The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1562 The Power of Nine Netherworlds


There was a sharp sound, and Hua Weiyang suddenly saw a peerless sword in his hand. The sword was about three feet long. It was azure from the hilt to the sword body. There was cold air surrounding the sword body and water inside. The light flows, and the whole sword exudes a very extraordinary aura.

The name of this sword is "Kuaixue Shiqing". It is an ancient sword left by Fairy Wuyu in ancient times. The sword energy is very strong, which is comparable to the ancient sword "Qiu Shui".

Hua Weiyang's eyes were cold, her sword pointed at Jiuyou, and she said coldly, "You still have a chance now to reveal your identity, otherwise I will accept this soul."


Jiuyou's sinister laughter came from under the black robe, "No one knows my identity... Your identity is the same, too. It cannot be known, haha..."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became weird. Many people looked at Hua Weiyang with suspicion. What did Jiuyou mean by this sentence?

Even Xiao Chen, who was on Zhaotian Cliff, using his skills to suppress the soul Gu for Feng Moyao, suddenly raised his head and looked at Hua Weiyang outside without moving. Weiyang's identity...

Yes, how could she be an ordinary person? How could an ordinary person have the body of Xuanyin? How could an ordinary person have such a strong spiritual power? Who is she...

At this moment, his mind recalled the scene when they met in Dongjie. "I'm much older than you. You won't suffer any loss if you call me mother-in-law..."


With a sword roar, Hua Weiyang suddenly raised his sword and attacked Jiuyou. At this moment, the sky was full of sword energy, and the cold air penetrated the bones. Even people who were far away at this time couldn't help but feel a sense of fear. It was so strong. Sword energy!


Jiuyou's figure was like a charm. With a flick of his sleeves, the sky was suddenly filled with black energy, resisting all the layers of Hua Weiyang's sword shadows.


With a quick sound, Hua Weiyang raised her sword again and attacked quickly. The long sword in her hand stabbed and danced. Suddenly, a cold sword curtain was covered, and she fiercely attacked Jiuyou.

Jiuyou's strength has always been unfathomable. Even in the face of her attack that was like a gust of wind and rain, he still seemed to be able to do it with ease and his figure was erratic.

On Zhaotian Cliff, everyone was watching with bated breath. Everyone looked nervous. The Phantom Musical Piano Demon was also silent. He didn't expect that this woman was so strong, but the mysterious Jiuyou seemed to be even stronger. One chip.

Xiao Cangtian also stood aside, looking at Hua Weiyang in the distance, his eyes slightly condensed, and said to himself, "After this girl woke up, her power became stronger... But the stronger the power, the easier it is to make a person People’s character changes.”

At the end of his words, he raised his hand and looked at the Yin and Yang Qi condensed in the palm of his hand. Over the years, he had worked hard to understand the remaining scrolls of the Heavenly Book, almost spending half his life. However, after all, he could not understand the true meaning hidden in the Heavenly Book. He keeps secrets and even has violent attacks from time to time, often falling into madness.

"Weiyang, can you deal with this person by yourself?"

Under a peach blossom tree, Xiao Chen was suppressing Jiuyou Soul Gu for Feng Moyao. At this time, he was inevitably a little worried. Weiyang alone was probably no match for Jiuyou. ɱ

"You suppress the soul Gu for senior, don't worry about me."

Hua Weiyang sent a spiritual thought back to him, and in the blink of an eye, she attacked Jiuyou again. Although she didn't know Jiuyou's identity, she thought that the abyss of heaven had not yet been fully opened, and such a powerful soul could not travel through ten thousand years. The restrictions left by the former Qing Emperor, unless...

Unless there is only one possibility, this person has the same magical power as the high priest Si You...the art of soul clone.

The high priest's soul avatar technique ignores the restrictions of the three realms of heaven, earth and man, but besides himself, who else knows this magical power?


While thinking about it, Hua Weiyang has already used the "Quick Snow Shiqing Sword Technique". The wind is cold and strong for ten miles around, and there seems to be snowflakes flying in the air, and every snowflake is a sharp sword energy!


Jiuyou's figure was still changing, and in the snowflakes in the sky, he turned into a black mist, and rushed to Hua Weiyang's eyes in an instant.


A loud noise and powerful force suddenly shook the hearts of the nearby cultivators. Hua Weiyang's eyes were cold, holding the Kuai Xue Shi Qing Sword in his hand, resisting Jiuyou's offensive, and said coldly: "Who are you? people……"


Under Jiuyou's black robe, a voice that only Hua Weiyang could hear slowly came out: "The princess is so smart, guess what..."

Hua Weiyang's eyes narrowed. He couldn't be the high priest. Although the high priest had always wanted to break through the restrictions between the human world and the spiritual world and get the earth spiritual veins in the human world, no matter what he did, he could not take action against himself. If he took action against himself , which is the following offense.

Just as she was meditating, a black mist suddenly came from Jiuyou, and Mrs. Xianshu behind her was suddenly startled: "Weiyang, be careful!"

When Hua Weiyang came back to her senses, the black mist had already arrived, and with a "bang", she was pushed back to Zhaotian Cliff.

"Weiyang!" After Xiao Chen stabilized Feng Moyao, he flew over in an instant and supported her. "How are you? Are you injured?"


Hua Weiyang's face turned slightly pale. The moment just now caused the spiritual power in her body to become chaotic. This person's cultivation level was too high. Unless she used the power of the Nether Clan, she might be able to compete with this person's Nine Nether Powers.


Jiuyou smiled sinisterly and suddenly jumped up, "Today, let this place be shrouded in sin, hatred, and resentment..."

After he finished speaking, he stretched out his hands, and suddenly the air of resentment gathered in the sky, and a terrifying power of the Nine Netherworld enveloped the entire Wuyu Heaven in an instant.

Under the power of the Nine Netherworld, everyone in Wuyu Tian felt a sense of panic and uneasiness. Hua Weiyang's expression also changed, she let go of Xiao Chen's hands, and flew up again in an instant.


There was a violent earthquake for dozens of miles around, and the sea of ​​clouds surged. However, it was difficult for her to stop Jiuyou alone. This person's cultivation level was too high.


At this moment, the Phantom Musical Qin Demon also picked up the Yaoqin and flew up. The originally extremely powerful Demonic Qinyin was unable to cause any harm to this person.


Xiao Cangtian's eyes were cold and stern, and he also flew over, and the power of Nine Yins and Nine Yangs roared out, but even if the three of them joined forces at this moment, they were unable to prevent this person's power from spreading.

The entire Wuyu Heaven was slowly shaking, and the sea of ​​clouds was surging over a hundred miles in radius, as if all the resentment in the world had been condensed.

I saw black clouds shrouding the sky. Under this boundless resentment, everyone in Wuyu Tian felt suffocated, as if even the soul was about to be crushed and disappear.


Under the black robe, Jiuyou's sinister laughter came, and then he raised his hands, and the air of resentment gathered in the sky. Even Hua Weiyang's pure spiritual power could not resist it.

"This man... has such a high level of cultivation!"

The Phantom Qin Demon held the Yao Qin in her hand tightly. Under the crushing power of the Nine Netherworld, her strings were unable to be plucked.

At this time, in the distance, Gui Ji and the other two people did not leave. They also did not expect that Jiuyou's cultivation level could be so terrifying... He was worthy of being the great elder of the Jiuyou clan. No one in the world had ever known the depth of his strength. But no matter what, they are not comparable.

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