"Earth veins..."

Youchang and Youqin both looked at each other with concentration. If the change in Lei Ze was caused by earth veins, it is very likely that the eyes of spiritual veins would appear nearby. If the eyes of spiritual veins appeared in Lei Ze again, wouldn't he... …Does he want to go into such a terrifying place just now? The two of them couldn't understand.

"You are now traveling day and night to return to the Heaven of No Desire."

Xiao Chen looked at the two of them, and after finishing speaking, he took out two spiritual talismans from his sleeves, and with a flick of his finger, two rays of mana were injected into the talismans, along with two jet-black flames.

"Put these two talismans on your body. If you are in danger, you can use them."


Youchang took the talisman he handed over, with a complicated expression on his face at this moment. Perhaps it was because he had hurt Hua Weiyang again and again, so over the years, Youchang didn't like Xiao Chen, and even still harbored a little hatred towards him. meaning.

But at this moment, holding the amulet seal given by the other party, Youchang's hand squeezed tighter and tighter. He didn't know why, but felt uncomfortable. Hua Weiyang was injured ten years ago. He had always blamed Xiao Chen, but... what about himself? ? If I were stronger, how could I let the princess get hurt...

There was gradually a look of pain on You Chang's face. He recalled that in the past, when he was in the Nether Realm, the princess was always lonely when she was a child. Because of her special status, no one dared to approach her or play with her. Only she and Youqin, the Second Highness, let them grow up together with her...

But why, why are my memories with Youqin always vague, and I can’t recall any memories about the past, before I met the princess...

"in addition……"

Just when Youchang was immersed in memories, Xiao Chen spoke again. Youchang suddenly raised his head, looked at him and said, "What else do you want?"

Xiao Chen took a deep breath and said, "Be careful." As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and stood with his hands behind his back, no longer looking at the two people behind him.

Youchang was stunned for a moment, pinched his fingers and said, "Of course I know, I want you to remind you..." After saying that, he glanced at Youqin, "Youqin, let's go."

Youqin frowned slightly, looked at Xiao Chen, and finally went outside without saying a word with Youchang.

After the two of them walked far away, Youchang stopped and looked back, but Xiao Chen could no longer be seen. He snorted coldly, "That Leng Bingcube, does he also know how to care about people?"

Youqin frowned and looked at him, "Okay, please stop saying a few words in the future. What happened back then... isn't entirely his fault." At this point, a trace of obvious pain flashed across her face. "Over the years, , he ran around for the princess, and his hair turned white. The princess never said anything, but do you know how uncomfortable she felt, so this time she returned to Wuyutian, and she could not tell the princess about Lei Ze under any circumstances... … Let’s just say we picked up this red fruit.

Xiao Chen and Meng Xian'er were still standing where they were just now. Even though they had left the Land of Lei Ze for a long time, they could still feel the strange movement coming from there.

Neither of them spoke. After a long time, Meng Xianer turned around, looked at him and said, "Are you really going back there?"

It's really unbelievable to think that just now, the four people escaped from death with great difficulty, and now they have to go back.

Xiao Chen was silent. In fact, when he was inside, when he left the Immortal Valley, flew up from the bottom of the cliff, and felt the power of the earth veins, he had already thought clearly about the reason why he had to risk his life just now. He escaped because he wanted Youqin and Youchang to go back alive and bring Zhu Guo back alive. But now, he wanted to enter Leize again and track down the eye of spiritual veins.

After a long time, he turned his head, looked at Meng Xian'er and said, "It's dangerous and dangerous, and there may be a narrow escape from death. Fairy doesn't need to be with me."

Meng Xian'er also looked at him. At first, there was still some hesitation on her face. Now after hearing what the other party said, her heart slowly calmed down. She still didn't say anything, only holding the map in her hand. The scroll was slowly handed to him.

Xiao Chen took the map scroll she handed over, nodded, said no more, turned around and flew towards the land of thunder, and his figure gradually disappeared under the heavy thunder clouds.

It was too dangerous to return to Leize again. Meng Xianer stared at his disappearing figure, frowning and saying nothing.

Going all the way deep into the land of Lei Ze, I saw low thunderclouds ahead, and the rolling thunder shook this ancient and quiet land. The thousand-foot lightning that pierced the sky seemed to tear and destroy everything.

Xiao Chen came to the middle of a canyon and saw two peaks facing each other across the abyss. Under the thunderous sky, there was an aura of majesty and majesty.

Right here, Xiao Chen tried his best to probe into the ground with his spiritual consciousness to feel any abnormal spiritual energy. As the rolling thunder became more and more dense, sure enough, he found a trace of residual spiritual energy. Beneath the vast underground between the two peaks, there was filled with rolling magma, which was unusually hot, and a trace of spiritual power actually passed through the magma.

This discovery made the expression on Xiao Chen's face immediately become solemn. There was spiritual power passing through the depths of the ground, causing drastic changes in the world of Leize above. In all likelihood, it was the Eye of the Spiritual Vein, and it was just the Eye of the Spiritual Vein. If the eye moves, it will move very fast and wander around the ground at will. It is not easy to track it.

At this moment, suddenly a 100-foot-high thunder struck towards the canyon. Xiao Chen immediately reacted, unfolded his body skills and moved forward.

However, the further he went, the more dense the thunderclouds became. Along the way, he had seen many burnt corpses with billowing smoke. The scene was really terrible. It must have been those cultivators who failed to escape in the end. By.

I don’t know how long I have been tracking like this. The thunderclouds in the sky are getting denser and denser, and the rolling thunder is getting more and more terrifying. There are almost no traces of people here, and not even a body can be seen. Going forward, we should reach the thunder The depths of the river are deep.

Xiao Chen hesitated for a moment. With his current cultivation level, he was not able to withstand this thunder. However, if he loses track of the Eye of Spiritual Vein, he may not be able to find it again next time. If Shen Cangming's people are allowed to seize it, If you seize the opportunity, you will inevitably lose this eye of spiritual veins.

After weighing it again and again, he finally decided to take the risk. With a movement of his body, he went to the depths of Leize. Once he entered the depths of Leize, it was not as easy as he imagined. He walked forward for about a hundred miles, in all directions. Thunder from the sky kept hitting him, and every time there was danger, if he didn't pay attention, his life would almost be in danger.

The further he went, the more terrifying the sky thunder became. In the end, Xiao Chen had no way to escape and was trapped in a thunder field. Seeing that the thunderclouds around him were getting denser and denser, he increased his speed to the limit, but Still can't break out of this minefield.


There was a loud noise, and lightning pierced the gloomy sky, and four or five thunderbolts struck him from different directions.

This time, even if he could take care of the thunder in front and left, how could he block the thunder behind him? Even the mysterious realm in the painting cannot be opened at this time.

At this critical moment, a white light suddenly flew from behind, and with a "boom", he blocked the thunder behind him.

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