Seeing the white bones spreading out, Lingxuzi and Lu Li quickly stepped back. No matter how high their cultivation level was, they would not dare to approach these bones. However, they never thought that Wuyutian still had something. Such a strange and terrifying array of bones.

"what to do?"

The two of them retreated to a distance. For a moment, neither of them could think of a way to deal with the sky full of bones. They were about to succeed, but were suddenly blocked. Both of them were extremely unwilling.

In fact, when they came to Wuyu Tian this time, they all had the same idea in their hearts. It is said that Wuyu Tian was left over from ancient times. Now, thousands of years have passed, but it is still hanging high in the sky without falling. If it weren't for this inside With the support of a very strong spiritual power, how can it be justified?

So both of them wanted to go in and have a closer look. Even if they didn't seek to find those ancient treasures, if they could use the spiritual power that supported the entire Wuyu Heaven for their own use, they would definitely be able to break through to the Cave Realm within a hundred years. !

Dongzhen period, what does that mean? Throughout these thousands of years, both Taishi Taoism and the Lu family have only produced one peerless master of the Dongzhen stage, but in the following thousands of years, there has never been any Dongzhen stage. master.

If a master of the Dongzhen stage can emerge, whether it is their family or their sect, they can leap thousands of miles in the hidden realm. For example, the Taishi Taoist Sect is now on par with the Lu family. If the Taishi Taoist Sect can reach the same level within a hundred years, If a master of the Dongzhen stage emerges, he will be directly superior to the Lu family. From then on, the Lu family will be their minister, and vice versa.

Although the two of them had their own thoughts at the moment, they had to work together to find a way to break through the white bone formation first.

The two looked at each other and suddenly jumped up in the air. Lu Li used the Lu family's ancestral mysterious skill. In an instant, bursts of mysterious light surrounded his body, causing the surrounding situation to change. Lingxuzi was also there. In an instant, they activated the Taishi Tao Sect's Twelve Levels of Heart Art, and with heavy talismans on their bodies, the two of them took action at the same time and attacked the Ten Thousand Bone Formation.

Seeing this, people from the Taishi Daomen and the Lu family came forward to help the two of them. Suddenly, there was a storm outside the Wuyu Tian, ​​​​and profound energy surged. The white bones and skeletons flying in the sky became more and more terrifying. Even facing this moment, Countless masters joined forces to attack, but they remained unmoved, showing no signs of being broken.

Such a ten-thousand-bone formation is so impregnable that no one can forcibly break it. At this time, Ku Lingzi and Shen Jing are supporting the formation inside. Unless a master from the Dongzhen period comes, they want to break the formation forcibly. , it is almost impossible, and even if a master of the Dongzhen stage comes, he may not be able to break it immediately.

Xiao Chen gathered more than 30,000 people in the Bone City of the Tomb of Gods and Demons at that time. More than 30,000 people were unable to break the formation by force. The reason why the formation was broken later was because he ventured into the formation and fought with him. The bones of the ancient gods in the formation were induced.

There are 213 formations in this Ten Thousand Bones Formation, which are actually 213 bones of the ancient god. The bones contain the remaining consciousness of the ancient god, and for some reason, Xiao Chen happened to be able to Divine thoughts conduct some simple communication with the consciousness of this ancient god.

At this time, the people from the Lu family and Taishi Taoist sect finally gave up after attacking for a while. Lu Li and Ling Xuzi looked at each other, and they jumped back at the same time, communicating with each other with their spiritual thoughts.

"Forget it, we can't break through this bone formation now, but it must be extremely draining of spiritual power, and they won't be able to hold on for long in it."

Lu Li's eyes were slightly cold. Ling Xuzi glanced at him and said, "Then wait until this white bone array is destroyed without any attack. From now on, we will block all spiritual messages from them..."

The two of them stopped talking. At this time, inside Wuyutian, Ku Lingzi and Shen Jing were supporting the Ten Thousand Bone Formation, with about two hundred people assisting them. But it was exactly what Lu Li and Lingxuzi said. , the Ten Thousand Bone Formation consumes extremely spiritual energy and will dissipate within seven days at most.


Mrs. Xianshu jumped lightly and came to Hua Weiyang's side. Looking at her face full of tears, she couldn't help but feel pain in her heart. She slowly knelt down and said softly, "Weiyang, cheer up, Ten Thousand Bones Formation" It can only last for seven days at most..."

The cold wind blew the hair around Hua Weiyang's ears. Her eyes were red. She raised her head and looked at the two sanctimonious people, Ling Xuzi and Lu Li, with hatred in their eyes.

Mrs. Xianshu also looked outside. There was faint spiritual energy flowing outside. It was obvious that Taishi Taoist Sect and the Lu family had established a barrier to prevent their spiritual information and consciousness from being transmitted outside. In this way, , it is impossible to summon those masters who are still outside and have not returned, let alone to send messages to those of the Thirty-six Sect...

For the remaining seven days, the entire Wuyutian will be like a completely isolated city. No one will know what happened, and no one will come to reinforce. Even in the future, Taishi Daomen and the Lu family can hide this time With his actions, no one will know what happened in Wuyu Tian today.

The seven days passed little by little. Every day, the people in Wuyu Heaven were waiting for His Majesty to come back. However, with every passing day, hope became less and less. Until the seventh day, no one came back. , some are just the murderous intentions of Taishi Daomen and the Lu family getting heavier and heavier, the murderous intentions approaching layer by layer.

When it was close to noon that day, the Ten Thousand Bones Formation finally became weaker and weaker and began to gradually disappear. There was bound to be a big battle next. Madam Xianshu's expression condensed and she immediately put everyone on guard, ready to fight to the death.

At this moment, on a suspended island twenty miles away from Wuyutian, there were four figures hiding on it, observing Wuyutian from a distance with their spiritual consciousness.

"Those two people are too highly cultivated. Don't alarm them..."

These four people were none other than Qian Yu Nichang and the others. Qian Yu Nichang's feathered clothes were fluttering and she was holding an ancient Qiu Shui sword. She looked more and more otherworldly, and there was an exquisite jasper girl beside her. , looking nervously at Wuyutian, it was Ruoshui.

"Senior Sister Nishang, what should we do? They are taking advantage of Senior Brother's absence to attack Wuyutian..."

Ruoshui looked nervous. She passed out in a coma last time in the Xiqi Mountains. When she woke up, she was already in Zixiao Peak. She couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. She couldn't see Xiao Chen when she left, and she didn't know what happened next. thing.

At this moment, Qianyu Nishang frowned and said nothing. For her, Wuyutian was not the right way after all. Most of the things she had done in the past ten years were not allowed by the right way. This time, she was not here to help Wuyutian, but before She has been investigating the Taishi Taoist Sect, especially in the past two months. She found that the Taishi Taoist Sect was acting strangely, so she quietly followed them here a few days ago.

And she didn't expect that she would glimpse Wuyutian here, and she didn't expect that Taishi Daomen would take advantage of the disappearance of the ancient restrictions outside Wuyutian and unite with the Lu family to attack Wuyutian. I'm afraid that now there are two evil forces outside. Tao, I don’t even know about this yet.

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