Both elders felt a little puzzled. At this moment, their eyes even changed when they looked at Xiao Yichen. How could his Taoist cultivation be so low? Could it be that Master Yaoguang didn't teach him the true method?

This doesn't make sense. Half a month ago, he used Master Yaoguang's "Lingxian Step" to snatch Jade Ruyi from Liu Chengfeng. This shows that Master Yaoguang is serious about teaching his skills, but what is his behavior now? So low? There is only one reason: acquired understanding is good, but innate qualifications are too poor.

Facing all the doubtful or mocking looks at this moment, Xiao Yichen seemed to have returned to the helplessness and fear he felt before meeting the strange senior when he first went to Pingyang Peak three years ago... At this moment, he lowered his head. He walked silently outside the crowd.

As the sun sets, the back of such a young man looks particularly lonely. ❈

He is the only disciple of Master Yaoguang. Such a burden seems too heavy for a young man.

At this moment, the crowd behind suddenly let out another burst of exclamations. This time, the exclamations came one after another for a long time, as if the entire valley was shaking.

I saw the green light of the basalt stone blooming, and a beam of green light shot straight into the sky, as if the entire valley was reflected in bright blue, and even the sunset over there suddenly lost its color!

At this moment, it seemed that there was only one bright light left in the world. Everyone held their breath. The person under the basalt stone seemed to be Qian Yu Nishang. The blue light also enveloped her. She was actually with The basalt stone produced spiritual induction. She did not use force like others, but just lightly touched the basalt stone with her fingers.

"This this……"

The two elders were already stunned. Even the old disciples outside the valley and some other elders were shocked by this beam of blue light that shot straight into the sky. This... this was a supremely pure spirit. Power!

"She, she actually..."

The two elders Songbai were so excited that they were speechless. They originally thought that no matter how outstanding Qian Yu Nishang's talent was, he would only be able to reach the middle stage of refining Qi and becoming a god in three years at most. But the scene in front of them taught them how to believe it. ? This is the middle and late stage of refining energy to become a god, and it is the purest spiritual power, without any impurities!

"Elder Song, have you seen it? Have you seen it? She... the middle and late stages of refining energy to become a god, three years, three years! How long did it take Yaoguang Zun? Three years or one year? Or two years?"

" do I know!"

The two elders were almost incoherent with excitement. They had already forgotten what happened to Xiao Yichen. They had been here as elders for so long and had never seen such a talented person! This is simply impossible to understand by common sense, and they are even so excited that they are thinking about whether to report this matter to the leader immediately. In the past hundred years, Xuan Qing Sect has withered away talents among its disciples, and now a proud man of heaven has finally appeared!

At this moment, the green light that shot straight into the clouds made the young man's figure even more dim. Everyone gathered around Qian Yu Nishang, and no one noticed when the young man left.

After leaving the valley, Yichen looked back at the Tianchi Valley and saw many people still chatting around the talented girl. He laughed at himself, spread out his movements and walked away.

There was a gentle breeze along the way, and he didn't know where he was going next. When he returned so early, the master asked him how to answer. For a moment, he felt that the world was huge, but there was no place to go.

I don’t know how long it took, Yichen climbed up the clouds, climbed over the mountains and ridges, and came to a cliff. I saw ancient pines hanging on the wall, which was very precipitous. This place was close to the top of Tianshu Peak, and further up was the Palm Mountain. He couldn't go any further up to the Tianshu Hall where the door was.

And under the dusk clouds in the distance, he saw a platform as big as a square. There were many sky-reaching pillars around the platform, reaching straight into the sky, with no top visible. There is also a giant sword stuck upside down in the center of the platform. The giant sword is wrapped with dense red iron chains. It looks extremely formidable and terrifying. However, the giant sword is broken from the top, and the cuts are neat and sloping, like Cut off with a sword.

Yichen's feeling of disappointment was immediately replaced by curiosity, wondering why there is such a place in Xuanqingmen, and why has he never heard the master mention it before? Just as Yu Jian went over to take a look, a gentle female voice suddenly sounded from behind: "Yichen, wait.


Suddenly hearing such a gentle and sweet voice, it was definitely not the master. Yichen couldn't help being startled. He turned around and saw a woman in red clothes with a gentle smile on her face walking over. She said happily, "Uncle Mei!"

The person who came was none other than Ling Yin's senior sister Mei Jianyi. She was worried that Yichen would do something unthinkable after being frustrated, so she had been following him silently until she saw that this little guy was suddenly in a good mood. Show up.

"What are you doing here by yourself at such a high place? How dangerous it is." Eyebrow Yi walked over slowly, she was really afraid that he would suddenly jump off the cliff.


Yichen sighed heavily, sat down with his hands on his shoulders, and muttered, "I'm afraid of being scolded by Master if I go back so early. Then I don't know where I'm going. Master Mei must have seen me just now. I'm really useless..." Even Master was laughed at by them, alas!”


