
Xiao Chen said no more, stepped into the air, and his figure gradually disappeared under the vast night.

Now that he has gone to Wuwanghai, the matter of spiritual veins will naturally take priority. In addition, if he can find a way to cure the backlash of Xuanyin in Weiyang's body, that would be great. Although Shen Jing's medical skills are superb, her qualifications are still young after all. If her master Luo Meifeng Maybe she can find a good cure in her next life, but it has been too difficult for her alone over the years.

The Wuwu Sea is located at the western extreme. You have to pass through a desert in the Western Region of Xianyuan, and then cross dangerous places of life and death before you can reach it. Although the distance is not as far as the Eastern Continent, it is not easy to get there smoothly. .

Seven days later, under the vast yellow sand, rows of neat hoofprints were seen extending to where the sun set. The sound of "ding-a-ling, ding-a-ling" kept ringing in the wind, but it was a camel team crossing the desert. .

The entire camel team consisted of about twenty or thirty people, seven or eight camels, and a large carriage. However, the horses pulling the carriage had been replaced by two large camels when they entered the desert.

This is not an ordinary camel team. The people inside are all martial arts practitioners with good martial arts skills. Although their kung fu is not as good as those who practice Xuanmen's inner skills, they can barely protect themselves in this world.

The sun gradually set in the west, and under the twilight, the desert became quieter and quieter. At this moment, a man riding on the back of a camel suddenly said, "Do you know? I heard someone say that in this desert, I don’t know when a Black Wind Ridge appeared. This Black Wind Ridge was extremely weird. It seemed like it could move in the desert. It had no fixed place. Wherever someone passed by, the Black Wind Ridge would move. The most terrifying thing was The thing is, the people in Black Wind Ridge are all extremely vicious and their methods are particularly cruel. Ordinary people are no match for them..."

"Old Qi, don't be scary here."

At this time, a man who looked a little older looked at the man riding the camel and said, "I think the rumors about Heifengling are deliberately made up by some people to scare people and make people panic. Whoever wants to cross this desert in the future, they will just sit back and raise the price, charging more than ten times more money for nothing.

The man said again, "Third brother, this is not nonsense. I heard about that half a year ago. There was a rich man who took his family across this desert. At that time, he hired thirty people to escort him. Everyone among them was a good player. Unexpectedly, they met the people from Heifengling that night. Before they could take action, those thirty people were taken down. The family members were all taken to Black Wind Ridge."

"Hey, Lao Qi, your story today is quite good. Now let's talk about it. What happened next? Were the master and his seventeen family members eaten alive by the people of Black Wind Ridge?"

At this time, a man in front turned around and laughed, then rode a camel and continued moving forward.

The man behind snorted and said with a smile, "Second brother, this is not a story I made up. If you want to listen, I will continue to tell you. At that time, the owner of Heifeng Ridge wanted 4.8 million taels of gold. Do you know why he wanted it?" Four million and eight hundred thousand taels of gold?”

"A head of one hundred thousand taels of gold, thirty people from the escort agency, one master, and seventeen family members, exactly forty-eight people, that's four million eight hundred thousand taels of gold, right?"

"Fourth brother is right."

The man continued, "But at that time, even if the master was rich, how could he get 4.8 million taels of gold? So the thirty people in the escort agency were definitely in danger. Thirty heads were chopped off like that. , blood flowed all over the floor, and the master was frightened half to death on the spot. I thought these people were just asking for money and trying to scare him, but I didn't expect that they were serious. "

Hearing this, the expressions on everyone's faces gradually became serious, and the sky gradually became dark. The man continued, "Even if it is 1.8 million taels of gold, how can the master get it in a moment?" ? Finally, we took out all the things. Fortunately, there were a few priceless treasures, but in the end they only converted to 900,000 taels. Wouldn’t that mean only nine people could live? "

"What happens next? But only nine people survived in the end?" At this time, someone asked.

"No no no..."

The man shook his hand and said, "At that time, the master had a little daughter who had just turned eighteen and was not yet married. She was attracted by the master of Heifengling. The master said that if she had fun with him once, she would be worth her head. At that time, the old man was very frightened. Seeing that his daughter was about to fall into the hands of the thief, he rushed at her with all his strength. Unexpectedly, the thief slashed at her and his head and body were separated immediately.

"What a beast!" After hearing this, someone finally cursed angrily.

The man sighed and continued, "When the girl saw that her father was dead, she cried in agony. But her uncles and uncles were still there, and they were so frightened that their faces turned pale. They kept saying, 'Yu'er, please save your uncles, otherwise, We all have to die'..."

"Alas, there is such injustice in the world..." an old man sighed.

"Isn't it? Alas!"

