rose from his body. Seeing that he was going to resist Beigong Changfeng's curse, Hua Weiyang sacrificed the jade pity flower and flew up.

"go back!"

Xiao Chen flicked his sleeves and sent her back to the Wuyu Heaven. At this moment, Beigong Changfeng's offensive came like a tide.

The whole Wuyu Tian suddenly felt a strong wind, and bursts of weird noises came from nowhere. Only six black mists were seen quickly shrouding it. At this moment, everyone held their breath, as if even their souls were being pulled out. Same, standing in place, unable to move!

"Your Majesty..."

Seeing the terrifying spell covering the Lord, Bai Luan and Zi Yuan's faces flashed with shock. They no longer hesitated, and with a movement of their bodies, they immediately rushed forward with their men.

Twenty-four figures arrived in an instant. At this time, Beigong Changfeng's six-vein mind-devouring curse had also enveloped him. A terrifying force, like a ten thousand-foot-high raging wave, made the entire Wuyu Heaven tremble, and dozens of floating buildings around it The islands all collapsed into pieces in an instant.

The wind was howling, the mist was heavy, and the entire Wuyu Tian was shrouded by this terrifying force. The dust was flying around, and no one could see what was going on inside, no matter how difficult it was to see.

"Senior brother..."

On the island in the distance, Ruoshui's heart was beating fast. The four of them could no longer see the situation on the other side of Wuyutian. They could only see the sky covered with smoke and dust, and the layers of strange fog.

"No one can be safe under the Six Meridians Heart Devouring Curse, boy... you are no exception!"

I saw Beigong Changfeng's face was ferocious and terrifying. As soon as he finished speaking, he bit the tip of his tongue hard and spurted out a mouthful of blood. With a swipe of his finger, the blood turned into a strange curse mark and went towards the black mist. Hit him.


There was a loud noise, and everyone's hearts trembled, but they didn't know what was going on inside. Hua Weiyang's face had already turned extremely pale. Shen Jing stood beside Ku Lingzi, her heart beating faster and faster, and she asked in a low voice, "Senior... …What on earth is that?”

Ku Lingzi's expression was solemn, and he said after a long time, "It's an ancient spell, very powerful. Fortunately, this person's skills are not strong enough and he was unable to exert its maximum power. I wonder if the kid can resist it. If he can't resist, today's Wuyutian will be hard to protect." ”

After an unknown amount of time passed like this, the black fog in the sky finally dispersed, and the scene inside took everyone's breath away.

The nearby floating islands had all been turned into powder by the terrifying force just now, and the clothes of the twenty-four Night Shadows were also torn to pieces, the veils on their faces had long been shattered, and blood flowed from the corners of their mouths. Apparently they were all seriously injured.

Looking at Xiao Chen again, his white hair kept flying in the cold wind, his eyes were cold and suffocating, and the Emperor Sword in his hand kept emitting bursts of green light, resisting Beigong Changfeng's six-meridian heart-devouring curse.

"how come……"

Beigong Changfeng's face was shocked. Could it be that even the Six Meridians Heart Devouring Curse couldn't hurt this person? Impossible, absolutely impossible...

"A very strong soul, but it's a pity...that's all it is?"

Xiao Chen's voice was cold. At this moment, the soul suddenly left his body, and he still stayed in the same place, but a piece of soul flew towards Beigong Changfeng, and with two fingers together, one pointed at the center of his eyebrows.


Beigong Changfeng suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, and flew backwards. At this time, the main body in Beigong's Jiaxuan Realm seemed to have been severely injured. A muffled groan came out from his throat, and his expression changed. Suddenly he became extremely pale.

Wuyu Tianwai, Xiao Chen's soul returned to his position, and a mouthful of blood gushed out from his mouth. Finally, he could no longer hold on, and the Emperor's Sword suddenly became dim, and he and his whole body fell downwards.

"Your Majesty!"

Bai Luan and Zi Yuan ignored their injuries and stepped forward to catch him in an instant. Together with twenty-two other people, they escorted him back to Wuyutian.

"It doesn't matter..."

Xiao Chen let go of the two of them, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and still looked coldly at Beigong Changfeng outside. It was impossible to say that he had not been injured by the Six Meridians Heart-Eating Divine Curse. Such a powerful spell, even if No matter how strong he is, how can he be safe?

But in the end, even though he was seriously injured, he still tried his best to let his soul out of his body, severely injuring Beigong Changfeng's soul, making it impossible for him to continue attacking Wuyutian today.

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