The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 700 White Luan and Purple Kite

"If your Majesty has no other instructions, I will leave first..."

Yang Xiaoran naturally didn't know the meaning of this jade bottle. Xiao Chen nodded slightly and said, "Go ahead." He was still holding the jade bottle in his hand. Meng Xianer specially asked someone to bring this jade bottle. He naturally knew what the other party meant. .

Nowadays, Wuyu Tian's power is getting stronger and stronger. Meng Xian'er is obviously hopeful. He still remembers every bit of love from the past. He will not let it go in the future and annex the Meng Xian Sect's place.

Xiao Chen slowly put away the jade bottle. Even though he was acting harshly and erratically now, he would never forget that Meng Xian'er had been kind to him in that ancient cave. For this reason, Ling Mo Yusha's Worry is unnecessary.

The cold moon was like a hook at night, Xiao Chen was sitting in the cold hall, his face was unusually pale. It was obvious that the battle with Feng Moyao that day had hurt his vitality. On the surface, it seemed nothing happened, but it affected the life and death in his body. Backlash.

Originally, the Dieffenbachia seeds could keep him safe for at least a few years, but ten years ago he was too seriously injured, and the life force of the Dieffenbachia seeds had been seriously depleted.


With a muffled groan, Xiao Chen's face became even paler. If he could understand the higher level of the artistic conception of immortality and achieve a new level of cultivation, not to mention that he could completely suppress the backlash of life and death in his body, but at least he could protect it. Worry-free in recent years.

However, in the past ten years, he has only comprehended the fourth level of "no situation" of the artistic conception of immortality. This level alone has greatly increased his cultivation in the past ten years, but it is limited to this. If he wants to completely To suppress the backlash of life and death, relying solely on the first four levels of artistic conception is not enough.

"You're careless."

Suddenly, a soft voice sounded behind him. Xiao Chen's face was covered with cold sweat and he turned his head slightly, "Weiyang..."

Hua Weiyang walked up slowly, gently held up the long hair behind his shoulders, took out a comb from her sleeve, and gently combed his hair while saying slowly, "No one can hurt you like this... …You go meet the senior who taught you the swordsmanship ten years ago.”

"Senior is a man of profound knowledge. If he had not had any reservations, I would have been injured by his sword if I used the Lihen Palm in the end." Xiao Chen spoke slowly and calmly.

"My heart was beating very fast that day, and I was always worried that something would happen to you... But I knew that you would definitely come back. As long as you said you would come back, you never broke your promise."

Hua Weiyang smiled softly, and while talking, she slowly tied up his hair.

"It's been a long time since you personally tied my hair."

"Yes, the last time I woke up and was so awake like this was two years ago or three years ago... I have forgotten it." Hua Weiyang said softly, her tone was flat, as if she was talking Same as a story.


Xiao Chen suddenly turned his head and looked at her quietly. At this moment, he seemed to suddenly realize that ten years had passed. Over the years, she sometimes fell asleep and sometimes woke up. She didn't know when she would fall asleep next time. I don’t know when I will wake up next.

If that's the case, why do I still want to get angry with her? If she gets angry again, when will she wake up again...


Hua Weiyang stretched out her finger and gently scratched his nose, just like before, and said slightly playfully, "Everyone is afraid of you Wuyu Zunshang, but I am not afraid, I will pinch his nose." While saying, While pinching his nose lightly.

Seeing her playful look at this time, Xiao Chen smiled sternly. No matter how ruthless he became over the years, he could never erase the original tenderness in his heart, but it was only for the person in front of him.

At this moment, footsteps suddenly sounded outside, followed by two figures walking in, "Your Majesty."

The two people, one in white and the other in purple, both had veils on their faces. When they saw Hua Weiyang was also in the hall, they realized that they had come in a little abruptly.

"Palace Master are here too."

"What? Can't I be here?"

Hua Weiyang looked at the two of them, but her eyes were a little cold, and these two people were none other than two of Yeying's twenty-four people.

