The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1531 The situation outside the sect

After a while, Qiao'er still seemed to have lost her soul, Zhui Ming looked at her and said, "As long as I find Cheng Jin from back then, I can convict Kang Yuchen.

"What did you say……"

Qiaoer was stunned for a moment, raised her head, and realized at this moment that she still didn't know who the person in front of her was. Kang Yuchen covered the sky with one hand in Wuding Sect, and so many elders covered up his crimes, so who was this person in front of her? ? How can Kang Yuchen be convicted?

"Girl, I still don't know...who are you?"

Zhui Ming said, "Now that you are in the mortal world, it doesn't matter whether you know who I am or not."

Qiao'er was stunned when he heard this, and then said, "That girl just said, can you convict Kang Yuchen? Can you really bring this man to justice? But he, no one in Wuding Sect can... …So that year, that year I just…”

Zhui Ming said, "I have found out all the crimes committed by this person. Now I only have to find Cheng Jin back then. As long as I find Cheng Jin, I can convict him. This time, no one can save him."

"Is this girl serious?"

Qiaoer was so excited that he stood up. After a moment, he murmured, "But now... Now I don't know where Brother Jin is... He was crippled in his cultivation back then... Where can he go?" …”

Zhui Ming said, "Miss Zhou doesn't have to worry about this matter. I have my own solution."

The territory to the north of Wuyu Tian is vast and boundless, and in the mortal world, there have been indispensable battles, vendettas, and interest struggles since ancient times. They are staged almost every day. Xiao Chen has never allowed Wuyu Tian to fight against these battles in the mortal world. people intervene.

In a place called Feimang Mountain, there is a Tianying Village. There are about 800 brothers in the village. The village is very lively tonight, and beside the bonfire, everyone is surrounding a man in Tsing Yi. That man There is a scar on the left side of the face, which is invisible and shows a certain degree of ferocity.

"The village master destroyed the Huxiao Clan today. After so many years, he finally avenged the old village master's blood. Brothers, I respect the village master!"

"Respect the village master!"

Everyone shouted in unison and picked up the wine bowls in their hands. It turned out that the man in green was the new leader of Tianying Village a few years ago. Now he is known as the "Eagle Claw King". He has extremely deep internal energy and can move with just a move of five fingers. Leave five deep bloody holes on the enemy's head.

In the light of the fire, I saw the man in green laughing, drinking bowl after bowl until midnight. However, no matter how strong the wine was, he could not hide the regret and guilt in his eyes.

The village that had been noisy for most of the night finally became quiet. The weather was cold and it was easy to wake up from the wine. The man in Tsing Yi climbed up from the wine jars on the floor and staggered to his room step by step.

When they arrived in the room, under the dim light of the candle, they saw a figure sitting on his chair. The man in Tsing Yi suddenly lost all the alcohol and sobered up, "Who is that person!"

The figure on the chair didn't say anything. The man in green squinted his eyes, raised his hand, curled his fingers, and grabbed him suddenly.

However, I don't know if it was an illusion or something. When he got closer, the figure on the chair disappeared instantly, and then behind him, a chill slowly came.

"Eight years ago, at the foot of Feimang Mountain, he was rescued by the leader of Tianying Village. The next year, he was adopted by the leader of Tianying Village as his adopted son. In the third year, the leader of Tianying Village was adopted by the leader of Huxiao Clan. Kill, and you inherit the position of village leader..."

"who are you?"

The man in green suddenly turned around and looked at the erratic figure in front of him. He finally saw that it was a woman.

And the woman in front of him was none other than Zhui Ming. Zhui Ming looked at him and said calmly, "It's been eight years, Cheng Jin. As the leader of the village, are you still doing well?"


Hearing this name that was no longer used, the man in green's face changed. At this time, he felt a little suffocated, and his clenched fingers slowly relaxed.

Zhui Ming walked towards him step by step and said calmly, "Over the years, have you often dreamed that Zhu Shouping came to ask for your life, the master of Yingzhai..."

"You...who are you!" Hearing this, the man in green shuddered even more, his legs refused to control him, and he stepped back again and again.

"Heaven without desire...chasing life."

"Chasing...chasing life..."

