The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,520 The Art of Yin and Yang

In the netherworld, ghosts were shouting and the yin energy was rising to the sky. It was like an invisible force that held Shen Jing's soul tightly and pulled her down.

"Sister Shen Jing!"

Xiao Chen's face changed. He saw that the soul lamp in his hand had begun to flicker continuously. Even the last wick was about to burn out. By then, the four sides would fall into darkness, and the gap between Yin and Yang would close. He would never be able to find the exit to go back.

"Your Excellency... Your Excellency!"

In the Wuyu Heaven, Zi Yuan was so anxious that she kept calling Xiao Chen to the formation, trying to call him back, but it was useless. The Yin and Yang laws of the world have been difficult to reverse since ancient times, so how could it be easy? ✬✸♦

"Senior... what should I do?"

Bai Luan was always calm in the face of things, but when she saw that the soul-returning incense was almost burned out, she couldn't help showing anxiety on her face.

"That kid still doesn't come up..."

In the distance, Huanyin Qin Mo also showed a slight shock on her face. Although she had the cultivation of the ninth realm, she was always helpless in the matter of Yin and Yang.

"Alas!" Seeing that the last bit of the soul-returning incense was about to burn out, Ku Lingzi sighed heavily, but at this moment, he seemed to be desperate, and his hands kept forming seals, chanting "Heaven and earth are taboo, yin and yang are taboo... no taboos!" As the last word fell, the entire Wuyutian suddenly blew violently, and dark clouds rolled in the sky. A strong soul power instantly enveloped the world! "Such a strong soul..." Even though Huanyin Qinmo had seen many powerful people in the past, he couldn't help but feel suffocated at this moment. Looking at Ku Lingzi again, his whole body was covered with dark light, and his eyes were shining with soul light. At this moment, he was no longer the Ku Lingzi of today, but the... Netherworld Soul Saint of the Eight Desolate Netherworld Dao back then! "Open!"

In an instant, Ku Lingzi actually forced open the gap between Yin and Yang and went into the formation in an instant. Outside the formation, the strong wind gradually subsided, but everyone was still stunned. They had never thought that Senior Gu Feng's Yin and Yang soul technique was so powerful...

Because Ku Lingzi had been living in seclusion in Gu Feng for many years, his disciples also respectfully called him Gu Feng Old Man, which could also hide his true identity. People outside only knew that there was an old man Gu Feng in Wu Yu Tian, ​​but they didn't know that this old man Gu Feng was the Soul Saint of the Eight Desolate Dao.

At this time, in the netherworld, the yin energy was soaring, and the lonely souls on the ground were all rushing to the sky. There was only a little light left in the lantern in Xiao Chen's hand. As long as the soul lamp was not extinguished, he was still a person in the world of the living, and the Earth Demon King had no right to keep him. But if the soul lamp was extinguished, the Earth Demon King could detain his soul in the netherworld forever, and he could not be reborn.

"Sister Shen Jing... hold on to me!"

Xiao Chen still didn't want to let go. With a shake of his soul power, he shook off the lonely souls that rushed up. But at this moment, a hundred-foot ghost claw suddenly appeared below and grabbed up fiercely. The terrifying netherworld power instantly enveloped the vast wilderness. No matter how powerful the soul was, it was difficult to escape the netherworld ghost claw of the Earth Demon King.

At this critical moment, a ray of skylight suddenly appeared in the layers of black clouds in the sky and rushed down fiercely.

"Old guy..."

Xiao Chen sensed the breath of the soul of Ku Lingzi. At this moment, the skylight struck down with a "boom", not only shaking off all the lonely souls around, but also shaking off the netherworld ghost claw of the Earth Demon King.

"Let's go!"

Ku Lingzi is well versed in the art of Yin and Yang. Even if he is not in the world, he can still use his soul power. After receiving the souls of Xiao Chen and Shen Jing, he did not hesitate and recited the mantra in his mouth, "The wisdom is intertwined, the five qi are rising. The golden light appears quickly, covering the real person!"

Just as the voice fell, a golden light suddenly appeared, covering the souls of Xiao Chen and Shen Jing, and flew into the sky in an instant.

"Who are you? Dare to disturb the affairs of Yin and Yang!"

A terrifying and low voice came from deep underground, and then the surrounding mountains rose up from the ground and fiercely blocked the golden light, but they were a little slow after all. Almost in an instant, the golden light flew out.

In the Nine Changes Formation, the last bit of the soul-returning incense finally burned out, and at this moment, Xiao Chen's soul had returned to his place, but Ku Lingzi's soul trembled. At this moment, it seemed that his soul power was severely depleted.