Eyebrow Yi slowly sat down next to him, and said earnestly, "There is no shortcut in the journey of cultivation. Sometimes you will inevitably encounter obstacles. Once you get over it, you will be fine. Don't be discouraged, you know?"

Seeing that at such a young age, he should have been carefree, but at this moment he was frowning like an adult, he smiled again and continued, "Look at your uncle Jiangnan, he was stupider than you back then, but now Who would have thought that his cultivation level is now better than mine..."

When he said this, he noticed that the boy's frown deepened. He quickly waved his hands and smiled, "No, no, no, Yichen, I'm not saying you are stupid, I mean..."

"Alas!" Yichen sighed heavily, "Master is right. I don't pay attention to my practice. Master asked me to endorse it, and I always think about it. Master... she must not like me."

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Mei Jianyi's expression suddenly became serious. Gradually, she seemed to be a little sad and said, "Your master... she likes you the most."

When she said this, she was thinking of the scene in the ancient village sixteen years ago. The junior sister would rather sacrifice the immortal energy she had cultivated for hundreds of years to save this child.

"Is it true..." Yichen pouted, lowered his head and said silently, "But Master is always cold and cold. Why do I feel that she hates me..."

"You kid, you know how to talk nonsense."

Mei Jianyi smiled softly, caressed his face, and Yichen raised his head and grinned. In his impression, Uncle Mei was the gentlest, Uncle Jiangnan was the most easy-going, and Uncle Xie always had a straight face, and he was the most gentle. Severely, as for hearing that there is a great uncle named Feng Xiaoyin, he has never seen him before, and he doesn't know his height, height, fatness or weight.

A cool breeze blew from the bottom of the mountain, and the last trace of the afterglow from the sky did not enter the mountains. He said between his eyebrows, "Okay, it's getting dark. You should go back, so as not to worry your master."


Yichen stood up and looked towards the giant sword platform in the distance. As the night fell, the place looked even more eerie and terrifying. He asked curiously, "Uncle Mei, what is that place? Why have I never heard of it before?" Pass?"


He frowned slightly, then turned around and said, "That's the Lianfengtai. Every time a disciple who commits a serious offense will be sent there for trial, if he goes there, he'll probably..." At this point, he smiled softly and stopped talking.


Yichen patted the dirt on his body and grinned, "Uncle Mei, I'm going back!"


She smiled softly, looked at his figure walking away with the sword, sighed softly, and frowned again after a while. How could this child's Taoism and cultivation be so poor? It's definitely not because of her qualifications, others don't know it, but as Ling Yin's senior sister, how can she not know it?

Junior sister's Ling Xian Bu is unique in the world. Not everyone can master it. Even those Qian Yu Nishang may not be as skilled as Yi Chen within three years. This shows that Yi Chen's talent must be very extraordinary. , so where does the problem...exactly lie?

Tonight, the stars and the moon were dim, and Yichen returned to Zixiao Peak. He did not dare to tell his master about the test of cultivation in the evening, but after thinking hard, he couldn't figure it out. How could his cultivation progress be so slow now? It was definitely not because he was practicing two different mystical arts at the same time. He was absolutely sure of this. So what exactly was the problem?

Is it really that my qualifications are too poor?

He couldn't help but think of the time when he first went to Pingyang Peak three years ago. At that time, Yang Xiaoran refused to teach him the real cultivation techniques, so he was far behind others. However, after meeting the strange senior, he only spent a month. In time, his cultivation level far surpasses that of all new disciples...

Thinking of this, Yichen couldn't help scratching his head. It seems that his qualifications are far superior to others, right?

The night outside was getting a little darker.

Yichen couldn't figure it out, so he simply stopped thinking about it. He took out the mysterious bronze mirror and looked at his body, and continued to practice Xuan Gong. Whether it was the method taught by his master or the method taught by the strange senior, he used all the methods he could use. , just a little sign of breakthrough in cultivation was enough to make him so excited that he couldn't sleep tonight.

However, an hour later, there was still no improvement at all. Yichen couldn't help but frown deeper and deeper, and his forehead was covered with sweat. He silently recited the mental formula over and over again in his heart, guiding the true energy to flow to all the points in his body.

Just like this, another stick of incense time passed. Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his head. At this moment, whether it was the Yaoguang mind method that Ling Yin taught him or the cultivation method that the strange senior passed on to him, it seemed that everything was gone. The consciousness in his mind was completely disconnected.

"What's going on...My head hurts so much! Ah!"

Yichen's body tilted and he fell on the bed. He covered his head with his hands and almost couldn't bear the pain. At this moment, countless messy words seemed to suddenly appear in his mind, and these words were pieced together into a complete sentence one by one. , and then it seemed like someone read out the words that formed the complete formula.

"What's going on? What are these...ah!"

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