Cheng Jin's face was as white as a sheet. Unlike Zhou Sisi, although he had been hiding in the mortal world these years, he still knew a little about things in the world of cultivation. Naturally, he also knew where Wuyutian was. .

Zhuiming walked towards him and said calmly, "Cheng Jin, you don't have to be afraid. I'm not here to ask for your life. You have to tell me exactly what happened back then..."

At the end of her words, she looked at Cheng Jin motionlessly, "Because this is your only chance to get revenge."

"you you……"

Under this invisible pressure, Cheng Jin finally seemed to be discouraged and sat limply on the chair. Recalling what happened back then, his face was filled with only pain, which made him miserable for the rest of his life. Unforgettable pain, regret, guilt...

After a long time, Cheng Jin raised his head, looked at Zhui Ming in front of him, and said, "There is another person, this person is called Zhao Cheng. As a disciple of the elder of the inner sect, he is protected by the inner sect, and he often comes to the outer sect to show his dominance. , oppress others, can you also take them down?"

Zhui Ming said, "If it is determined that this person is also guilty, no matter what his identity is, no one from the Wuding Sect can save him this time. I will uproot them all... The place where Your Majesty laid down cannot be tolerated." There are borers present.

"Okay, okay..." Hearing this, Cheng Jin took a deep breath and finally slowly told the story of the foreign sect back then.

"Ajin, how are you? Are you okay?"

"nothing and you……"

In the woods, Cheng Jin and Zhu Shouping were sitting together, as if they were brothers in distress. Both of them were injured, but they were still asking each other how the injury was.

"Aping, I'm sorry, I've caused you trouble again, but I can't bear it. That bastard Ding Pan found another excuse to bully Sisi... How are you hurt?"

"Ajin, why are you telling me this... I was thinking just now that this is not the way to go. Ding Pan and the others have many people. If we force it, we can't fight him. That kid has backers in the inner sect, in Qingtian No one dares to defy him."

"You're just a loser, what's the big deal... If you dare to challenge me, I'll crush his throat."

Cheng Jin held his head and fell down on the lawn behind him. His eyes were full of anger and injustice. He thought that this Taoist sect was fair, but he didn't expect it to be so filthy. If he had known, it would be better to join the Demon Sect.

Zhu Shouping looked at him, frowned and said, "I mean, we also have to find a backer in the inner sect. With the abilities of you and me, is it possible that no senior brother in the inner sect likes us? In this case, Ding Pan Cai will be afraid... Our chances of being promoted to the inner sect will be greater in the future. "

"whispering sound……"

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Cheng Jin just snorted disdainfully, "I can't fight on my own? Do I have to rely on others? Doesn't it feel good to be stepped on by others all day long?"

Zhu Shouping shook his head, "Ajin, you don't understand what I mean. You have to change your temper. If you continue like this, you will eventually suffer."

"I know, I know, it's so annoying."

Cheng Jin glanced at him sideways and said, "Look back and ask Sisiruo, just tell me that they beat you first, and then I rushed to help you, and you were injured. Do you know?"

"You brat."

Zhu Shouping smiled and punched him lightly on the chest. The two walked out of the woods arm in arm. Cheng Jin was still thinking, "Next time I meet that person named Ding, I don't care how many people he has. Keep fighting, did you see him like that just now? He was hiding behind and didn't dare to rush forward..."

In a small outer sect like Qingtian Peak, it is common for disciples to form gangs and fight in private. As long as the trouble is not too serious and no one is killed, the elders will also They often turn a blind eye. Not to mention the Wuding Sect, even the outer sect of the Xuanqing Sect. Didn't this happen as well?

But what Cheng Jin didn't expect was that the incident was not over. Ding Pan actually told a brother he recognized in the inner sect. Later, the inner sect brother came down. No matter how high Cheng Jin's martial arts was, How can he be the opponent of the disciples of the inner sect?

"Don't fight...don't fight!"

On the grass, all the disciples gathered around and were clapping their hands. Only a good-looking female disciple outside wanted to rush in and stop her, but Zhu Shouping held her tightly: "Xiao Si... don't go!"

In the middle of the grass surrounded by everyone, I saw a man in green being stepped on by another man in red. Blood was flowing out of the corner of his mouth, but his eyes were still extremely hard.

