Above the sea of ​​clouds, Kang Yuchen had a gloomy sneer on his face. At this time, four demonic shadows had come to his side. In addition to these four demonic figures, there were countless people behind him.

"Monsters and monsters, listen to the order...go and break through this restricted formation for me!"

The defensive barrier outside Wuyutian was already full of cracks, and Kang Yuchen no longer took action himself. The rest was left to Zhen, Mei, Zhen, and Zhen. These four demon generals led countless people and rushed forward in an instant.


The ancient restraint that had lost its spiritual power could no longer hold up anymore. Yang Xiaoran and others all changed their expressions. Unexpectedly, so many people came from the other side in just a short moment. Now all Wuyutian's masters were inside to maintain their strength. With the spirit gathering formation, once the opponent breaks through the restrictions outside, it is impossible for them to resist it.

"Commander Yang... Yunhai can't hold it anymore... Let's go back to Zhaotian Cliff!"


Yang Xiaoran pinched his fingers tightly. If he retreated now and allowed the other party to rush in, then the enemy would not only attack Zhaotian Cliff but also come from all directions. No matter how powerful the piano demon was, he could only defend one side... Why? OK, what to do now?


Suddenly there was a violent shock, and the defensive barrier outside was finally torn to pieces. Seeing that the defense was broken, everyone's expression changed in an instant, "Oops..."


Kang Yuchen's face was filled with a gloomy sneer, and he said with a murderous look, "You monsters, monsters, go...kill them for me. Kill everyone you see, no one will be left alive...I will stain the Wuyu Heaven with blood today!"

The monsters all over the sky rushed towards Wuyutian at this moment. The expressions of Yang Xiaoran, Xueyangzi and others changed drastically. However, at this moment, a sinister wind came from nowhere, and suddenly the Everyone shuddered.

"Sha, Sha, Sha, Sha, Sha, Sha!"

The sky was full of dark wind, and a terrifying aura suddenly spread. Even those extremely ferocious monsters were shocked at this moment, because they felt an aura that was more ferocious than them.

"what happened……"

Kang Yuchen also noticed something was wrong, and the four demon generals in front of him also stopped immediately and focused on the surroundings. This ancient evil aura was...

"Sha, Sha, Sha!"

Suddenly, white bones and skeletons appeared out of nowhere. There were more and more white bones. In the end, the sky was almost covered with white bones and skeletons. The sky was filled with white bones and skeletons. The scene was so terrifying and terrifying.

"This this……"

Under this ancient evil aura, the four demon generals trembled involuntarily. The white bones and skeletons in the sky were naturally the "Ten Thousand Bone Array" that Xiao Chen brought out from the Tomb of Gods and Demons.

This Ten Thousand Bone Formation has a total of 213 formations, which are composed of 213 bones of an ancient god. The remaining million skulls are formed by devouring the souls, souls, and skulls of countless people. Okay, one can imagine the ferocity in this formation.

"Haha, Xiaoxiao from Tianwaitian, even you guys want to break through here..."

At this moment, a solemn voice suddenly came from within the Ten Thousand Bone Formation. Upon hearing this voice, the four demon generals and others outside were even more trembling and subconsciously stepped back.

Kang Yuchen's expression was also condensed. Even though his current strength had become more terrifying, he felt the ancient aura coming from the countless white bones, and his mind was still condensed. At this time, he actually felt a little afraid.

"Pretend to be a ghost...break this bone formation for me!"

Following his order, countless monsters immediately flew towards the Ten Thousand Bone Array. However, when these extremely ferocious monsters encountered the bones in the array, they were swallowed one by one. It was obvious that they were bone demons at this moment. Controlling the Ten Thousand Bone Formation.


Seeing this scene, the four demon generals were so frightened that they stepped back. What on earth is this? It's too scary...


In the Ten Thousand Bones Formation, the Bone Demon's voice came again, "What? This time, Jiuyou sent you group of soldiers to attack Wuyutian? I'm afraid it's not enough for me to fill my stomach, hahahaha..."

The terrifying sound echoed above the sea of ​​clouds, frightening the people behind Kang Yuchen to retreat continuously, and no one dared to rush forward.

"Hmph! Pretend to be a ghost... I want to see how good you are!"

Kang Yuchen rushed with resentment, and a fierce aura suddenly enveloped his body. As soon as he raised his palm, the situation changed, and he suddenly attacked the Ten Thousand Bone Formation.


There was a loud noise and a violent tremor for dozens of miles around. Kang Yuchen's power was indeed terrifying now. However, it was not enough for him alone to break through the Ten Thousand Bone Formation.

However, the consumption of this Ten Thousand Bone Array is also very huge. Even the Bone Demon can only sustain it for three days at most. After three days, the Ten Thousand Bone Array will dissipate on its own.

Three days have passed like this. This day has reached the critical moment for Weiyang to wake up. Success or failure depends on this. However, the offensive outside has not stopped for three days and three nights, and now it has become more and more fierce. .


There was a loud noise, and the Ten Thousand Bones Formation finally could no longer hold up. The white bones all over the sky dispersed in an instant. At this time, outside, there were densely packed human figures. There were countless more people than that day. .

"Heh...it's nothing more than that."

Kang Yuchen smiled coldly, and his body was enveloped by an undying resentment. As soon as the Ten Thousand Bone Formation was broken, he soon led his people to attack Zhaotian Cliff.

However, when approaching Zhaotian Cliff, an invisible soul power suddenly shot out from the Wuyu Heaven, shocking many of his people to death. Even two of the four demon generals were killed by this. The sudden surge of soul power caused him to vomit blood and fly backwards.


Kang Yuchen quickly stepped back. It was obvious that the strength of this soul power was completely beyond his expectation. At this time, on the lonely peak, he saw Ku Lingzi sitting cross-legged with his eyes slightly closed. The soul power just now was , obviously he sent it, but in order to resurrect Shen Jing that day, he consumed too much, and he has not been able to recover to this day.

"It's Old Man Gufeng."

At this time, a figure came to Kang Yuchen. It was a man in green. He was staring into Wuyutian and said, "I have long heard that there is an old man named Gufeng in Wuyutian. He never comes out, but he is very powerful..."

"People outside, please leave quickly, otherwise I will take your souls."

Ku Lingzi's voice came out from Gufeng, and a breath of unparalleled aura immediately shocked many people. This was the aura of Youtian Soul Saint back then!

"I'm afraid this person will be difficult to deal with..." The man in green next to Kang Yuchen focused his gaze and said.

"Hmph! I want to see how powerful it is!"

Kang Yuchen's face was full of fierceness, and he suddenly attacked again. However, every time, he was blocked by Ku Lingzi's soul power, and many people even had their souls taken away by Ku Lingzi.


Seeing that thousands of people had been killed, the man in green shook his head and said, "This person's soul skills are too strong, and a strong attack is not an option..."

At this moment, thousands of miles away, a mysterious soul suddenly shot towards Wuyu Tian, ​​and the target of that soul seemed to be Ku Lingzi!


At this moment, Ku Lingzi opened his eyes, but he had suffered too much before, and today he used his soul power too much. After all, he was a step too slow. This soul consciousness hit him right between the eyebrows, and he flew backwards.


Two disciples saw that his soul was injured and immediately ran up to him. At this moment, their faces were full of horror, "Senior...what are you doing!"

In Weiyang Palace, Xiao Chen also sensed it and frowned, "The old guy is injured..."

Hearing this, the expressions of Xianshu and others also changed. Senior Ku Lingzi is in Wuyu Tian. Who has the ability to invisibly hurt him with soul consciousness from the outside?

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