The strange breath coming from the depths of the Hidden Cloud Sea was not felt by the rest of the Taishi Dao Sect. Only Lingxuzi felt it. Although it was only for a short moment, it made him confused and his gathered vitality dissipated in an instant.

However, Hua Weiyang was not affected by the strange breath just now. His sword skills were faster and he stabbed with another sword. Lingxuzi was unable to dodge and was hit by another sword on his right arm and shoulder, and blood splattered immediately.

"Grand Elder!"

The people of the Taishi Dao Sect behind were even more shocked, and at the same time they were full of doubts. Just now, the Grand Elder gathered the vitality of the eight directions of heaven and earth, and it was clear that he had already won. Why did he suddenly lose? This is absolutely unreasonable.

At this moment, Hua Weiyang's sword skills were passed down layer by layer. This time, not only was there a sky full of sword shadows, but there was also a very heavy chill, which was the bone-chilling cold of the Eye of the Cold Pond!

As the endless coldness came, Lingxuzi seemed to fall into a glacier in an instant, and his whole body was covered with a chill. He could resist the sword energy in the sky with his extremely strong cultivation, but he could not resist the bone-chilling cold of the Eye of the Cold Pond.

"It's the power of the Cold Pond..."

In the distance, Madam Xianshu was also stunned. Only she knew that when Xiao Chen left that day, he hid the Eye of the Cold Pond on Hua Weiyang. Unexpectedly, Weiyang could use the power of the Cold Pond today.

At this time, Hua Weiyang was covered with a layer of frost, and with her Xuanyin body, she could be said to have used the bone-chilling cold of the Eye of the Cold Pond to the extreme.

Even if ordinary people could use the power of the Cold Pond, they would be counterattacked by the bone-chilling cold, but she would not. No matter how she used the power of the Cold Pond, the bone-chilling cold could not hurt her, because she was a Xuanyin body that only appeared once in ten thousand years!

At this moment, the area within a radius of ten miles or even a hundred miles was shrouded in a layer of frosty air. Everyone felt an endless chill. The originally rolling clouds suddenly stopped, and then condensed into layers of ice crystals, like a heavy frost falling from the sky, covering the vast area of ​​dozens of miles.

This was an irresistible bone-chilling cold. Even those with high cultivation could not help shivering. As for those with low cultivation, they could not bear this bone-chilling cold, and were even frozen into ice sculptures and fell under the clouds.

Looking at Lingxuzi again, he tried his best to resist the sword energy coming from the sky, but he could resist the sword energy, but not the bone-chilling cold in the sword energy. Such a chill gradually condensed a layer of ice on his body. What was even more fatal was that he had just been hit by two swords on his arm. At this time, the bone-chilling cold actually spread along his wounds and spread into his body, as if to solidify his blood.

"Oops..." Lingxuzi thought to himself that it was not good. What kind of swordsmanship was this? The chill was so strong! Of course, he would never have thought that this bone-chilling cold was not the power of the man in front of him, but the power of the cold pond. No matter how high his cultivation was, how could he fight against the power of the earth's spiritual veins? Soon, his hands and feet were covered with a layer of ice, making his movements slower and more difficult. The people from the Taishi Dao Sect in the distance also condensed a layer of ice chips all over their bodies under this bone-chilling cold, making it very difficult to move. Even if they wanted to help Lingxuzi, it was too late. "Zheng!" With a sharp sound, Hua Weiyang finally stabbed Lingxuzi's throat with a sword. She was wrapped in a bone-chilling cold, and the sword was shrouded in endless coldness. At this moment, almost everyone held their breath and opened their eyes wide, watching the sword in her hand getting closer and closer to Lingxuzi's throat. However, in the end, Kuai Xue Shi Qing still failed to pierce in, and the tip of the sword only stuck to Ling Xu Zi's throat. At this moment, everyone was quiet, as if even time had stopped. Ling Xu Zi's eyes were wide open, and Hua Wei Yang's whole body was frozen in the air, still maintaining the posture of stabbing Ling Xu Zi with the sword, but no matter how hard she tried, Kuai Xue Shi Qing couldn't move forward at all!

In the distance, the people of Tai Shi Dao Sect opened their eyes wide. Just at that moment, their hearts almost jumped out of their chests. At this moment, Ling Xu Zi held down Kuai Xue Shi Qing's sword with both hands, and a trace of blood flowed down his throat along the blade.

Hua Wei Yang's sword just now was still three points short of strength, and only pierced a layer of skin and flesh on Ling Xu Zi's throat, and failed to pierce the vitals.

But even so, the bone-chilling coldness of the sword continued to spread to Lingxuzi. Soon, not only a layer of ice condensed on his hands, but also his feet, torso, head, and whole body were gradually covered with ice.

Just as everyone held their breath and concentrated, not daring to be distracted, suddenly, Lingxuzi shouted loudly, activated the twelve-fold magic power, and with a "bang", the ice on his body was shattered. The next moment, with lightning speed, he struck out with a palm and hit Hua Weiyang's abdomen heavily.

"Puff!" Blood spurted out of her mouth, and Hua Weiyang flew backwards. In the distance, everyone was dumbfounded, and Wu Yutian's disciples were even more shocked. In their hearts, the Lord had no rivals, but why was he so fragile at this moment... "Weiyang..." Madam Xianshu's face changed horribly, and she flew over in an instant to support Hua Weiyang. But she saw Hua Weiyang raised her hand and wiped the blood that kept flowing from the corner of her mouth. It was dusk at this time, and the setting sun turned the entire sea of ​​clouds into gold. Her blood-stained white hair fluttered in the wind. Under the setting sun, she looked lonely and sad. She was defeated.

The sword strike just now was extremely exquisite, but unfortunately she was not strong enough after all. No matter how fast the sword technique was, it would be difficult to seriously injure Lingxuzi. If the sword strike just now was not struck by her, but by Xiao Chen, then at this moment, Lingxuzi Even if he doesn't die, his soul will definitely be severely damaged.

The wind blew coldly, and the entire sea of ​​clouds suddenly became silent. No one around them spoke, and everyone was still immersed in the battle just now.

But what next?

Lord Wuyu has been severely injured, and the entire Wuyu Heaven will inevitably fall into extreme panic. If we don't take advantage of this moment to attack Wuyu Heaven, when will we wait?

Just when everyone was nervous, suddenly, a vague voice came from outside the sky: "Fellow Taoist, that person is not the Lord of Wuyu Tian."

This ethereal sound came suddenly, and everyone was startled. However, when they followed the sound, no one was seen. It was obvious that the person who came came from thousands of miles away. Being thousands of miles away, one can understand everything here. The origin of this person No small matter!

Lingxuzi was startled for a moment, and then he immediately reacted. His eyes fell firmly on Hua Weiyang. Only then did he finally find something strange. The person in front of him was not the Lord of Wuyu Tian. Since the person in front of him was not, then it meant that Xiao At this moment, Yichen is not in Wuyu Heaven at all! Everyone was deceived by the man in front of them...

"I want to see who you really are!"

At this moment, the murderous aura in Lingxuzi's body suddenly increased tenfold, even colder than the bone-chilling cold. Before he could finish his words, he had already rushed towards Hua Weiyang. This time, he knew that the other party was not Xiao Yichen, and he felt sad in his heart. No more fear, no more room for action!

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