"Your Majesty!"

When she saw Xiao Chen's face turning pale at this time, Zi Yuan hurried over and thought to herself that a few days ago, His Majesty had already recovered, so how could he look so ugly today.


Xiao Chen raised his hand. He didn't know why, but when he was concentrating on doing his exercises, his heart suddenly beat violently, as if a bad premonition suddenly enveloped his heart.

After a while, his expression gradually returned to normal. Zi Yuan raised her sleeves, gently wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and asked in a low voice, "Is your Majesty okay?"


Xiao Chen looked outside. He had been recovering here for more than ten days. He should go out and take a look today. He said, "I'm fine. Now I have to go to Gufeng. Please prepare water for me. I need to take a shower and change clothes." ”


Zi Yuan nodded and immediately went out, preparing a bucket of hot water and clean clothes. Xiao Chen finished bathing and changing clothes, and then went to Gufeng.

There has always been no one on the lonely peak. These days, Tianku Lingzi is also in retreat to recover his soul power, and the entire mountain peak looks even more deserted.

After a while, Xiao Chen came to Shen Jing's courtyard. He asked Zi Yuan to guard outside, and then went inside. There were several female disciples guarding under the attic. When they saw Xiao Chen coming, they all lowered their heads and saluted, "Honored Master." superior."


Xiao Chen nodded slightly and then entered the attic. He saw Shen Jing lying quietly on the bed. The color on her face had recovered and her chest was rising and falling gently with her breathing. Her condition had obviously improved a lot.

"Sister Shen Jing..."

Xiao Chen sat on the edge of the bed and gently called her name. At this time, he did not dare to use his spiritual consciousness to detect her injuries, but he thought that she had gradually recovered under the care of the two medical saints and medicine saints.

After a long while, there was still no response. Xiao Chen frowned slightly and gently held her slightly cold hand, thinking about that year when he jumped from the Immortal Burial Cliff, severed all the meridians in his body, and was in a coma for half a year. At that time, she It must be like this, staying by the bed, hoping to wake up every day...

At that time, he was in a coma for half a year, and she took care of him day and night for half a year...

"Sister Shen Jing, I have avenged your revenge for you, but when will you wake up..."

Xiao Chen held her cold hand warmly, and at this moment, in his mind, scenes from his youth emerged again.

"Fighted again."

"No, I accidentally fell into a ditch while chasing a wild boar."

"Eat. Tomorrow I will go to the town to deliver some work. You get up early and deliver a piece of cloth to Uncle Shen in Nancun."

"Oh...it's so good, but you don't have anything to do, so why are you suddenly sending something to me?"

"Xiaojing and you are about the same age. I won't make any fuss about it. Will you two get married in three or two years?"

"I dont go."

"Why don't you go!"

"If you don't go, you won't go. I won't get married."

"Then what do you want to do?"

"I want to cultivate immortality! When I learn the Xuanqing Sect's spells, I will beat Zhao Wangsun so hard that he will be unable to get up!"

Memories from his youth appeared in his mind one scene after another. If he had not had that nightmare that night, if the next day, he had followed his mother's instructions, got up early, and sent the cloth to Uncle Shen... Will the ending be different from now?

In fact, at that time, his young mind just wanted to learn some powerful spells to use in fighting, and this idea did not last for a day or two. It was just that day when he saw Zhao Wangsun taking out his "magic weapon", and thought that this would be the death of him. The fat man had his own magic weapon, and his idea of ​​cultivating immortality was out of control. At that time, how did he know what cultivating immortality was?

As for Shen Jing, he always regarded her as a sister. At that time, he always liked to fight with others. Anyway, he had a sister who would apply ointment for his wounds. Regardless of whether he won or lost, he was always happy. He secretly went to Shen Jing's place first, rubbed his wounds before going back, and asked Shen Jing not to tell Wuniang, for fear of being scolded when he went back, so he asked Shen Jing to lie for him, saying that he accidentally went to the mountains to chase wild boars and rabbits. Falling.

Even though so many years have passed, the memories of his youth are still vivid in Xiao Chen's mind. Ningcun is gone long ago, and Shen Jing has become the only memory of his youth, and she is like a family member.

"Don't argue here. Your Majesty is with Miss Shen in the attic. Xue Wuguang will handle the matter of the Dingzong. You don't need to say anything, just step aside."

At this moment, Bai Luan's deep voice suddenly sounded outside the attic. Xiao Chen slowly woke up from his memories. Hearing some noise outside, he asked, "Bai Luan, what's the noise outside?"

"Your Majesty, it's okay. A few disciples are ignorant and came here to make noise. I asked them to drive them away."