The Twenty-Four Night Shadows are the sharpest killing swords in the world that Xiao Chen has forged over the years. Every time under the cover of night, the Twenty-Four People become the most terrifying shadows in the world, following them everywhere. Not until.

The word "Ye Ying" frightened countless people, and they only obeyed orders from Xiao Chen, not even Hua Weiyang's orders.

"Bai Luan, Zi Yuan, please step back first."

Xiao Chen looked at the two of them. The woman in white clothes was named Bai Luan, and the woman in purple clothes was named Zi Yuan. Both names were given by Xiao Chen.


The two of them cupped their hands and were about to exit. Hua Weiyang shook her hand and said, "That's it, I'm going back to the palace." As he said that, he turned around and went back.


Xiao Chen stretched out his hand to stop her, but in the end, Hua Weiyang walked further and further away. After a while, he turned around, but Bai Luan and Zi Yuan below did not dare to make a sound. It was not until a long time that Xiao Chen spoke. He asked, "But we found out the identity of that person during the day."

Bai Luan cupped his hands and said, "Back to your Majesty, my subordinates have found out the identity of that person. He is from Taishi Taoist Sect..."


Xiao Chen didn't expect that he would be a member of the Taishi Taoist sect. He recalled the scene ten years ago in his mind and said lightly, "A centipede insect, dead but not stiff..."

The Taishi Taoist Sect's vitality was severely damaged back then, and now that it's like this, it's probably going to come back again, and this time it's probably going to be directed at him.

Zi Yuan whispered, "This Taishi Taoist sect is said to be an ancient clan that has been passed down from ancient times. It has been hidden in the mysterious realm. Those with advanced Taoism cannot leave the mysterious realm at present, but if they come out... …”

"I naturally know who they are."

Xiao Chen's eyes were indifferent. At this moment, his mind recalled Shenquezi and Feng Wuyin back then. His soul was still imprisoned by him to this day.

Although people with the same level of cultivation as Shenquezi back then are already like ants to him now, he also knows very well that the real master of the other party is just temporarily unable to come out. Once he comes out, he may not really be that good. Easy to deal with.

Unless he can break through the Hehe stage and reach the cultivation level of Dongzhen stage, it will definitely not be easy to deal with the old monsters above the Hehe stage of Taishi Taoism.

The Hehe stage is just the beginning of the four realms of cultivation before becoming a saint, but in front of the Xutian realm, which was once at its peak, the Hehe stage already exists like a god.

After the Hehe period, there is the Dongzhen period. By the Dongzhen period, people have almost moved mountains and reclaimed seas, and gone up to the sky and down to the earth, doing their best to the best of their ability. Even the gods in the heavens can compete with each other. In the past few years, For thousands of years, there have been very few masters who have passed the Dongzhen stage in the world.

After the Dongzhen Stage, there are two stages: the Transcendent Stage and the Saint Stage. If you want to successfully become a Saint, you must go through these four stages and experience countless tribulations before finally achieving the great path.

But throughout the ages, there have been as many people who have cultivated the truth as there are stars in the sky, but how many of them have finally become saints?

At this moment, Xiao Chen was silent. If he could reach the Dongzhen stage in one fell swoop, then he would really have control of half of the sky. Even if all the masters of Taishi Taoism appeared, he would not have to worry about anything anymore.

At this moment, Zi Yuan suddenly whispered, "In addition, Your Majesty, there is one more thing..."

Xiao Chen slowly came back to his senses and looked at her, "What's the matter? Tell me."

"It's the power of the cold pool..."

At this moment, the expressions on Bai Luan and Zi Yuan's faces became very solemn. Bai Luan said attentively, "The people we sent to Xiqi before sent back news a few days ago that they had discovered the cold pool." If you have the power, then the other half of the Eye of the Cold Pond must be nearby. Now you have half of the Eye of the Cold Pond in your hands. If you can get this half of the Eye of the Cold Pond, then the spiritual vein of the Cold Pond will be ours..."

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