"a ha ha ha……"

Cheng Jin, who was sitting next to Zhu Shouping's body, seemed to have lost his soul, crying and laughing. However, this scene was seen by Ding Pan from the other side of the woods, and the two junior brothers who were with Ding Pan saw this scene. At this scene, the three of them were frightened.


Cheng Jin suddenly spotted Ding and Pan on the other side of the woods. They flew over like a gust of wind in an instant. The three of them were frightened out of their wits and turned around and ran away. Even on ordinary days, the three of them were no match for Cheng Jin. , not to mention that now, seeing Cheng Jin killing people, he has already gone crazy?

"Help! Help!"

Ding Pan was almost scared to death. He had never felt that death was so close to him. In the past, he always relied on Zhao Cheng's support, as if he was not afraid of anything, and he often bullied Cheng Jin and Zhu Shouping. , and today, the other party first killed Zhu Shouping, and then chased him like a madman. How could he not be afraid?

"Want to leave? I'll kill you today. I don't mind. If you kill a few more, go to hell!"

Cheng Jin had a gloomy and terrifying smile on his face, and he was already murderous. Just when he was about to grab the back of Ding Pan's head with his five fingers, he suddenly faced a gust of wind and knocked him away with a "bang" sound. go out.


After Ding Pan saw the person clearly, he seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw. "Senior Brother Kang, help! Cheng Jin is crazy! I just saw him kill Zhu Shouping!"

"Cheng Jin killed someone... Cheng Jin killed someone! He killed Zhu Shouping! Cheng Jin killed Zhu Shouping!"

Soon, the nearby disciples were attracted, Elder Wu and others also arrived, but Cheng Jin was surrounded by everyone and could not go anywhere.

"Kang Yuchen..."

Cheng Jin's eyes were red and he looked hard at Kang Yuchen who was standing not far away. At this moment, he finally understood what was going on.

"Even if I'm a ghost...I won't let you go...Kang Yuchen! Ah——"

"Cheng Jin killed his fellow disciple Zhu Shouping. According to the sect rules, he abolished his cultivation and was expelled from the sect... and he was executed immediately!"



"Kang Yuchen! Kang Yuchen - ah!"

In the end, Cheng Jin was nailed to the execution pillar and received seventy-two bone-penetrating nails. All the veins in his body were disabled and he could no longer practice martial arts in this life. Over the years, he could barely practice martial arts by relying on some of his internal skills. , but it is no longer what it used to be. Every time it rains, my whole body will feel severe pain.

At this time, after hearing everything that happened that year, Zhui Ming remained silent, which was almost the same as her previous speculation.

"How...do you know I'm here?"

Cheng Jin raised his head, his eyes full of vicissitudes of life. He was no longer the disciple of Qingtian Peak before. Now he often dreams about the Double Ninth Festival, on the top of the mountain, the sun sets, and there is a wine jar next to the three of them. Telling about the future, the future...

Zhui Ming said, "No matter what Wuyu Tian is looking for, he can't be found."

"Then...what about Kang Yuchen?"

"This time, I don't think anyone can keep him."

Three days later, an execution pillar was set up directly on the Wudingzong execution ground. It was covered with sharp barbs and was nailed to the pillar. I am afraid that half of the Wudingzong disciples had already died before the execution. , no one is not afraid.

The several punishment elders did not expect that when they returned from chasing their lives this time, they would directly ask them to set up the execution pillar. They had already prepared the execution pillar before going to the Lei Guang Palace to interrogate Kang Yuchen again. Could it be that she had already had irrefutable evidence? ? Or do you plan to enforce it?

Kang Yuchen had been released from Zhaolei Prison three days in advance, but he was locked up in another stone palace. In the past three days, no one came to visit him, and he couldn't get out. No one responded no matter how he shouted. I don't know what happened outside, but I am always in panic.

On this day, footsteps finally sounded outside the stone palace. As if he had seized the last chance, Kang Yuchen hurriedly ran to the door of the palace, put his ear against the stone door, and listened carefully to the footsteps. When the footsteps approached, Then he cautiously said, "Is it... Lao He?"


At this time, there was a gentle sigh outside. Kang Yuchen heard that the voice was indeed Elder He, and hurriedly said, "Old He, let me out quickly, I'm going crazy in here...Old He, can you hear me? Old He ! Lao He!"

Kang Yuchen kept banging on the stone door. For the past three days, he had been locked in this stone hall, isolated from everything outside. He couldn't even hear the sound. Sometimes he had auditory hallucinations, which almost drove him crazy. Such a sealed environment , facing the fear of the unknown all the time, is not much better than being in Zhao Lei Prison.

With a "rumbling" sound, the stone door finally opened slowly. Kang Yuchen was about to rush out, but he heard a "crackling" sound and was immediately blocked by the restrictions outside the hall.

"Lao He... hurry up, I want to go out! I want to see Grandpa Xuan, take me out quickly!" Kang Yuchen didn't want to stay in this sealed stone palace for a moment, he just wanted to find Grandpa Xuan.

I saw Elder He's eyebrows furrowed slightly, and he looked back. Two people immediately came up and opened the ban on the stone hall. "Mr. Kang, please come."


