This was an old man in green clothes who was full of energy and with a ruddy complexion. Xiao Chen recognized him at a glance. He was the old man who was with the young master in brocade clothes before.

Half a month ago, when he was fighting for the Zhu Guo above, the old man did not take action. Now, half a month later, the other party actually came to this fairy valley.

This person's cultivation level was so advanced that even he could only make a rough estimate. When he saw the other person walking towards him, he said lightly, "I don't know what senior... has any advice."

The old man in green clothes stood with his hands behind his back, looked at him kindly, nodded, stretched out his left hand, smoothed the white beard under his chin, and said with a smile, "My cultivation is extraordinary. I am curious. I wonder where my teacher is from." Door?"

"No family, no sect..."

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold. Now he didn't like talking to others, but the old man in green was still looking at him, but he was thinking in his heart, when did such a powerful young man appear in Wuwanghai again? It seems that this person is not from Wuwanghai...

The smile on his face did not diminish. The old man in green smoothed his white beard and continued, "Half a month ago, my little friend jumped off the cliff. He should have found the thousand-year-old red fruit."

"so what……"

Xiao Chen also walked up slowly. At this moment, his expression was still indifferent. At that moment, he had already felt that the other party's target was not him, but the red fruit, so he was not surprised.

The old man in green clothes is still smiling. His identity is extraordinary. He is the Taifu of Leixia Kingdom, four small seas away. His name is Situ Wenqing. He was once the emperor's teacher. Not to mention his extremely high status, he His own cultivation level is also very high, and he is one of the few Hehe period masters in Lei Xia Kingdom. Anyone who meets him is extremely respectful. No one has ever spoken to him like this.

At this moment, Situ Wenqing's smile was still unabated. He knew very well that such a young man with extraordinary cultivation must have an extraordinary background. If he could avoid making enemies, he would try not to make enemies. He said with a smile, "I want to exchange my little friend for something." I wonder if I will accept this red fruit..."

Before he could finish his words, Xiao Chen interrupted, "A thousand pieces of gold are easy to get, but good luck is hard to find... I wonder what price Senior can afford? If I want Senior's life, will Senior be willing to exchange it?"

The atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward. Apparently Situ Wenqing also heard the meaning from his words at this moment. He probably wanted to use this red fruit to save the life of an important person. Since the life of an important person is at stake, then Not to mention a thousand gold, even if there are countless magic weapons in the world, it is difficult to exchange for this red fruit.

Xiao Chen said no more, passed by Situ Wenqing, and walked out of the woods. Situ Wenqing reacted quickly, stretched out her hand and grabbed his shoulder, "Little friend... wait a minute!"

Noticing the strong wind blowing behind him, Xiao Chen's eyes turned cold, and he flicked his sleeves back, and the same strong wind blew out, causing the fallen leaves all over the ground to swirl.

Situ Wenqing hesitated for a moment, then immediately changed his moves. With a "bang" sound, the two of them pressed hard against each other, causing the trees in the entire forest to sway and the broken leaves to rustle down.

Which sect's inner strength method is this?

Situ Wenqing only felt that the opponent's skill was as heavy as Mount Tai, and he couldn't help but feel condensed in his heart. He wanted to discover the skill that the other party practiced from this mysterious force. However, even if he was as skilled as him, it was difficult to find out what the young man in front of him was practicing. Kung Fu.

"My little friend has learned a profound skill. It's better for the two of us to compete and learn from each other. If I lose, how about I exchange the Zhu Guo with the old man?"

Situ Wenqing still had a smile on his face. As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Chen didn't wait for his answer, but he was like a gust of wind.

Xiao Chen will not underestimate this person's advanced cultivation, not to mention that he has been refining the Hongmeng Purple Qi below for the past half month, and his true energy has not yet had time to recover, so he must not be careless at this time. When he feels the opponent's aura approaching, Turning around like lightning, he struck out with a palm. The palm force carried 70% of the energy, and the fallen leaves within a few feet in front of him were knocked into the sky.


There was another quick sound, and the two palms clashed again, like two giant mountains colliding together, causing both of them to feel shocked.

Situ Wenqing took two steps back, and couldn't help but secretly thought again, what a profound skill, but this time, he still couldn't find out which sect the skill the other party practiced came from.

"My little friend has a mellow skill, which is indeed beyond the reach of others..."

As soon as his eyes were focused, Situ Wenqing deployed his body skills again and attacked. This time, he was seen walking in confusion, his body skills were changing, and he was unpredictable like a ghost. In an instant, he had already attacked in front of Xiao Chen. However, When this move was struck, Xiao Chen's figure suddenly disappeared, but a shadow was left on the spot. He had instantly moved behind Situ Wenqing.

Sensing the cold murderous aura coming from behind, Situ Wenqing's heart froze. He had never expected that the opponent's movements were so fast. Without thinking, he turned around and struck out with a palm. The two palms met again, and the situation suddenly changed. Flying, the valley is shaken.

They fought like this for a while. Neither of them used any great magical powers, nor did they use the magical flying sword. However, every move was extremely counter-attacking and extremely dangerous. As long as one party is not careful, then Victory and defeat are decided.

The movements of the two were getting faster and faster at this time. Gradually, the entire forest was filled with the afterimages of the two of them. Ordinary people might not even be able to see clearly what was going on in the forest.

At this moment, Situ Wenqing suddenly pushed his inner energy to the limit. He seemed to have finally seized the opportunity and grabbed Xiao Chen's arm. This time, the outcome would be decided!

Sure enough, Xiao Chen couldn't avoid this blow. However, when he grabbed his wrist, Situ Wenqing thought he had succeeded. Unexpectedly, at this moment, for some reason, his whole body seemed to be shocked by electricity. He trembled violently, and then immediately let go. He took Xiao Chen's hand and hurriedly stepped back.

Looking at his face again, it suddenly became a little pale, and his eyes were full of surprise, looking at the young man in front of him in disbelief.

The moment he touched Xiao Chen, for some reason, all he saw in his eyes was death. He saw that this young man's body was full of death. Those great demons who had been dead for countless years, Immortal Miao Miao actually surrounded this young man...

The cultivation level has reached his level, which is still one step away from the great creation. Where can I see these ominous dead things? At this moment, I only saw him looking at Xiao Chen's feet. In the end, he couldn't help but shake his head. While shaking his head, he kept backing away. Ominous, alas, you have too much death energy, I'd better stay away from you..."

This time, the smile finally disappeared from Situ Wenqing's face. At this time, he seemed to finally understand the scene he saw on the cliff more than half a month ago. When those people tried to stop the young man in front of him, they all failed. He died inexplicably without any wounds on his body. Now he seems to know what happened.

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