The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1513 Gongsun Changye


With a sharp sound, Xiao Chen held Emperor Gu in his hand and slashed at Gongsun Wuji with one sword. At this time, Gongsun Wuji's cultivation greatly increased. The original fairy sword was also stained by blood and became evil. The two swords The confrontation actually caused the void in all directions to tremble!

In other places, the two sides were also furious, regardless of the consequences, just trying to kill each other. The sky was full of dark wind, and in the soul gathering array, more and more souls gathered, gradually causing changes in the world.

At this time, thousands of miles away, on top of a green peak, there were two white-haired old men with immortal style and Taoist spirit, spying here with their spiritual consciousness. The two were from Tianmen.

From the outside, the entire land of Wangchuan has been shrouded in a thick layer of blood-red gas. Of course, this layer of blood gas cannot be seen with the naked eye.

At this time, the two old men had slightly shocked expressions on their faces. It was unimaginable that the entire Land of Forgotten River had such a strong aura of hatred and hostility today. This layer of blood-red aura was exactly what the world had to offer. Resentment, hostility, and hatred.


Suddenly, the face of the old man on the left changed. Under the prying eyes of the two people, they saw that the layer of blood-red gas invisible to the naked eye in the Land of Forgotten River was slowly gathering into the crack in the sky.

Not only is the blood-red energy gathering and drawing towards the sky in the Land of Forgotten River, but also in other places, there are varying degrees of blood-red energy slowly condensing towards the sky. Of course, all of this is invisible to the naked eye. Holy It is difficult for people under this condition to see with their spiritual consciousness.


The expression of the old man on the right also changed. The resentment and hatred in the world actually condensed towards the Tianyuan, and behind the Tianyuan was the place beyond the sky...

"Oops, I'm afraid things are going to change."

At this moment, the expressions of the two old men completely changed. The Tianwaitian was not called Tianwaitian at first, but was called the "Filthy Realm". Desire, resentment and hatred are condensed into a world.

If all the resentment and resentment in the world condenses towards the outer sky, then the power of the outer sky will become even more terrifying, and it may not be impossible to destroy the final seal...

"This matter must be reported to the elders and two real people as soon as possible, and go back quickly!"

The two of them immediately calmed down, and without any hesitation at this time, they condensed their hands to form a seal, and their figures disappeared instantly.

In the land of Wangchuan, the sound of killing finally gradually subsided. The ground was covered with mountains of corpses and rivers of blood. The Gongsun family members were dead and injured. There were more than 10,000 people, and only one or two thousand were left. The soul gathering array in the sky swallowed up the souls of thousands of people. At this moment, it also caused black clouds to billow all over the sky. The scene was extremely terrifying.

"Xiao Yichen...I will fight to the death today to take your life!"

Gongsun Wuji's whole body was dripping with blood, and the blood on his body was shining again, and he suddenly attacked Xiao Chen with his extreme moves. However, before he could reach him, a black shadow suddenly attacked him from the side and struck him hard with a "bang" sound. He flew out and immediately vomited blood.

"Sha, Sha, Sha!"

In mid-air, a dark wind blew violently, and the black shadow that attacked Gongsun Wuji was the soul shadow of Fengtian Sect. Being attacked by such a powerful dead soul, Gongsun Wuji was exhausted and at the end of his crossbow.

"Hehe, hehe... I never thought that my Gongsun clan would end up like this, hehe..."

At this time, under the dilapidated palace, Gongsun Wuji's face was covered with blood, his shawl was scattered, and he was laughing miserably. At this time, the remaining Gongsun family members slowly came closer, gathered together, and shivered.

"Family...the head of the family..."

Everyone gathered together, the swords in their hands were broken, and their bodies were trembling. They were no longer able to fight. Some of them may have finally realized that today was the day when the Gongsun family was annihilated. day.

Under the dusty corner, there were some women holding their infant babies in their arms, crying incessantly. Some teenagers, pale with fright, hid under the collapsed buildings and did not dare to come out.

"Xiao really have to destroy my Gongsun Yi clan today..."

Gongsun Wuji held the broken sword in his hand. He had just been injured by the soul shadow of Fengtian Sect. At this time, he could no longer fight. If he continued to fight, he could only defeat himself and release the last power of his soul. But even if In this way, with that powerful soul standing in front of Xiao Chen, he knew he couldn't hurt him at all.

The cold wind was howling. Xiao Chen, who was in the sky at this time, had extremely cold eyes. Bai Luan and others also looked at him, as if they were waiting for him to make the final decision. As long as he gave the order, they would go down immediately. Kill these people and leave no one alive.


A cold word finally came out of Xiao Chen's mouth. The indifference in his eyes was actually devoid of any emotion.

At this moment, Bai Luan and Zi Yuan were also stunned for a moment, but in the next moment, the cold murderous aura of Ye Ying's twenty-four people had been enveloped.

Gongsun Wuji's expression suddenly changed, but at this time, he was unable to protect the people behind him. He had already seen the methods of those twenty-four people, and no one could survive from their hands.

"Xiao Yichen——"

Seeing the cold light slashing down from the sky, at this moment, Gongsun Wuji could only scream in pain, but it was of no use and could not stop the twenty-four cold lights from slashing down.

However, at this moment, a faint sigh suddenly came from somewhere, " is difficult to cross this level of the entrance."

That sigh seemed to be far away in the horizon, but yet so close before our eyes. Everyone present felt suffocated, including the twenty-four Yeying people, who were frozen in mid-air at this moment.

"If you don't protect yourself, heaven and earth will destroy you. My little friend, you have already committed such a crime here today, why do you need to kill defenseless women and children again? Aren't you afraid that in the future, it will be difficult to survive that level of mental calamity..."

The long and old voice seemed to come from the horizon, but in the next moment, it was already close in front of you, and a breath of force came right after!

"It's the peak of the Nine Realms..." At this moment, Xiao Chen could already feel the aura of the visitor and guessed that it was the Xuan Ancestor of the Gongsun family who came out!

At the moment when everyone was suffocating, from the depths of the Wangchuan Mysterious Realm, a hundred-foot golden handprint suddenly reached towards Xiao Chen.

At this moment, Xiao Chen also realized that with his current cultivation level, he would definitely not be able to resist a strong man at the peak of the Nine Realms!

At the same moment, he had unlocked the green lotus seal. The lotus platform suddenly appeared under his feet, and a green light shrouded it. In an instant, he took twenty-four people with Ye Ying and flew back. In an instant, he avoided the hundred-foot-long arrow. Range of handprints.

"Creation Qinglian? Hmm... My little friend has received such an innate creation, but why does he have so much murderous aura in his heart? It's really a pity..."

"That handprint just now..."

Under everyone's astonished gaze, they saw a figure walking out from the depths of the Wangchuan Mysterious Realm. The man had white beard and hair, and a black robe fluttering in the wind. His hands were behind his back, and his feet were in the void. Every time he took a step forward, , the figure instantly appeared a hundred feet away, his whole person exuding the aura of a transcendent and peerless strong man!

At this moment, even Ancestor Xingluo and the others, who were recovering their skills in the distance, were suddenly awakened by this otherworldly aura of a strong man.

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