After finding the Eye of the Flaming Sun, Xiao Chen did not hesitate. He condensed the true energy in his hand and sent the Ring of the Flaming Sun over at once. It was the same as when he had collected the Eye of the Cold Pond. The difference was that now he had to bear It was no longer a bone-chilling cold, but a burning heat.

I don't know how much time passed like this, but the scorching heat became heavier and heavier. Xiao Chen could no longer bear it. His whole body seemed to be about to be baked dry, especially in the depths of the magma, which made it difficult for him to move. Even if No matter how high your cultivation level is, it will be difficult to display it.

At this time, the fighting above the valley was getting more and more intense, especially between Shen Cangming and the Lord of Shura. The two of them left no room at all, seeking victory in the face of danger. The sky and the earth were all battlefields for the two of them. In an instant, The attack has caused landslides and ground cracks nearby.

The cultivators of Wuwuhai in the distance have already retreated out of sight. If they were to take part in such a battle between strong men, even if they came even a little closer, they would be completely wiped out physically and mentally if they were unlucky.

After fighting like this for half a stick of incense, the atmosphere became more tense. The battle between the strong seemed to be devastating, and it was impossible to kill the opponent with one move. But in fact, both sides were surrounded by dangers. A little carelessness could lead to life or death. That's it. ❆✰

At this moment, seeing that he could not attack for a long time, the Lord of Shura sank his breath, gathered the surrounding flames, and caused the flames to surround his body. He was still as motionless as a mountain, and with a single movement of his fingers, the breath was strengthened several times, and even his pupils were also It became faintly blood red.


The Lord of Shura shouted in a deep voice and launched his ultimate move instantly. The flames all over the sky were like a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, rushing towards Shen Cangming crazily. Who could withstand such a terrifying offensive?


Unexpectedly, Shen Cangming's eyes were indifferent, and with a roll of his sleeves, a large piece of lava was attracted. With a "bang", the two men faced each other fiercely, which immediately caused the sky to be filled with flames, the mountains were shaking, and the smoke was billowing, completely covering a ten-mile radius. It turned into a sea of ​​blazing fire.

Shen Cangming was as angry as the abyss. After one move, he remained unmoved. The next move attracted the sky full of flames, like the roar of an ancient angry god, and rushed towards the Lord of Shura.

Suddenly, the world was plunged into a terrifying scene of flaming fire, as if the end of the world was coming. Lord Shura tried his best to resist, but in the end the situation was too close. Unexpectedly, there was a sudden fire in the sky. The palm hit his chest, causing him to spurt out a mouthful of blood and fly backwards.

In the distance, Blood Shura was suddenly startled and immediately broke away from the fight of the Bone Corrosion Hall Master. He flew up in an instant and supported the Shura Master. The black mist on the Shura Master's body was much lighter, as if he had been caught by Shen Cangming's blow. The palm was shaken away, but on his chest, there was a black mist of death wrapped around him.

The Lord of Shura couldn't help being startled, and Shen Qi shook, shaking away the death energy from his chest. When he looked at Shen Cangming again, there was already a hint of fear in his eyes.

"A clone also wants to kill me. Do you think you are Si You..."

Shen Cangming walked over slowly, his eyes still cold and indifferent, looking at the Lord of Shura, and the Lord of Shura felt a bit chilly at this time. What came today was indeed just a clone, and his true self remained in Shura Tao, can't come out easily.

"In that case... let's keep this clone."

Shen Cangming's eyes were indifferent. As soon as he finished speaking, his eyes turned cold. The moment he raised his palms, a large black mist of death condensed in the air. Both Lord Shura and Blood Shura were shocked. They controlled life and death!

How can it be? He had already used it to control life and death once before. How could he use it a second time in such a fast time?

Seeing that the terrible aura of death was about to envelope them, both of them were startled. They did not hesitate at this time and recited the incantation at the same time. In an instant, they turned into two streaks of blood mist and fled to the distant sky. Perhaps the two of them were No one would have expected that in just ten years, Shen Cangming's Taoism would improve for more than a hundred years.

The cultivators in the distance were hiding in the crevices of the rocks and did not dare to come out. Their faces were full of horror. Could it be that even the Lord of Shura was not his opponent? No, this Lord of Shura is just a clone, but even so, how terrifying is this Shen Cangming...

As the Blood Shura and the Lord of Shura escaped, the area quickly became quiet again, with only the rolling magma making bursting sounds from time to time.

At this moment, Meng Xian'er suddenly felt a bone-chilling chill, and immediately knew something was wrong. Now that there was no Blood Shura and the Lord of Shura, she was isolated here. How could she be Shen Cangming's opponent?

Without even thinking about it, she raised the Jade Lotus Platform and tried to escape. However, she was a step too late. Shen Cangming raised his palm, and a gust of wind suddenly came out. With a "bang", she was stopped forcibly.

Meng Xian'er was sweating profusely behind her back. Not to mention that she had consumed a huge amount today, even in her prime, she would never be Shen Cangming's opponent.

She and Shen Cangming both lived more than 300 years ago. Although their cultivation times are not much different, Shen Cangming is as talented as Ling Yin, but she was just a young disciple of Mengxian Sect at the time. How could she be comparable to him? Compare? Unless she can fully understand the mystery of Jade Girl's Mysterious Eclipse Technique, she may not be able to fight against him.

At this moment, Luo Yao'er also changed her expression. She knew very well what Shen Cangming's methods were. He was a cold-blooded person with no emotions at all. He only had hatred and resentment in his heart. If his junior sister fell into his hands, There is no doubt that he will die, and he will never have any sympathy for her.

Meng Xian'er obviously understood this immediately. Without thinking about it, she pointed her finger and the Ice Jade Lotus suddenly burst into white light and roared towards Shen Cangming. She didn't expect to be able to hit Shen Cangming hard with one blow. She just wanted to use it as a weapon. Bing Yulian blocked it for a few moments, and then took the opportunity to escape.

But she didn't expect that even if she was as powerful as a treasure like Bing Jade Lotus, Shen Cangming almost completely ignored it. With a flick of his sleeves, Bing Jade Lotus was pushed back. The next moment, before she could react, she only felt a breath. Choking, Shen Cangming had already grabbed his throat from the air.


Meng Xian'er's face turned pale immediately, and then slowly turned red. Such a peerless beauty, not to mention having such an immortal aura, all the Wuwang Hai cultivators hiding in the cracks of the rocks in the distance couldn't help but pity her. Love, but they probably already know what the outcome will be for those who fall into Shen Cangming's hands.

The moment Meng Xian'er was captured, Luo Yao'er also trembled slightly, a pale look flashed across her face, but she soon recovered.

Shen Cangming glanced at her lightly, "Could it be that the Master of Ecstasy Palace... knows this person?"


Luo Yaoer was stunned for a moment, only to feel a tremor all over her body. The next moment, a cold feeling came from behind. Qingchan and Mingtong also looked at her. At this time, she would never dare to say anything about Meng Xianer. He shook his head, "Subordinate... I don't know this person."


Shen Cangming's eyes were still indifferent. As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly exerted force with his palms. Meng Xian'er immediately let out a muffled groan. Her face suddenly turned extremely pale, and then a wisp of blood slowly flowed out from the corner of her mouth.

"Junior sister..." Luo Yao'er was even more shocked, and her body couldn't help but tremble, but at this moment, she would never dare to say anything about Meng Xian'er.

At this moment, there was a sudden tremor below the valley, and magma surged to both sides. A figure suddenly flew up from below, with a blazing breath of fire all over his body, and struck Shen Cangming with a palm. .

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