The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1574 Heart Tribulation Fire

Taihuazi's face was as frosty, his eyes were full of fierceness, and he suddenly attacked with another move. Hua Weiyang concentrated his palms, and used the power of the You clan to resist this move, his face was still calm, "I heard that it started a few months ago. , Wutian Palace has been shrouded in visions. It has only been a few months, but the three of you have already entered a realm that you should not be in. Say... This time, who sent you here.

Hearing this, the expression on Taihuazi's face suddenly became cold and terrifying. "There are some things that it's better not to know. This time, if you just surrender, you might be able to save your life."

"Then you will be disappointed."

Hua Weiyang's mind was quick, and as expected, things were not simple. When he spoke, his palms changed, and a burst of spiritual power surged out from the "Yutang Point". With a "bang", Taihuazi was knocked back.

After Taihuazi stabilized his figure, he thought to himself, how could this person still have such strength when the ninth calamity is coming... No!

At this moment, he seemed to finally realize something. Logically speaking, the next catastrophe should have come a long time ago. Why did he fight for so long, but still no catastrophe came...

Before he could think about the reason carefully, Hua Weiyang attacked again in an instant. At this time, in the distance, Bai Luan and others' hearts were hanging outside. In the past two days, Palace Master Weiyang had caused thunder from the sky. A lot of energy has been consumed, and I'm afraid I can't beat Tai Huazi at this moment...

Everyone looked at each other, and at that moment, they rushed forward again. Master Chongjiu noticed the murderous aura coming from nearby, and immediately said, "Brother, be careful behind you!"


Taihuazi snorted coldly. At this moment, he used the power of the blood elixir, and his whole body was suddenly covered in blood. He was already like a demon. His strength increased countless times in an instant. His inner energy was shaken. Before Bai Luan and others could get close, they were already He was knocked back by this terrifying force.


With an icy sword whistle, Hua Weiyang used Kuai Xue Shiqing and stabbed Taihuazi with a sword. The cold air on the sword was breathtaking. Taihuazi condensed his palms and violently held the sword against it.

At this moment, I saw his eyes were blood red, and his eyes were cold and terrifying. His inner energy was shaken, and a terrifying power surged out. With a "bang", Hua Weiyang was knocked back before she could escape, and she was thrown back. Suddenly a mouthful of blood gushes out.

"You are indeed not Xiao Yichen..."

Taihuazi's face was livid, and at this moment, Master Cuihan and Master Chongjiu, who were dragging the two puppets of Youhai from behind, were also suddenly startled: "Senior brother...what's wrong?"

"This person is not Xiao Yichen!"


Hearing this, Master Cuihan and Master Chongjiu were even more shocked. If it wasn't Xiao Yichen, then who was it? Then where is Xiao Yichen now... Oh no, they probably fell into the trap!


Hua Weiyang gently wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and looked at Taihuazi, "I just realized it now, isn't it too late..." As soon as she finished her words, she flicked her sleeves and petals flew all over the sky, and she changed back to original appearance.

"Oh it's you……"

At this moment, Taihuazi's eyes became even colder, and behind him, Master Cuihan and Master Chongjiu were both shocked. What a powerful disguise, they had not seen any clues before.

"Two junior brothers, you are here...I will go find him!"

Taihuazi's eyes were full of murderous intent, but he knew that he could no longer stay here and let Cuihan and Chongjiu hold him back. He had to go out and find Xiao Yichen as soon as possible, otherwise once the other party succeeded in overcoming the tribulation, he would only Not good.

The moment the words fell, he was seen moving and immediately flew above the abyss. At this moment, Hua Weiyang pointed his finger, and the mist of flowers in the sky suddenly enveloped him.

"Palace Master!"

At this time, Bai Luan and others also flew over again. Looking at the swirling mist of flowers in the sky, everyone was worried, could this stop Taihuazi...

