The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,545 Undercurrent (Part 2)

"What does Elder Kang's words... mean?"

Elder Zhongli's face became colder and colder. Kang Dingfeng said calmly, "Even Gongsun Changye is only one step away from reaching the level of Taisheng. He is not willing to be an enemy of Xiao Yichen. You two, but seriously Have you thought about it clearly? If you look back now, it might still be too late..."

"Ha ha!"

Hearing this, Elder Chi Feng raised his head and smiled again, then his eyes turned cold, and he said gloomily, "Kang Dingfeng, I think you are really confused. Not only are you old and confused, but you are also becoming more timid as you live... Do you know this?" Who is the person who wants to deal with that kid once?"

Kang Dingfeng still looked cold and said, "Looking at the friendship we have had for many years, Kang would like to advise you again not to be easily taken advantage of by others. Since you are a more powerful person than Xiao Yichen, in Kang's opinion, you It's about seeking skin from a tiger.

Elder Zhongli said coldly, "So... Elder Kang is unwilling to hand over the Tianzong Secret Scroll no matter what?"

"You two, please come back." ✰

Kang Dingfeng closed his eyes and stopped talking. Elder Chi Feng and Elder Zhong Li looked at each other and suddenly sneered, "That's fine, but there is something I want to tell Elder Kang. Your great-great-grandson is not dead..."

Hearing this, Kang Dingfeng opened his eyes and asked, "What did you do to Chen'er?"

Elder Chi Feng sneered, "Why is Elder Kang so nervous? How dare we do anything to him now, haha..."

"Wait! What do you mean?"

Kang Dingfeng suddenly felt that something was wrong. However, the two people slowly walked outside and only said a faint sentence: "In a few days, we will come to visit Elder Kang again. I hope Elder Kang can think carefully about it in these few days." , which side are you on..."

In the Wuyu Heaven, the situation is surging. Under the leadership of Xiao Chen, spirit gathering formations have been deployed everywhere, with a total of more than a hundred.

In the next half month, more than a hundred formations were activated at the same time. The aura of heaven and earth from all directions was gathered and attracted in the past half month. Just like the Penglai Wonderland that day, there were also rays of glow in the entire Wuyu Heaven. Soaring straight into the sky thousands of miles away, from other places' point of view, it is a strange sign from the sky.

On this day, by noon, there were not many people in Weiyang Palace. Xiao Chen only left Mrs. Xianshu and others. As for the Master of Wuqing Valley, the Master of Zhulong Valley, and the Master of Diemeng Valley, they led their respective disciples. Disciple, strictly guard the outside of Weiyang Palace, prohibiting anyone from approaching. Rui also came out from the Mystic Demon Cliff, with a hundred-foot-long dragon body, guarding outside the cave of Weiyang Palace.

In other places in Wuyutian, many defensive restrictions have been put in place. The Phantom Musical Piano Demon is guarding the Zhaotian Cliff. She alone is enough to withstand thousands of troops.

"Xian'er, don't be afraid later."

"Yeah! Brother, don't worry, Xian'er is not afraid, and sister will definitely wake up."

In Weiyang Palace, Xian'er was already ready. Xiao Chen looked at Shen Jing and the Medical Saint and the Medicine Saint again, and said solemnly, "Let's get started."

Madam Xianshu immediately sent a secret message to the outside. After everyone received the order, they immediately activated the formation without hesitation, and the spiritual power in the sky immediately gathered towards Weiyang Palace.

At this moment, the sky was full of wind and clouds, and mysterious lights shot straight into the sky. In Weiyang Palace, Xian'er put her hands on her chest, and the rain and dew from the fairy world slowly condensed into water droplets from her chest bit by bit, and floated out. .

But this fairy rain and dew has merged with her and become a part of her body. If it is completely drawn out, it will definitely cause immeasurable damage to her. That's why the Murong Yi family asked Xiao Chen to find an innate spirit. Treasure, in this way, the innate spiritual energy can be used to make up for Xian'er's damage, and at the same time, it can also ensure that Xian'er will not have any accidents when bringing out the rain and dew in the fairy world.

At this time, Xiao Chen didn't hesitate much and immediately opened the green lotus seal in Yutang Point, and an innate aura of creation immediately enveloped the entire Weiyang Palace. ׺°”˜˜`”°º×

Bai Luan and others were standing outside, inevitably a little nervous. After a day and night like this, Wuyutian's spiritual power was still surging. But at this moment, the spiritual power in the north suddenly fluctuated abnormally. Bai Luan's expression immediately changed. Ning "What's going on..."

