The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 736 The magic scripture backfires

Meng Xian'er's face turned very pale. Before she could speak, Luo Yao'er stretched out her left hand and pressed it on her wrist with lightning speed. Upon closer inspection, she discovered that she was pregnant with another child. Completely different skills.

Luo Yao'er was born in the Mengxian Sect, so she is very familiar with the Jade Girl's Mysterious Eclipse Technique. If she practices the Jade Girl's Bingxin Jue, she cannot practice the second technique, otherwise it will easily taint the practice of the Jade Girl's Bingxin Jue. However, Just now, she clearly discovered that Meng Xianer also practiced another technique.

"Sister, what's going on?"

Luo Yao'er frowned and pressed Meng Xian'er's wrist tightly, "Tell me, have you practiced other techniques?"

Meng Xian'er's face was pale. She had never been so panicked before. At this moment, she was like a panicked deer with her heart beating fast. Originally, she tried her best to conceal the practice of magic scripture. But even if you can hide it from everyone else, how can you hide it from the senior sister in front of you who knows the Jade Girl's Mysterious Erosion Kung Fu?

"Tell me, yes or no?"

Luo Yao'er held her hand tightly. At this moment, her brows became tighter and tighter. Meng Xian'er wanted to break away, but she couldn't use her strength at this moment, so she could only say, "Sister, I'm fine... you, Just let me go!"

"No, it's impossible."

Luo Yaoer frowned and looked at her solemnly, "You must have practiced other skills, and this skill is not trivial and incomplete, so you suffered the backlash, right?"

Seeing her saying everything, Meng Xianer was stunned for a moment, and her pale face slowly began to regain its color. She originally wanted to keep hiding it, but at this moment, she didn't hide it anymore.


Luo Yaoer sighed heavily and looked at her shaking her head, "Why are you so confused? You have practiced for three hundred years, and now you have finally mastered the Jade Girl Bingxin Jue. Even if you encounter obstacles, how can you practice it? Other techniques? Didn't master say that you are not allowed to practice any other techniques when you practice Jade Girl's Mysterious Eclipse Technique? If you do this, won't you make it even more difficult to break through the obstacles of Jade Girl's Bingxin Technique?"


For a moment, Meng Xian'er didn't know what to say. It was indeed the case. She didn't know what the Ecstasy Bone Erosion Technique was, but the Jade Girl Bingxin Jue was indeed like this. While practicing the Jade Girl Bingxin Jue, she was not allowed to continue practicing other techniques. This She has been like this for more than three hundred years.

But in recent decades, she gradually discovered that Jade Girl Bingxin Jue seemed to be unable to continue practicing, as if she had encountered a huge obstacle. No matter what methods she tried, she could never break through this obstacle. Could it be that Is this the end of Jade Girl Bingxin Jue?

The journey of cultivation is like sailing against the current. If she does not advance, she will retreat. If she is unable to continue to practice, then her cultivation will retreat little by little. One day, she will lose all her cultivation. At that time, She has to do it all over again, but human lifespan is limited after all. How many times can she do it all over again? If you cannot reach the next level within the limited time, then once your life span is exhausted, you will have no chance again...

This is the case for many people. Once their lifespan is about to end, if they are still unable to reach the next level, they will often do some crazy actions at this time. When Xiao Chen went to the Eastern Continent to look for the Fusang Flower, he met This is the case for Luo Qinghe, the second owner of Luo's Villa.

Meng Xian'er is no exception. Although her life span has not yet expired, she is not an ordinary person. She finally decided to take risks and practice another skill.

Of course, this other skill cannot be an ordinary skill. There have been rumors about the "Magic Sutra" circulating in the magic world. Legend has it that this Magic Sutra is a strange book left from the heaven in ancient times. How awesome is that?

Meng Xian'er naturally set her sights on this magic book. Over the years, she had been searching for clues about the magic book. It was not until that time ten years ago that she finally found one of the books.