The man who was stepped on was naturally Cheng Jin, and the man in red was the inner sect brother that Ding Pan called down.

"Boy, you are very brave. How dare you act wild here? Do you know whose place Qingtian Peak belongs to..."

The man in red had a fierce gaze. He had obtained many spiritual stones from Ding Pan over the years, and the spiritual stones that Ding Pan paid tribute to him were actually collected from other disciples.

"Boy, admit your mistake, go and apologize to my junior brother, and I will let you live today..."

The man in red's eyes became more and more fierce. Cheng Jin sneered, and suddenly spit out his saliva mixed with blood into his face.

"Boy, that's awesome..."

The man in red raised his hand and wiped his face. He exerted force with his foot, and Cheng Jin suddenly gushed out a mouthful of blood. His ribcage was almost crushed. Ding Pan, who was still sneering outside, couldn't help but change his mind this time. It would be too bad if you lose sex for fear of causing harm to someone.

"Brother Jin...Brother Jin! Don't hit him, please, don't hit him..."

Zhou Sisi kept crying outside, but she was pulled tightly by Zhu Shouping. Zhu Shouping was also pale at this time. In the past, he could fight side by side with Cheng Jin no matter how many people there were.

But this time it's different. This time it's a senior brother from the inner sect. If he goes up there, he will only die. If he falls there today, who will protect Sisi?

"Aping...take her away..."

Blood continued to pour out of Cheng Jin's mouth, and his face began to turn black. He was afraid that he could not hold on any longer. Zhu Shoupian looked pale, and without hesitation, he forcibly pulled Zhou Sisi and ran outside.

Now that the matter has become serious, he can only go to the elder. Otherwise, with Cheng Jin's temper, he may be beaten to death here today. And a small outer sect disciple will be beaten to death by an inner sect disciple. Elder If he didn't want to cause trouble, he would probably cover it up. He could see the darkness of the outer sect more clearly than Cheng Jin.

"Who wants to leave?"

Suddenly, the man in red had a cold look in his eyes, stretched out his left hand, and a strong wind surged over him. With a "bang" sound, Zhu Shouping was so shocked that he vomited blood and flew out. Then, with a movement of his five fingers, he grabbed Zhou Sisi's throat from the air, and suddenly Caught her.

"Asshole...let her go!"

" were very powerful just now, weren't you?"

The man in red smiled cruelly and stepped hard. Cheng Jin suddenly had another mouthful of blood gushing out. Zhou Sisi had already turned pale with fear and kept struggling, "Brother Jin...Brother Jin...what are you doing..."

At this time, Ding Pan also ran over from a distance, and said tremblingly and uneasily, "Senior Brother Zhao... or forget it, the elder will be here later..."

"Go away."

The man in red was obviously no longer just standing up for Ding Pan. He glared coldly at Cheng Jin at his feet, "If I, Zhao Cheng, can't handle a new disciple from outside the sect today, how can I be a senior brother in the future..."

At the end of his words, his eyes gradually fell on the frightened Zhou Sisi. A pair of eyes also moved up and down her exquisite body, and he sneered, "She is your fairy companion, right? But it seems that you two I haven’t done dual cultivation yet…”

"Zhao Cheng, what do you want to do... If you dare to touch her... I, Cheng Jin, will kill you!"

"kill me?"

Zhao Cheng smiled coldly and stepped hard, "Then you should watch closely and see what I will do to her..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he tore off Zhou Sisi's clothes. The disciples who were still cheering outside were all shocked at this time. They originally thought that Senior Brother Zhao was just scaring Cheng Jin, but he wanted to really humiliate a Junior Sister in public. If so, then things will really get into trouble...

"Asshole! Ah——"

Cheng Jin's eyes were about to burst, and he was almost in pain, but he was stepped on by Zhao Cheng, unable to move. Zhou Sisi was already frightened, so she could only cover her chest with her hands, wishing she could die.

"Hahaha! Did you see it? Is she pretty? Ah? Do you think she is pretty? She is indeed a rare beauty... Hahaha!"

Zhao Cheng laughed wildly, and at this moment, a cold man's voice finally came from outside: "Wild!"

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