"Princess, you are still recovering, so be careful..."

The originally solemn atmosphere in the hall seemed to have eased due to the sudden words that sounded outside. Everyone looked outside and saw a girl in white, supported by a young man, slowly walking up to the hall. Come.

The girl was seventeen or eighteen years old, and she was very good-looking, but her face was a little pale, and her steps were gentle, like a weak willow supporting the wind, which made people feel pity for her.

She is none other than the little princess of Lei Xia Kingdom, named Yunyi, who has been frail and sick since she was a child. The young man next to her is her personal bodyguard, three years older than her, and has grown up with her. , was given the name Qianye by King Lei Xia. ✱

"Yi'er... why are you out?"

King Lei Xia stood up from the dragon chair at once, looking quite nervous. Although the little princess's face was a little pale at this time, when she smiled, she was as beautiful and flawless as the clouds in the sky. "Father, don't worry, the clothes are beautiful." Yi is fine, I just heard that something happened today, so I pestered Aye to come over and have a look..."

At this point, she stuck out her tongue and looked a little playful, "Yiyi must come out. Father, don't blame Aye..."


King Lei Xia flicked his sleeves and looked at the young guard, "Qianye, didn't I tell you? Let the princess have a good rest and don't walk around. Why did you bring her out?"

The young guard lowered his head and raised his hands above his head, "Please forgive me, the king, Qianye, Qianye is just..."


Without waiting for Qianye to continue speaking, the little princess pulled his sleeves, pulled his hand down, and looked at her father at the head of the palace with a pouted mouth, "Father just said it's not Aye's fault. Yiyi must pester Aye to come out..."

"That's all..."

King Lei Xia shook his hand. He knew that Qianye could not be blamed in any case. Yunyi had been suffering from a strange disease since she was a child. Anyone who came close to her would have their vitality damaged. Even some cats and dogs would be affected if they came close to her. She couldn't live for more than a few days, and over time, no one dared to approach her anymore. Only Qianye grew up with her...


The little princess smiled and ran towards the head of the palace. Qianye was slightly startled and quickly stepped forward to support her, "Princess, please slow down.

"It's fine."

The little princess stuck out her tongue at him, and when she passed by Xiao Chen, her face was stunned for a moment, but she quickly recovered and continued walking to the head of the palace. Even though all the civil and military officials were present at this moment, In her eyes, the man at the head of the palace was not a king, but just her doting father.

"Yi'er, are you feeling better?"

King Lei Xia smiled and stroked her hair lovingly. The little princess smiled, and her face became a little more lively and cute. "I'm fine, father, don't worry."


King Lei Xia nodded slightly, looked at Xiao Chen and Meng Xian'er again, and said, "Yi'er, these are Mr. Xiao and Meng Xian'er. It's them two who are helping us repel the alien race today."

The little princess turned around and looked at the two of them with her big, watery eyes. When her eyes fell on Xiao Chen, she still felt a little strange, but she quickly came back to her senses and said with a slight smile, "Just now Brother Xiao and Sister Meng, do you have any requests..."

When she said this, she looked at her father beside her, "Since the master has promised them in advance, Yi'er feels that they should honor it."

Her voice was the only one in the entire hall. All the officials below were silent, and Xiao Chen's eyes fell on this girl at this time.

When the girl came in just now, he had already discovered that there was a hidden aura of death in the girl's body. If this continued, she would have at most three years left to live. No wonder Situ Wenqing and the second prince were going to Leize Land. Looking for Zhu Guo, it turned out that he wanted to cure the girl's disease, but the girl's disease was not a disease, but life.


King Lei Xia smiled knowingly, looked at Qin Xiangguo on the left, and said, "Xiang Guo will go to Lei Xia Secret Realm with Taifu..."

"My lord, I obey..."

Qin Xiangguo stood up, bowed his head and cupped his hands. With King Lei Xia speaking, he did not dare to say anything more even if he was not convinced.

When dusk fell, the group of people arrived outside the Leixia Secret Realm. Situ Wenqing and Qin Xiangguo took out their respective keys to the secret realm, and then chanted the incantation. In this way, the Leixia Secret Realm was opened. In a short period of time, this secret realm could not be opened. It can no longer be closed, and the area needs to be heavily guarded.

"This is the Leixia Secret Realm, Mr. Xiao, Fairy Meng, please."

Situ Wenqing made a "please" gesture to Xiao Chen and Meng Xian'er, while Qin Xiangguo stood beside him, with his hands in his sleeves, his face still looking unhappy, and he said abruptly, "The secret realm is an unusual place. You two should be careful not to offend the feng shui inside."

Xiao Chen and Meng Xian'er ignored him and walked straight into the secret realm. Naturally, many people followed them, including the second prince.

When we arrived at the secret realm, we could see the shadows of the trees dancing under the twilight, and the tombs of emperors resting peacefully here. The further we walked, the more indescribably eerie the feeling became. Maybe it was getting later and later. .

Along the way, Xiao Chen also saw many exotic flowers and colorful vines, making this place look even more like an unreal place.

"How's it going? Did you find what you two were looking for?" After walking all the way, Qin Xiangguo suddenly said coldly.

Xiao Chen still ignored him and continued to follow the breath of the Eye of Spiritual Vein, going deeper. This secret realm was very large, and it was not as seen from the outside. After walking for a long time, the sky gradually darkened, and the surroundings were also dark. It's getting quieter and quieter.

Finally, he stopped. The people behind him suddenly stopped when they saw him. The second prince stepped forward and asked, "How is it? But have you found the eye of spiritual veins you mentioned?"

Not far ahead was the most special mausoleum. Xiao Chen did not continue walking forward, but looked at the soil under his feet and said, "The Eye of the Spiritual Vein is right below."

"Master Xiao...are you sure it's correct?"

Situ Wenqing also walked up, with a slightly solemn expression on his face. Xiao Chen looked at the ground again and said, "You can't be wrong. The Eye of the Spiritual Vein is right below, about a thousand feet underground." ”


Situ Wenqing couldn't help but frowned. He remembered clearly that this was the emperor's mausoleum. Deep underground, there was an underground mausoleum, which was the tomb of the first emperor of the Leixia Kingdom. He asked, "Then how are you going to put it?" Bring the Eye of Spiritual Veins up?"

Xiao Chen shook his head, "It can't be brought up. Each of the seven spiritual eyes contains an infinite power. If they are used rashly, it may bring unimaginable disasters."

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