Some special skills in the world are taboo if they are not fully practiced. Everyone knows this truth, but there are many desperate people in this world. At that time, Meng Xianer's skills were actually beginning to slowly decline, so Even if she only found an incomplete magic scripture, she would have to drink poison to quench her thirst.

Although practicing the incomplete Demonic Sutra is tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst, it is a fact that her cultivation has greatly increased in the past ten years. She practiced the techniques in the Demonic Sutra and the Jade Girl Mysterious Erosion Technique at the same time, and while being careful, they almost fit together. Perfect.

However, no matter how perfectly the two sets of exercises are combined, the magic scripture is incomplete after all, and backlash is inevitable. When Bai Luan and Zi Yuan went to Mengxian Sect that day, she was practicing in the secret hall, and she had actually suffered backlash. However, It was just that he was forcibly suppressed later.

At this moment, Luo Yao'er saw the backlash in her body, and after repeated questioning, Meng Xian'er told everything.

"Magic Sutra..."

Luo Yao'er's eyes narrowed slightly. She naturally knew some about the rumors about this magic sutra, but at this moment, what she was concerned about was not this magic sutra, but Meng Xianer's practice of the Jade Girl Bingxin Jue. Why did it stagnate?

Her practice of Soul Ecstasy and Bone Erosion Technique has stagnated now because when she was expelled from her school, Zi Yanluo only taught her a small part of the Jade Girl Mysterious Erosion Technique, and she didn't know most of the subsequent heart secrets. If she knew the complete secret of Jade Girl's Mysterious Eclipse Skill, wouldn't it be limited to this now?

"I have heard about this magic sutra before. It is indeed extremely powerful. Its backlash cannot be underestimated. Otherwise, sister, how about I help you with your kung fu tonight?"

Luo Yaoer looked at the person in front of her and said softly.


There was a look of hesitation on Meng Xian'er's face. Today is no longer yesterday. When Luo Yao'er was in Meng Xian Sect, if Luo Yao'er wanted to comb her meridians, she would never hesitate. In the past, the two sisters were very close, not to mention practicing kung fu. , even bathing and changing clothes, they are all together, why not?

"What's wrong?"

"No, no... Then, I'll trouble my sister."

Meng Xian'er finally let down her guard, or maybe she had never been wary of Luo Yao'er.

"Just stay on that little couch. I'm the only one who has entered this room. Does my sister mind?"

" way."

Meng Xian'er slowly went to the couch and took off her clothes one by one. However, she saw that her ice muscles and jade bones were truly extraordinary. Even Luo Yao'er couldn't help but feel something in her heart. The Jade Girl Bing Xin Jue really has its own merits. As for its power, the Soul Ecstasy Bone Erosion Technique is indeed powerful, but there are always some aspects where it cannot compare to the Jade Girl Bingxin Technique.

Without the barrier of clothing, Luo Yaoer's movement was unimpeded, and she immediately sat behind her, with the real energy in her palm condensing and pressing against her back.

It stayed like this until the next morning, when the first ray of sunshine slanted in from the window. On the small couch, Meng Xian'er's eyes were slightly closed, while Luo Yao'er's face was already covered with cold sweat.

"Sister, how are you?"

As if she noticed that Luo Yao'er's aura was beginning to become disordered, Meng Xian'er couldn't help but frowned, with a slightly nervous look on her face.


Luo Yao'er slowly withdrew her power, frowned slightly, and said, "My sister has had this backlash for ten years. You must not continue to practice this magic scripture."

Meng Xian'er slowly opened her eyes. How could she not know that if she didn't practice the Demonic Sutra and the Jade Girl's Mysterious Eclipse Kung at the same time, it would be difficult to break through the obstacle of the Jade Girl's Mysterious Eclipse Kung Fu. And if she stopped practicing the Demonic Sutra, her cultivation would be ruined. Because it is bound to regress bit by bit until one day the skill completely disappears.

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