The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,570 Re-entering Leize

"Okay, this time, let's go to Leize.

At this time, Xiao Chen no longer needs to think about it. As Bai Luan said, there is no better place than Lei Ze in the ancient land of Xianyuan.

The sky thunder there can just hide his heavenly tribulation so that no one can detect it. To say the least, even if someone knows that he is going through the tribulation in Leize, the thunder sea is hundreds of thousands of miles away, and there are sky thunders everywhere. , and is full of ancient restrictions. Even if someone wants to find him, where can they find him?

That time more than ten years ago, he went to the Wuwang Sea in the West for clues about the Eye of Spiritual Veins, but on the way he heard about the Thousand-year-old Zhu Guo in Lei Ze, so he went to Lei Ze.

Taking the Millennium Vermillion Fruit can extend Wei Yang's life, and that time, by chance, he found an ancient immortal valley under a valley in Leize, and absorbed a ray of Hongmeng Purple Qi in it.

The Immortal Valley under the Lei Zeyuan Valley is also a place with excellent spiritual energy, which is completely enough for him to survive the catastrophe, and the sky thunder above the Abyss Valley can perfectly cover up his catastrophe, but even so, he We must not take it lightly, so this time, we still have to act quietly and never be discovered.

At night, Bai Luan had already gone to prepare for this matter, while Hua Weiyang was still in Wuyu Hall, her eyebrows slightly furrowed, as if she still had some worries.

Seeing that she was still frowning, Xiao Chen asked, "Weiyang, what's wrong...are you still worried? Just now Bai Luan was right. In the Land of Lei Ze, although the thunder from the sky is terrifying, the thunder from that day is enough to hide my Heavenly tribulation, no one will find out..."

"I know……"

Hua Weiyang nodded slightly, with a somewhat worried look on her face. Xiao Chen asked, "Then why are you still worried?"

Hua Weiyang took a deep breath and walked to the window. After a long time, she turned around and spoke out her thoughts.

After listening, this time, Xiao Chen also frowned deeply, "This is too dangerous... Weiyang, does it have to be like this?"

Hua Weiyang didn't speak anymore, only nodded slightly... The moonlight outside the window came in and fell on her cheek, quiet and beautiful.

A few days later, everything was ready. That night, everyone gathered together. Xiao Chen had been to the Wuwu Sea in the West more than ten years ago and was no stranger to it.

"In order to avoid attracting the attention of the cultivation forces on the other side of Wuwu Sea, this time, we will disguise ourselves as a caravan and enter from here."

Xiao Chen pointed to the mark on the map. He and Meng Xianer had been there last time, so they still kept the map of Wuwanghai. In recent years, Bai Luan had asked Zhui Ming to investigate Wuyan Cangming, so for that The side is also relatively familiar.

The Wuwu Sea is an ancient land with vast terrain, far exceeding the Five Immortal Realms. However, the Wuwu Sea is not as prosperous as the Five Immortal Realms. It has rich spiritual energy. Many places are full of dangers, and there are also some dangerous things. Ancient ferocious beasts, so for some dangerous places, even the cultivators of Wuwuhai dare not go there easily.

On the other side of the Wuwu Sea, there is no clear distinction between good and evil like the five realms of Xianyuan. Everything there is based on strength. Just like Shen Cangming, he has laid a solid foundation in Wuwuhai over the years, founded "Wuyan Cangming" single-handedly, controlled many forces, and even had various princes and many masters working for him.

In recent years, Shen Cangming has secretly controlled part of the Xiu Zhen Kingdom. This is the information brought back by Zhui Ming last time.

The Wuwu Sea has "four small seas", which are the "Prison Sea", the "Thunder Sea", the "Rakshasa Sea" and the "Shadowless Sea".

Although the area of ​​the Four Small Seas is not small, for the entire Wuwu Sea, it is just a boat in the sea. Outside the Four Small Seas, there are many places that ordinary cultivators cannot reach.

Some of these places are as dangerous as the God and Demon Tombs on the Eastern Continent, while others are full of mystery and hide some ancient cultivation forces.

This time when he went to Wuwanghai, Xiao Chen's purpose was clear and he would not scare others away from others and attract the attention of Wuwanghai's cultivation forces, especially Wuyan Cangming.

Seven days later, a group of people had disguised themselves as a caravan and successfully entered the Wuwang Sea without attracting the attention of the cultivation forces here. However, the Wuwang Sea has not been peaceful recently, with various forces fighting each other, and bloody fights taking place almost every day.

A few days later, Xiao Chen and his party had entered the sea of ​​thunder. They saw an endless expanse in front of them, shrouded in thunderclouds. Lightning fell from time to time in the mid-air. The scene was very scary.

However, this is just outside the thunder domain. When you get to the depths of the thunder domain, the land of thunder, the scene will be even more terrifying.

Xiao Chen and Meng Xian'er had been here before, so they knew the route clearly. Following their memories, they arrived at Leize three days later.

But I saw thunder clouds covering the sky and the sun, the roar of thunder kept ringing in everyone's ears, and lightning kept falling in the air. The rocks nearby were all scorched black, and the ground cracked with countless cracks. Lifeless, without any life.

"Your careful."

Bai Luan and Zi Yuan were guarding Xiao Chen, trying to walk as low as possible to avoid being accidentally hit by sky thunder. Even those with high cultivation levels would never dare to underestimate these sky thunder.

Soon, following his original memory, Xiao Chen had arrived at the cliff where the fairy tree was. Even though more than ten years had passed, the fairy energy near the cliff still lingered, forming a dense mist. Under the cliff, there was There is an unfathomable abyss, passing through it, is the Ancient Immortal Valley that Xiao Chen discovered that time.

"You just stay up there, you don't have to follow me down."

When he came to the bottom of the cliff, Xiao Chen looked at everyone. Although everyone came to protect him from the disaster this time, they could not stop the disaster for him, let alone bear the disaster for him.

"Your Majesty... be careful."

Bai Luan and Zi Yuan still had some worries on their faces. Although Lei Ze's thunder could hide the catastrophe, nothing could be guaranteed and there would never be any accidents. This time they came to Wuwang Sea secretly, and No one has discovered it, but Xiao Chen will not take it lightly until he succeeds in overcoming the tribulation.

"Hmm... When I get down later, I will send my spiritual message to you. You should also be careful. Lei Ze's thunder is very powerful."

After saying that, Xiao Chen no longer hesitated and jumped down to the bottom of the abyss. Just like last time, when he arrived at the bottom of the abyss, he seemed to have entered the chaotic void. When he opened his eyes again, the scene before his eyes was clear. When you get up, the nearby birds are singing, the flowers are fragrant, the vegetation is lush, and the clear water and sky are like a lost ancient fairyland.

This place is full of spiritual energy. Even if a catastrophe falls, it can be hidden by the thunder above. It can be said to be the best place to overcome the catastrophe. However, at this moment, Xiao Chen's eyebrows were deeply furrowed, and there was an obvious look of worry on his face. However, the more hidden and foolproof this place was, the more worried the look on his face became.

After a moment, he no longer hesitated, and immediately sat down cross-legged, continuously circulating his true energy, and began to sense all things in the world, waiting for the catastrophe to fall.

One day later, the originally sunny Immortal Valley was suddenly covered with thunderclouds. The entire Immortal Valley was covered in layers of thunderclouds. The birds and beasts nearby seemed to have sensed the danger and had already fled away.


Lightning and thunder had already begun in the sky, and Xiao Chen concentrated and closed his eyes. A layer of protective aura slowly formed on his body, and his mind became clear. At this moment, he entered a mysterious state, no longer disturbed by anything outside.

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