The man kept shaking his head and sighing, and then said, "Then the girl named Yu'er took off her clothes one by one in front of everyone. She took off her clothes completely and took the initiative to please the master of Black Wind Ridge. , In this way, the lives of her uncles and uncles were saved, but at that time, her uncles and uncles just looked at her like that, and even two cousins ​​could see..."

"Beast! Beast!"

Someone else cursed angrily, whether they were scolding the people from Heifengling or the girl's uncles and cousins.


The man sighed and continued, "After the master of Black Wind Ridge was happy, he said that there were still seven heads, so he actually threw the girl to seven of his men. That night, the girl was tortured to death by seven of them, and finally died. She lost her temper and threw the body outside, but her uncles and uncles, whether out of fear or disgust, hurried away without even picking up her body..."

"Oh, this girl is really pitiful. She hopes to find a good family in the next life. Those people in Heifeng Ridge deserve to die, but her uncles are not good people either." An old man shook his head and sighed.

The sky was getting dark, and at this moment, a thin girl's voice suddenly came from the carriage: "Daddy, I'm afraid..."

It turned out that there was a girl in green clothes sitting in the carriage. The girl was about seventeen or eighteen years old. She was as beautiful as a flower and was extremely delicate and charming. At this time, she was obviously frightened by the Black Wind Ridge mentioned outside.

The middle-aged and young man sitting next to her patted her shoulder lightly: "Don't be afraid Dieer, these are just stories that have been spread around."

At this time, a hearty laugh came from outside, "Don't worry, sir. My seventh brother likes to talk nonsense all day long. There are a lot of spiders and venomous snakes in this desert, but there is no such thing as Black Wind Ridge, but it doesn't matter." "We have many ways to deal with these venomous snakes. I think it's getting dark today. Otherwise, we can rest in the dry forest ahead and leave tomorrow morning."

The group of people went to the dead forest in front. The middle-aged man patted his daughter on the shoulder and said softly, "Die'er, just sleep in the car. Daddy will stay with you and not go out."

The bright moon was shining brightly, and when it was almost midnight, a sudden black wind came over. There were more than a dozen figures in the dry forest, and outside the dry forest, a gloomy mountain suddenly appeared.

"Black...Black Wind Ridge!"

The twenty or so people in the camel team were immediately startled. They pulled out the sabers from their waists with a clank, and the dozen or so figures, like ghosts, floated in front of the twenty or so people.

The leader, a man in black, said grimly, "Since you know us, you should know the rules. One head, one hundred thousand taels of gold..."

This time, the twenty or so people were frightened. Before they could take action, the man opposite struck with his palm, and the twenty or so people immediately fell down, without any strength left to resist.

"Those in the carriage should come out on their own. If we take action, there will be no bones left..." The man in black at the head said gloomily as he looked at the carriage.

In the car, the middle-aged man was so frightened that his face turned pale. He quickly got out of the car and bowed to the dozen or so figures in front of him. He said in a trembling voice, "If you want to make money, I am willing to give everything to you..."

The man in black stared at the carriage, still looking at the carriage, and said gloomily, "There is another person in the carriage, come out."

"No...no one left!"

The middle-aged man turned pale with fright. Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, the man in black struck him with a palm. With a "bang", the carriage immediately fell apart. The girl in green clothes immediately appeared in front of more than a dozen people in the car. , like a frightened deer, suddenly appeared in front of more than a dozen evil wolves, huddled in the car, shaking with fear.


The middle-aged man quickly ran over and hugged his daughter, looking at those people not far away imploringly, "If you are here for money, I can give you everything..."

"Twenty-seven people, 2.7 million taels of gold, can you afford it? If you can't afford it, use her to pay for it, one head at a time..."

At this time, a man in purple clothes slowly walked up from behind. This man had a fair face and was quite handsome, but he had a sinister aura and was definitely not an ordinary person.

"Bring her... over."

"No, no! Daddy...save me!"

"Die'er! Die'er!"

Finally, the girl was brought to the man by two men in black, with a look of horror on her face. The evil man slowly raised her chin and said calmly, "You're still a virgin... Do you know what to do? How many pills do you want to change?" Head…”

The girl was already scared to death, but at this moment, a cold and indifferent female voice suddenly came from the distance, "Is it enough to trade your head?"

Before he finished speaking, a faint red mist filled the forest. The twenty or so people in the camel team fell asleep immediately, as well as the middle-aged man and the girl.

Under the moonlight, the woman's figure was getting closer and closer. She was dressed in white and covered with misty moonlight. She looked like a fairy in the world, untainted by dust. She was none other than Meng Xian'er.

At this moment, on a cliff next to the dry forest, I saw a figure standing there. The man had white hair and said lightly, "If I hadn't followed these people, it would be really difficult to find you..."

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