The terrain of the cliff was steep, and everyone did not dare to fly into the air, so they could only walk close to the rocks. Xiao Chen was seen weaving in and out of the crowd, his speed almost reached the limit, his toes did not touch the ground, and there was no grass or blade on the edge of the cliff. , and even stones flying into the air can be used by him.

However, when he was still less than twenty feet away from the fairy tree, suddenly a figure came over, obviously to prevent him from approaching the fairy tree. It was not just this figure. In the blink of an eye, there were ten more people nearby. The remaining figures were all here to stop him.

These people were fierce in their attacks, attacking directly at the life gate. Xiao Chen moved his feet a little, spread out his Lingxian Steps, walked around to a person's side, raised his palms, and manipulated life and death instantly. He saw that the person's eyebrows darkened, and his body It tilted and fell down the cliff.

This scene happened too fast, and more than a dozen people couldn't see it clearly. After the man fell off the cliff, another man had already attacked. This man also left no room for action. His five fingers turned into claws and grabbed Xiao Chen's throat, but he didn't get close yet. , just like the person before, his life was taken away by manipulation in an instant.

In just a short moment, five or six of the dozen or so people had been manipulated to death. They were ruthless in their attacks, but they did not expect that the person in front of them would be even more ruthless in their attacks.

I saw that he killed five or six people in an instant. What was even weirder was that those people died in an instant. They died suddenly without touching them at all. There were no wounds on their bodies. It was really weird. The rest People no longer dare to get closer at this time.

In the distance, many people looked at the white-haired man in shock. It was so weird. What kind of technique was it? It killed people in an instant without touching them. It was extremely weird.

To the northwest, the young man in Jin Yi and the old man in Tsing Yi are also looking here. The young man in Jin Yi has an uncertain look on his face, while the old man in Tsing Yi is thoughtful.

His cultivation level is far higher than that of others here. Others failed to see clearly, but he just saw clearly that the young man definitely did not touch anyone, nor did he hurt those people at all, but he Taking away the lives of those people in an instant, just like being able to control a person's life and death. What kind of trick is this? Even though he had seen countless miraculous skills in his life, he could not find any similar ones. ❁✧

"Taifu, that man is about to get the Zhu Guo."

At this time, the young man in Jinyi next to him suddenly frowned and said.

The old man in green clothes slowly came back to his senses, shook his head and said, "Don't worry, Old Monster Qi won't let him succeed, let's wait and see." As he spoke, he looked in the other direction.

I saw a skinny old man over there heading towards the cliff at a very fast speed, killing all the people who stood in front of this man. He was the skinny old man who was sitting under the stone in the southeast just now. He was nicknamed "Qi Laoxie" because he was not from Sixiaohai, so most people here didn't know him.

"Anyone who comes within three feet of me will be killed without mercy!"

I saw that he was filled with murderous aura and his eyes were as cold as ice. He really looked like a murderous god. Some people died under his palms before they even reacted and turned into a blood mist. Compared to Xiao Chen's weird killing over there. His methods seemed much more bloody.

"He...hehe period!"

Finally, a few cultivators of the Soul Transformation came to their senses. The thin, decisive old man in front of them was not the Cave Ruins Realm, nor the Xutian Realm, but a master who had reached the Hehe Stage!

Upon hearing the three words "Hehe Period", many people shuddered. They never expected that a Zhu Guo would actually attract the experts from the He He Period. Those who originally planned to continue fighting for the Zhu Guo People all hid in the distance at this time.

Even though ten years have passed and a large amount of spiritual energy has poured into the entire Xianyuan ancient land, there are still only a few people who can reach the Hehe stage. The Hehe stage is completely different from the Xutian realm, which is only a realm of Taoism. , but the Hehe period is the initial stage of becoming a saint. There is no way to judge between the two.

Obviously, Qi Laoxie has realized the way of heaven and has reached the stage of harmony. He has practiced Taoism for at least 1,200 years. The cultivators of spiritual transformation here only have a few hundred years of Taoism. How can they walk in his hands? one move? If you insist on rushing forward to stop him, it is the same as committing suicide.

Soon, Qi Laoxie had rushed near the ancient immortal tree, and no one dared to stop him. At this time, Xiao Chen also arrived nearby.

This time, everyone's eyes were focused on the two of them. One was a master in the Hehe period, and the other killed invisible people with extremely weird skills. They wanted to see if these two people would fight to the death. In the end, Zhu The fruit falls into whose hands.

Apparently Qi Laoxie also noticed that the white-haired young man in front of him was unusual. He had an aura that no one could match.

If he were an ordinary person, he would have killed him with one palm and was too lazy to talk nonsense. But at this moment, he knew that the person in front of him was not easy to deal with. He said gloomily, "Young man, you still have a lot of time, so there is no need to come and fight with a dying person." You took this fruit, right? How about giving it to me? I will definitely return this favor to you in the future."

Obviously, he is about to reach the end of his life, but he has been unable to reach the true stage of the cave. He has no choice but to use these thousand-year red fruits to extend his life, or he can only find other ways to seize the body and change the soul, but the latter is obviously It is not as good as the former. Although there are people in the world who have succeeded in seizing the body and changing the soul, it will also damage the practice.

Xiao Chen glanced at him and said calmly, "I want to use this red fruit to save people, but I'm afraid I can't give it to my senior." As he said this, he reached out for the red fruit.


Qi Laoxie snorted coldly, said no more, and raised his palm fiercely, hitting him with blood. This palm was extremely powerful. Xiao Chen couldn't take one slap, so he had to turn around and strike out with one palm, two The collision of human palms caused the nearby mountains to collapse and the ground to crack, causing dust to fly.

The remaining energy surged out, and even people far away felt their breath suffocated. The masters of the Hehe period were certainly not easy, but they did not expect that the white-haired man's skills were so profound. He was not at all affected by the skinny old man. Shocked by a palm, could it be that he has also entered the Hehe stage? It’s really hard to imagine…

Qi Laoxie's eyes were cold, and with just one palm, he knew that the opponent's skill was definitely not inferior to his own, but he was determined to get that Zhu Guo today. Suddenly, with murderous intention in his palm, a thick stream of blood rushed toward Xiao Chen. , only to see countless streaks of blood mist instantly form between his palms. I don’t know what kind of evil magic this is, but it must be extremely powerful.

"It's the Blood Soul Curse..."

In the distance, Meng Xian'er's eyes narrowed, and she saw that the blood mist had enveloped Xiao Chen. At this time, she did not hesitate, and condensed the real energy in her palms, and instantly formed an ice thorn about a foot long, "whoosh" With a sound, he shot towards the cliff.

This ice thorn came with great force. Qi Laoxie sensed the murderous intention and had to stop his attack and turned back his palm to resist the ice thorn. Xiao Chen had already taken advantage of this moment to break the blood mist restraint and stretched out his hand towards the branch. The thousand-year-old Zhu Guo was captured.

Qi Laoxie was slightly startled, and quickly used his power to block it. The two people's profound strength collided again, and a "boom" sound made the cliff tremble. At this time, the red fruit on the tree was fully mature, and was blown away by the two people. With a shock, it finally fell off the branch and fell into the bottomless abyss.

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