"How are you?"


Kulingzi sat down quickly, put his hands on his knees, and kept chanting incantations. In the Nine Transformations Formation, Shen Jing's soul had returned to its place, but she was still not alive.

Xiao Chen did not hesitate, raised his palm, and instantly exerted the power of controlling life and death. An endless force continued to flow into the formation.

"That is..." In the distance, Huanyin Qinmo was also stunned. This method was really against the will of heaven.

It was not until nightfall that Shen Jing finally had a breath of life again, but she still did not wake up, as if she had fallen into a deep sleep, but it seemed that it was no problem.

"Your Majesty..."

Bai Luan and Zi Yuan walked up quickly, and Xiao Chen's face was extremely pale. He had never used the power of controlling life and death so excessively, especially the power of life.

When he first had the power of controlling life and death, the sword fairy senior Chu Tianyao in Feng Manlou of Dingfeng City told him that he should not use the power of controlling life and death easily at any time, especially life.

"It's okay."

Xiao Chen raised his hand slightly, the Nine Transformations Formation had dissipated, and Shen Jing's face had become much rosier, and even her breathing and heartbeat had recovered.

If we hadn't seen it with our own eyes today, it would be hard for everyone to believe that even the dead could be resurrected by His Majesty, which was really unbelievable.

However, if it was an ordinary person, even if Xiao Chen had the ability to control life and death, it would be difficult to resurrect him.

Seven days have passed. On this day, Xiao Chen was still recovering in the secret palace. At night, his complexion finally improved. It has been a month since the Wangchuan Gongsun clan was wiped out. During this month, rumors spread everywhere, mostly about Xiao Chen.

Nowadays, the words Wuyutian are a bit more frightening among the good and the evil. The ordinary cultivation forces will never dare to provoke Wuyutian easily. Even those ancient tribes hidden in the mysterious world want to come from Wuyutian made his decision here, but now he has to weigh it a few more times. The Wangchuan Gongsun Yi clan is the best example.

At this moment, there was silence in the secret palace. At this moment, there was a burst of light footsteps outside. The footsteps stopped and went, sometimes light and sometimes heavy, as if there was some hesitation, but in the end, little by little, slowly Approaching the secret palace.

Xiao Chen didn't need to use his spiritual consciousness. Just by hearing the footsteps, he knew it was Zi Yuan and said, "Zi Yuan, are you okay?"

"Your Majesty..."

Sure enough, it was Zi Yuan's voice outside the hall. Just listening to her words, she seemed hesitant to speak. Xiao Chen opened his eyes and said, "Come in."

After a while, Zi Yuan walked in and came to him. Seeing that his face had recovered a little, she asked in a low voice, "Is your Majesty feeling better?"


Xiao Chen nodded slightly and asked her, "How is Senior Ku Lingzi?"

Zi Yuan thought for a while and said, "Senior, he... is probably fine. I went to see Shen Jing on the lonely peak in the past two days, but I didn't see him."


Xiao Chen recalled that day in the Netherworld. If Ku Lingzi hadn't come down in time, it was hard to predict what the consequences would be. Just forcing the gap between Yin and Yang to open would inevitably hurt his soul.

Although Ku Lingzi was the Soul Saint of Youtian in the past, he has no physical body after all. Although his soul is strong, it is also fragile. Now, with the help of Wuyutian's spiritual energy of heaven and earth and the restrictions outside, he can be safe, but if he leaves Wuyutian, he will be safe. If you want to go to heaven, you will be in danger.

Just like the Bone Demon, the Bone Demon found the skeleton of an ancient immortal after all, which could be used as a bone body. However, the Dry Spirit Son has no "body" and it is difficult to attach to such a bone body.

Unless a suitable physical body is found, every loss of soul power will be extremely difficult to recover, but finding a suitable physical body is not easy.

The more powerful the soul, the higher the requirements for the true body. In thousands of years, Ku Lingzi has only found one person, Shen Cangming, but not only did he fail to seize the body that time, but he also suffered serious damage to his soul.

At this moment, Xiao Chen took a deep breath. He had said at the beginning that he must get the body back for Ku Lingzi. Now Ku Lingzi's body is in the hands of the Netherworld Soul Master, but with his current strength, unless it is With the body of a god and demon in Dugu Tianxia, ​​otherwise it would be difficult to deal with the Netherworld Soul Lord. After all, in a place like Netherworld Dao, there is definitely not just one strong person like the Netherworld Soul Lord.

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