"Put Kang Dingfeng into Zhao Lei Prison.

Upon hearing this, the elders and disciples were even more shocked. They never expected that she would still send Elder Kang to the Zhao Lei Prison. She was indeed ruthless in pursuing her life...

"Death Chaser..."

The chief criminal's face was also a little pale, and before he could say anything, he saw Kang Dingfeng walking down step by step, reaching out and slowly untying his elder's uniform, without any trace of fear on his face. ✧✹


Finally, the Chief of Punishment sighed, and had to be heartbroken, shouting, "Come here! Send Kang Dingfeng... into the Thunder Prison!"

Hearing this, many people present were shocked. Could it be that even the Grand Elder was not spared from prison?

At this moment, many people trembled. They looked at the pursuer and saw a determined look on her face that left no room for doubt. Many people shuddered. Is this the Wuyu Tian...

After a long time, the execution ground gradually became quiet. The executioner came to Zhui Ming and asked in a low voice, "Your Majesty...what will happen next?"

The chaser looked around and then at Elder Chi Feng and Elder Zhong Li who were sitting motionless on the high platform. One of these two people was the Grand Elder of the Earth Sect and the other was the Grand Elder of the Ren Zong. Although some of the Earth Sect and Ren Zong also committed crimes. They were found out, but this matter had nothing to do with either of them.

Zhui Ming looked at the Chief of Punishment and asked, "Where is Xue Wuguang?"


The Chief of Punishment thought for a while and replied, "The sect master and the three elders entered the Wuding Secret Realm for retreat three years ago to learn the mysteries, and they still haven't come out yet..."


Unexpectedly, after Zhui Ming heard this, he flicked his sleeves coldly and said, "Now that there is such a big mess in Wuding Sect, doesn't he plan to come out and take a look? Or, in other words, you still don't plan to tell him about this?"


After hearing this, not only the Chief of Punishment looked embarrassed, but also the faces of several other Tianzong elders. One of them said, "Your envoy also knows that enlightenment can only take months or years." It’s hard to say, right now I’m afraid that the sect master hasn’t broken through the entrance yet and can’t get out yet…”

Zhui Ming looked at the person who spoke, "Take me to the Wuding Secret Realm. I want to see what Xue Wuguang is doing there."


Hearing this, several elders were slightly shocked. When a cultivator is enlightening, she cannot be disturbed. She is asked to enter the secret realm, just in case...


Zhui Ming looked at the elders and walked slowly over. His eyes became more and more fierce. Those people were so frightened that they all lowered their heads and did not dare to look at her.

"Is there something fishy in this? Xue Wuguang entered the secret realm for retreat three years ago, but the Kang Yuchen incident happened three years ago. Could it be that he also protected this person?"

Chasing Life's eyes were sharp, and his words at this moment scared the hearts of many elders present. This incident involving Kang Yuchen attracted many elders, but if even the sect leader was involved, it might not be as simple as being thrown into Zhao Lei Prison. No, but the entire Wuding Sect will change.

At this moment, everyone held their breath. The disciples may not yet know the seriousness of what happened next, but the expressions of all the elders present changed.

At this time, someone immediately stood up, bowed his head and cupped his hands, and said quickly, "Please also ask the envoy Mingcha. In the past few years, the sect master has been fulfilling his duties. However, the sect is so big that there will inevitably be some oversights. But I dare to guarantee it with my life. The sect master has no second thoughts about Wuyu Tian!"

"Is it……"

Zhui Ming's eyes were sharp and he said coldly, "Take me to the Wuding Secret Realm."


Seeing that she still insisted on going to the secret realm, the elders really couldn't make up their minds, and finally they could only look at the two great elders Chi Feng and Zhong Li on the high platform.

After a while, Elder Chi Feng said, "The sect master is still in seclusion in the secret realm to learn the mysteries. At this time... it may not be appropriate to open the secret realm and let people enter."

"What? Even I can't enter? Or, Xue Wuguang, he is not in Wuding Sect at all..."

At this moment, the atmosphere became extremely cold and solid. Faced with the unyielding attitude of the pursuer, even the two elders Chi Feng and Zhong Li had to make concessions. As for the other elders and disciples, they were even more frightened. Trembling with fear.

Elder Zhongli said, "In that case, Chief of Punishment, after you have finished handling the matters here, you can take the pursuer to the secret realm of Wuding Mountain."


The Chief of Punishment hesitated for a while, then finally nodded, and then made a gesture of invitation to Zhui Ming, "Please, Your Majesty Zhui Ming, move to the Lei Guang Palace for the time being, and come back after I finish handling the matters here."

After a while, Zhui Ming returned to Lei Guang Palace. Others in the palace did not dare to say anything. It was not until dusk fell that the Chief of Punishment and several other elders returned.

"Your Majesty Zhui Ming, I've been waiting for you for a long time." Several people came to the hall and bowed their hands to Zhui Ming.

"Well..." Zhui Ming nodded slightly and asked, "How is it? Have everything been dealt with?"

The Chief Punisher said, "We've basically finished all the processing, and the remaining ones will be left to the disciples to deal with... Next, will your envoy go with me to the secret realm of Wuding Mountain?"

"Let's go."

When the group of people arrived outside the secret realm, it was already dark. The stars and moon were dim tonight, and the light emitted by the formations in Wuding Mountain was particularly obvious.

"The secret realm will open later. Just wait outside." Zhui Ming said calmly.


The Chief of Punishment and others did not dare to disobey her, and immediately ordered people to carefully open the formation outside the secret realm, so as not to disturb the sect leader and the three elders who were practicing inside.

About half an hour later, the secret realm was just opened. Zhui Ming came to the slowly opening entrance and looked inside with concentration. However, there was a formation barrier in the secret realm, and his spiritual consciousness could not see everything inside.

Zhui Ming entered the secret realm, walked for a while, and came to a hidden cave. After passing through the cave, he saw a dark ancient palace. There was a forbidden formation outside the ancient palace, making it difficult for ordinary people to approach.

"Is Sect Leader Xue in the palace?"

Zhui Ming came to the front of the temple, slowed down her pace, and became alert. Ye Ying's instinct told her that even if she went to a place where she was sure, she must not be careless at all.

After a while, a slightly expectant voice finally came out from inside, "Is there...Wuyutian outside, the envoy of Pursuit of Life?"


Zhui Ming was still on guard. She had met Xue Wuguang before and recognized this voice. It was Xue Wuguang himself, but they hadn't seen each other for several years. The other person's voice sounded much changed and no longer sounded like the master of the sect before.

"Are the three elders from the Tian Sect, Earth Sect, and Human Sect also in there?"

Zhui Ming slowly approached. Just as she finished her words, the restrictions outside the ancient palace finally dissipated. The light inside became slightly brighter. Yi Yue could see the four people sitting on the stone platform in the center of the ancient palace. silhouette.

"Fate Chaser, you are finally here... There is no one else here, please come in." An old voice sounded, and the speaker this time was an elder from the Renzong.

Zhuiming's heart froze, but her steps were still very slow. She insisted on entering the secret realm, so naturally she had her own thoughts. At this time, these four people seemed to be waiting for her...

At the moment, she carefully entered the ancient palace. The light inside the palace was a little dim, the air was a little damp, many places were covered with moss, and there was a faint sound of dripping water.

No, these four people...

At this moment, Zhuiming suddenly realized something was wrong, but he heard a "bang", the whole ancient palace trembled violently, and the stone door outside was closed tightly.

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