At this moment, the jade note in her hand suddenly flashed, and a ray of consciousness shot out from it: "There has been a change in Wuding Sect."

"Wuding Sect..."

Bai Luan's face condensed, and Zi Yuan next to him was also stunned for a moment, and then he reacted and said, "Something happened to Wuding Sect. Do you want to send someone there..."


In the end, Bai Luan shook her head and looked in the direction of Weiyang Palace. No matter what today, she would lead people to guard Wuyu Tian. Ye Ying was the last barrier to Wuyu Tian.


The spiritual power in the north moved more and more intensely, even causing the nearby floating island to tremble. At this time in Weiyang Palace, Xiao Chen also clearly felt the abnormality of this spiritual power. This abnormality , from the vicinity of Wuding Mountain.

"What's going on outside?"

Shui Hanyan looked nervous. He could not bear any changes in this matter. If there was an abnormality in his spiritual power, it would most likely fail.


Xiao Chen's true energy urged him to force the aura of Weiyang Palace to stabilize. He looked at Xian'er in mid-air and saw that she was covered in cold sweat and her face was pale. He asked, "Xian'er, are you tired?"

"It's okay, brother Xiao Chen, Xianer is not tired..."

Xian'er is still gritting his teeth and persisting, condensing the fairy rain and dew in his body bit by bit, and this fairy rain and dew, along with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth condensed from all directions at this time, slowly condenses into Wei Young's body.

At this time in Wuding Sect, the entire sect was in chaos, the formations everywhere were destroyed, and countless terrifying monsters were flooding up the mountain like a tide.


The disciples were already panicking. They saw countless monsters flying up in the air. These terrifying monsters were full of resentment and hostility. Ordinary fairy swords and magic weapons could not kill them at all. Even when the fairy sword touched the foul smell on these monsters, they would be killed. It will be stained by turbidity and turn into scrap iron.


The elders were also a little panicked, and they led their disciples to retreat up the mountain. The large formation on the mountain might be able to block these monsters for a while. Even they had never seen such terrifying monsters, and they didn't know how they managed to break through the formation outside.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Just when everyone was panicking, a burst of laughter suddenly came from the distance, and then a figure flew over. The figure was covered in black energy, with a fair face, blood-red eyes, and a strange black curse mark between his eyebrows. It looked like Very powerful.

"Kang...Kang Yuchen!"

Everyone couldn't believe it. The person in front of them was actually Kang Yuchen. In just less than two months, the aura on his body had become so terrifying...

"Kang Yuchen... what are you doing? You put these monsters here!"

More than a dozen elders were stunned. They never expected that Kang Yuchen would turn into the terrifying half-human, half-ghost figure he is now.


In the air, Kang Yuchen smiled coldly, "Of course I'm back and got some things that belong to me... Oh, I forgot to mention that Sunset Peak has been razed to the ground by me, and no one has survived... Tsk tsk tsk.”

"You...what did you say!"

The elders were shocked and unbelievable. Kang Yuchen smiled coldly, glanced at the punishment hall, and stretched out his hand to grab the two of them from the air.

Almost instantly, the two people were caught in front of him, looking at him in horror, "Kang...Kang Yuchen..."

"Two senior brothers, have we met somewhere? Oh...I remembered, it was the two senior brothers who took me to the execution ground that day."

Kang Yuchen smiled solemnly, and suddenly exerted force with his hands, crushing their necks with a "crunch". Seeing this, the two punishment elders in the distance rushed over, "Kang Yuchen! Stop!"


The two people didn't even have time to scream. In an instant, they turned into two white bones in Kang Yuchen's hands, and all their energy and blood were sucked dry.

"This this……"

Seeing such a terrifying scene, the disciples of Wuding Sect were even more frightened. The two punishment elders were also stunned, and they just watched their disciples die in Kang Yuchen's hands, and their souls were swallowed up.


Suddenly, before the two punishment elders could react, they were caught by Kang Yuchen. "Two elders, you seemed to have done something to me that day... right?"

"Kang...Kang Yuchen...Ah! Ah!"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, they saw two black auras coming out of Kang Yuchen's hand, swallowing up the two punishment elders until only a white skeleton was left, not even their souls were left.

"Is this the power of immortality, hehehe..."

Kang Yuchen licked his tongue, threw down the two bones in his hands, and said with a sinister smile, "Xiao Yichen, I will deal with you after I finish dealing with this place. Who else in this world can kill me now?" That person who pursues her life will definitely make her life worse than death..."

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