Kang Yuchen saw that these two were members of Elder Punishment's sect. He sensed something was wrong and looked at Elder He, "Old He, where are they taking me?"

"Sir, let's go..."

Elder He sighed softly, and said nothing more at this time. The two people in charge of punishment came up directly, escorted Kang Yuchen from left to right, and walked outside.

"Wait...where are you taking me? Wait!"

Kang Yuchen's expression changed greatly, but the two people ignored him. Kang Yuchen could only look at Elder He and asked quickly, "Old He! Where are they taking me? Ah..."

Finally, one person couldn't stand his noisy behavior and said, "Since the two of us are here to escort Mr. Kang, instead of going to the execution ground, why don't we go to enjoy the flowers and the moon?"

"Go to the execution ground...wait! What do you mean? Ah! Why are you going to the execution ground? Old He...Old He! What's going on? What's going on? I haven't heard the trial yet. Shouldn't I go to the Lei Guang Palace? Why go to the execution ground? ? Lao He!"

Kang Yuchen's face was horrified and his eyes were wide open as he looked at Elder He. The physical and mental torture over the past month had completely changed him.

A person next to him sneered, "Why are you still going to trial? Just go to the execution ground and save yourself the trouble..."

"What do you mean? What do you mean?"

Kang Yuchen's eyes widened angrily and he kept struggling, "Let me go! Let me go! You are bold! Presumptuous! My Grandpa Xuan is the Grand Elder, who of you dares to touch me!"

"Haha... Mr. Kang, I advise you to save some energy. We are still a long way from the execution ground. I think even if the Jade Emperor descends to earth this time, I am afraid it will be difficult to protect Mr. Kang."

"What do you mean? Do you want to frame me? Ah!"

Kang Yuchen's face was shocked and angry, and then he looked at Elder He, "Old He! Where is my Grandpa Xuan? I want to see him! Where is he? Huh?"

Elder He lowered his head and sighed softly, "Great Elder, he should be at the execution ground at this moment."

"What...what did you say..."

At this moment, when Kang Yuchen heard that Grandpa Lian Xuan was also at the execution ground, Kang Yuchen felt the world spinning, as if he couldn't even stand still.

The Wudingzong execution ground was filled with cold wind. On the execution platform, the three-foot-tall black execution pillar was particularly terrifying. Everyone lowered their heads at this time and did not dare to look at the execution pillar.

At the bottom left of the execution platform, there was a row of people, about twenty or thirty people, including Zhao Cheng, Ding Pan and other disciples, as well as a dozen elders, Elder Wu from Qingtian Peak, Elder Mu from Sunset Peak, They are all listed, as well as many elders from the inner sects, including the Tian sect, the Earth sect, and the Human sect.

Obviously, these people were either the ones who shielded Kang Yuchen and covered up Kang Yuchen's crimes in the past, or they were people who committed other crimes with other people and were discovered incidentally this time.

At this time, on a high platform opposite the punishment platform, the three elders Kang Dingfeng, Chifeng, and Zhongli were sitting at attention, motionless as a mountain.

On weekdays, the three Grand Elders are in charge of three sects each and hardly interact with each other. Today is a rare gathering. After all, the matter this time is too big. If you don't investigate, you won't know. So many high-level officials have been arrested.

On the other side, Zhui Ming stood there with her hands tied on her chest, motionless. Although she was not sitting on the high platform at the moment, her sense of majesty made people more uncomfortable than the three elders. No one dared to do so today. Don't listen to her.

There are many elders in other places. As for the execution ground, it is surrounded by disciples. Today, almost everyone from Wuding Sect came to the execution ground.

"Let me go! Let me go!" Just when everyone was nervous, there was a sudden noise outside, but it was Kang Yuchen who was being escorted this way.

"Grandpa Xuan...save me! Grandpa Xuan!"

Seeing Grandpa Xuan on the high platform, Kang Yuchen seemed to have grasped the last life-saving rope. However, Kang Dingfeng had a gloomy look on his face and looked scarier than anyone else.

In the end, Kang Yuchen did not dare to commit another crime and had to be escorted inside. When he saw the three-foot-tall black execution column on the execution platform, he was so frightened that his legs weakened and he did not dare to go any closer. .

"Mr. Kang, let's go."

The two executioners escorted him over there, and when he saw Zhao Cheng and the others under the execution platform, as well as the elders who had protected him in the past, Kang Yuchen turned pale with fright, "Why are you here? Huh?" What are you doing here? Lao He... Lao He, what's going on!"

Elder He lowered his head and walked obediently to the punishment platform. This time when he saw even Lao He going to the punishment platform, Kang Yuchen was so frightened that he almost fainted: "Old He, you... …What are you doing there? Come back!”

"Master Kang, stand still, yes, that's it, don't move."

The two executioners escorted him to the foot of the punishment platform, and then loosened the rope that bound him. As soon as the rope was untied, Kang Yuchen wanted to fly outside, but before he could start, many people suddenly came from a distance. The person in charge of the torture, holding the instrument of torture in his hand, was so frightened that he stood back and never dared to try to escape again.

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