Hua Weiyang's eyes were fixed. No matter what, she would never let these three people disturb Xiao Chen's tribulation today. She could not help but make seals with her hands, and the mist of flowers in the sky suddenly became thicker. Taihuazi was trapped layer by layer.

"The sea of ​​flowers is boundless, just stay in there for a while..."

Hua Weiyang's voice was calm. After she finished speaking, she put two fingers together and put a Hundred Flower Pill into her mouth to relieve the injury just now.

"Just with this magic... you want to trap me!"

At this moment, in the layers of flower mist, Taihuazi's deep and terrifying voice suddenly came out, and Ziyuan's face changed: "Palace Master, be careful..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a loud "boom", and the layers of flower mist were forcibly broken open by Taihuazi, and a terrifying force rushed out, knocking Ye Ying and others away.

"Senior brother..."

In the distance, Master Cuihan and Master Chongjiu were both shocked. They saw veins popping up on Taihuazi's face, and a black mark had appeared faintly between his eyebrows. His power was obviously stronger than before. A lot, but this power is definitely not the mysterious power that a cultivator of immortality should have!


Hua Weiyang's eyes narrowed. The power in Taihuazi was so weird... But no matter what, she would never let him leave this abyss.

But at this time, in the real place of overcoming the tribulation, facing the formation of thunder, Xiao Chen was waiting intently, but in his heart, he was unavoidably worried about Wei Young.

"Weiyang...wait for me, I will come to rescue you right away..."


In such a moment of distraction, another terrifying sky thunder fell. At this time, in the distance, the Phantom Musical Piano Demon couldn't help but change his color slightly when he saw the abnormality of the sky thunder... This kid still dares to be distracted and doesn't want to live. Got it!


The sky thunder kept falling, Xiao Chen did not dare to be careless anymore, and immediately sat cross-legged, hugging Yuan Shouyi, no longer disturbed by anything in the outside world, and gave up all distracting thoughts in his heart.

Seeing him hugging Yuan Shouyi again, the Phantom Piano Demon in the distance finally breathed a sigh of relief. Ye Ying and others all went to Hua Weiyang's side, but to be on the safe side, Xiao Chen had to leave an expert here, so she Stayed.

At this time, the heavenly tribulations continued to fall. There was no abnormality at first, but after a while, there was blood and light hidden in this heavenly tribulation. Isn't the Phantom Music Piano Demon an ordinary person? He could tell at a glance that there was something wrong with it. How could there be a sudden burst of blood in this ninety-ninth calamity?


Under the catastrophe, Xiao Chen's face turned pale, and he suddenly let out a muffled groan. The Qin Demon's expression changed. Oh no, could it be...

The heart is on fire!

The so-called "Heart Tribulation Fire" is what people who are overcoming tribulations are most afraid of. It generally does not appear. The reason for the appearance of Heart Tribulation Fire is very simple. Most of the time, people who are overcoming tribulations have hidden knots in their hearts, or they have planted inner demons in the past. Even if you don't notice it yourself, then when you go through the tribulation, all these will emerge, and it is possible to produce the heart tribulation fire.

However, as long as people with a slightly higher level of Taoism can use their Taoism to suppress the demonic obstacles in their hearts when they are overcoming tribulations, even if they have planted inner demons in the past, they can still suppress them and will not easily produce the fire of the tribulation in their hearts.

However, once the inner calamity fire appears, there is basically no turning back. Not to mention the failure of overcoming the calamity, even after overcoming the calamity, one will definitely fall into the devil's way, and there will be no turning back...


The face of the Phantom Musical Piano Demon changed. What's going on with this kid? Usually, he looks at him indifferently at most and doesn't see any demonic obstacles in him. How could he suddenly have a heart calamity fire now?


Suddenly, Xiao Chen raised his head and let out a long roar, and the blood in the disaster suddenly became thicker.

Seeing this situation, the Phantom Piano Demon's expression changed even more. If he continues like this, he will definitely give birth to a calamity fire in his heart. Boy, you have finally cultivated to this point. Don't fail at this moment, and you will never recover!

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