Xiao Chen covered Shen Jing with the quilt and walked out immediately, saying, "I seemed to have heard just now that they had something to report. They were not allowed to see me."

Bai Luan said, "It's just a small matter for the sect below. Your Majesty has been busy recently, so there is no need to be distracted by this. I will send someone to deal with it."


Xiao Chen walked downstairs, thinking that in the past in Wuyutian, if the disciples had anything to do, they would go to Yang Xiaoran or Mingyue and others, but no one dared to come to him directly. This time, someone was actually making noise outside the courtyard. If you want to see yourself, it must not be a trivial matter.

And just now, I heard Bai Luan mention Wuding Sect. Wuding Sect is two thousand miles away from Tianwai Peak. It guards the spiritual veins in the north of Wuyu Tian. It is a natural danger. Once something goes wrong, the enemy is very likely to sneak in from the north and destroy or destroy it. Stealing Wuyutian's spiritual power, and even sneaking into Wuyutian.

"Zi Yuan, tell me."


Zi Yuan suddenly raised her head, walked to Bai Luan with catlike steps, gently tugged on her sleeves, and whispered, "Sister, why don't you tell me..."


Xiao Chen looked at the two people in front of him and said without saying a word, "What? Now that you have something, can you hide it from me?"

"That's not the case. I just don't want to overwork my superior."

At that moment, Bai Luan told the story, "There is a disciple of Wuding Sect named Kang Yuchen. Not long ago, there were rumors that this person had raped a female disciple of the outer sect. Later, there were rumors that this person had raped a female disciple of the outer sect many times. He raped and forced the female disciples of the sect several times, until this incident happened..."

"Then what."

At this moment, Xiao Chen's face was already a little frosty. Zi Yuan stood aside and couldn't help feeling a cold feeling on her back. She had wanted to say this that day, but then she thought about it, such a thing happened under Wuyu Tian , it would probably displease Your Majesty, so I didn’t say anything.

Bai Luan frowned slightly and continued, "In the end, Kang Yuchen was punished to face the wall for three years. I don't know how this matter spread outside. The disciples of various sects felt that it was unfair, so they started a riot. They were all enthusiastic young disciples. Elder, I can't suppress it for a moment, and my subordinates suspect that this matter spread so quickly, and it happens to be during this period of time, we cannot rule out the possibility of external forces deliberately fanning the flames..."

Xiao Chen said, "Then according to the law of my Wuyu Heaven, how should this matter be?"

Bai Luan said, "Anyone who commits adultery, kidnaps, or kills fellow sect members will be subject to the rules of the sect, their cultivation will be abolished, and they will be expelled from the sect."

Xiao Chen looked at Zi Yuan, no wonder she hesitated to speak that day, but when Zi Yuan saw him looking at her, she shrank her neck and hid behind Bai Luan.

Xiao Chen turned around again, looked at Bai Luan and said, "Bai Luan, I want Ye Ying to investigate this matter in person."

"Your Majesty..."

Hearing this, Bai Luan raised his head with a slightly surprised look on his face and said, "It may be inappropriate for Ye Ying to intervene in such a trivial matter of the sect. After all, it is the internal affairs of their sect..."

"This is no small matter."

Xiao Chen put his hands behind his back, looked at the distant mountain peaks, and said, "The world is unfair, how can there be justice? Besides, this matter used to happen to their own sect, but now it happens under Wuyu Tian."

Hearing this, Bai Luan understood immediately and immediately said, "My subordinates understand, so I will send Zhui Ming to Wuding Sect overnight to investigate the matter thoroughly. If it is found that Wuding Sect is covering up, I will never tolerate it!"

"Go ahead."

Xiao Chen waved his sleeves and said, "Although Xue Wuguang is the head of a sect, he has always been conscientious and dedicated to his duties. He has made great achievements in guarding the north these years. From what I know about him, he should not do this." Wait, there may be something fishy about this matter, Bai Luan, you must find out carefully and make no mistakes."

Bai Luan cupped his hands and said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty. I have always been cautious when pursuing orders, and I will never make any mistakes."

"Well, you go ahead."


Bai Luan cupped his hands and immediately went outside the courtyard. Zi Yuan was left here alone with his head lowered. He didn't know what to say and didn't dare to look at Xiao Chen, but he thought to himself that this time Senior Sister Zhui Ming came forward in person. Investigating this matter, we should be able to find out soon. The skills of the life-chasing senior sister are the most powerful among Ye Ying. Back then, she was alone, chasing the murderer thousands of miles away, and even brought back the prisoner's head...

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