
At this moment, a cold murderous intent flashed through the eyes of the five men in black. However, one of the rules of the black market is that no fighting is allowed in the black market. Once you leave the black market, no one will care what happens.

"That thing just now, was it the 'Ring of the Sun'?"

After leaving the shop, Meng Xian'er sent a secret message to Xiao Chen. She didn't recognize the ring of spiritual veins, but just guessed it from Xiao Chen's eyes.

There are seven spiritual veins in the world, namely Hantan, Yanri, Longyuan, Jupo, Amaterasu, Youquan, and Chitian.

There are naturally seven eyes of spiritual veins, and at the same time, there are seven special spiritual vein rings. These seven special spiritual vein rings were created by countless craftsmen who devoted their whole lives in ancient times. They are naturally more special than ordinary ones. The Universal Spiritual Vein Ring is even more powerful.

When Xiao Chen came to Wuwanghai, he only brought a universal spiritual vein ring. Such a spiritual vein ring was also made by skilled craftsmen and had powerful power. However, compared to the seven special spiritual vein rings, it was Much weaker.

But at the moment, he did not expect that the Ring of the Burning Sun would appear in such a small black market. Maybe there is some divine will. What appeared in the Wuwu Sea this time might be the Eye of the Burning Sun. , if it weren’t for the Eye of the Burning Sun, then the Ring of the Burning Sun he just got would be of no use just this time.

At this moment, the people nearby were watching him leave like no one else, and some people started talking in low voices. There were not many people who could walk sideways in Wuwu Sea, and who was this person in front of him? So arrogant... ✿

The five people from the Ziyun Sect behind them had frosty faces at the moment, and murderous intentions were secretly in their hearts. The five people looked at each other. They couldn't do anything in the black market, but once they left the black market, no one would care.

When they came to another place, Meng Xianer whispered, "The five people just now seemed a little unconvinced, and they had quite a murderous aura..."

Xiao Chen said lightly, "It's just a few boys, do you care?"

Meng Xian'er smiled. Considering their status, they really looked down on this kind of young man, and there was no need to even say a word to him.

When the two of them were walking forward, a figure suddenly appeared in front of them. It was a middle-aged man wearing blue clothes. Xiao Chen glanced at this man, he just transformed into a god, but looked at him at this time. He seemed to have something to ask of him and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

"My master, I would like to invite two friends to meet at the Immortal Square tonight."

The man said with a smile on his face. Meng Xianer's eyes narrowed, she looked at him and said lukewarmly, "Who is your master?"

The man was still smiling, "You two will know it when you see me."

Meng Xian'er's expression slightly condensed, thinking who could this person be? It is impossible for them to be people from the Imperial City and Ecstasy Palace, nor from Wuyan Cangming, but looking at the appearance at this time, this person seems to know the identities of the two of them. It seems that the force to which the other party belongs is in Wuyi Cangming. Wan Hai is by no means small, otherwise how could he know the identity of the two of them and control their whereabouts. perform

Thinking of this, she looked at Xiao Chen beside her, but Xiao Chen's face was plain and indifferent, making it impossible to see through what he was thinking.

"lead the way."

At night in Huangsha City, some places are dark and cold, while other places are lively and prosperous. Juxianfang is the busiest place in the city. Every time night falls, the lights here have just begun.

Xiao Chen and Meng Xian'er followed the middle-aged man in Qingyi through several lighted alleys in Juxianfang, and finally entered a restaurant in a deep alley.

There were already people waiting in the room on the third floor of the restaurant. The middle-aged man in green led the two of them upstairs to the door and gently knocked the door knocker: "Master, our two friends are here."


I just heard an old voice coming from the room, "Please two friends, please come in and talk."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man in green immediately opened the door, extended his hand to Xiao Chen and Meng Xian'er and said "Two friends, please."

Inside the room, an old man in red was sitting, pouring wine into three wine glasses. As soon as Xiao Chen walked into the room, he felt a biting chill coming from the other person's body.

The old man's breath was calm. There were three wine glasses in front of him. The wine went into the glasses without spilling a drop. On his eyebrows, there was a blood mark. I don't know what this blood mark was.

The three glasses of wine were filled. The old man flicked his sleeves, and an internal force was born out of thin air. The two glasses immediately spun with a whirring sound and flew towards Xiao Chen and Meng Xian'er.

The two of them stretched out their hands to catch the flying wine glass. They used the same inner strength to prevent a drop of the wine from spilling. They both had the same profound skills. If they were ordinary people, even spiritual transformation cultivators would definitely catch it. I can't stand the old man's two glasses of wine.

"Friends, please."

There was a hint of chill in the old man's voice. After speaking, he picked up the wine glass in front of him and drank it all in one gulp.

Xiao Chen didn't hesitate and drank all the wine in his hand. He threw the cup back, and with a bang, it fell to the ground and shattered. Then he heard him say calmly, "Who is your Excellency?"

The old man slowly put down the empty cup in his hand, and finally raised his head. At this moment, he saw two cold bloody lights flashing in his pupils. Seeing these two bloody lights, the face of the cultivator of the Spirit Transformation at the door changed. White, suddenly like falling into an ice cellar.

However, Meng Xian'er's expression was as usual at this time, and she said calmly, "I have passed away without a trace. I never thought that I could meet the famous Blood Shura Senior in the Shura Dao in this small gathering of immortals. I am really lucky..."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the whole room became even more solid. Xiao Chen remained silent. Naturally, he still remembered the words "Xue Shura" when he came to Wuwanghai and crossed the desert. Find those people in Black Wind Ridge.

The owner of Heifeng Ridge claimed to have a foster father in the Wuwu Sea, named Blood Shura. However, the people in Heifeng Ridge did many evil things, and even a hundred deaths would not be enough. On that day, Meng Xianer still took the people of Heifeng Ridge into his own hands. Everyone was killed.

Could it be that Blood Shura invited them here tonight because he planned to avenge his adopted son? I saw him slowly raising his hand: "Two friends... please sit down."

A chill gradually filled the room, and Xiao Chen could also feel the cold and bloody air on this man's body. It seemed that not even ten thousand but eight thousand people had died at the hands of this man over the years.

But at this time, he and Meng Xian'er's expressions remained unchanged, and they sat down slowly, with expressions that showed no fear of the Blood Shura in front of them. No matter how powerful this person was, but at this moment when the two of them joined forces, how much better could this person be? Odds? Unless Shura Dao ambushed thousands of masters nearby.

However, when the two of them came in, their spiritual consciousness had already known that there was no ambush within a hundred miles nearby. It seemed that Blood Shura was the only one here. Since he was the only one, he must not have come for revenge.

What's more, for such a useless trash person in Black Wind Ridge, is it necessary for Shura Dao to mobilize troops and mobilize a large number of people to avenge him? It's impossible even if you think about it.

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