"Brother Xiao Chen..."

In a hurry, Xian'er grabbed Lianhua's hand and turned around, only to see it was Xiao Chen. She couldn't help but be startled, "Brother... when did you come back..."

"Xian'er, Lianhua, what are you doing here?"

The sudden movement just now slowly stopped, and Xiao Chen looked at the surging black mist in front of him. He didn't expect that the sky-covering formation had loosened. There was a sea of ​​hidden clouds in front of him. What were the two girls doing here?

However, if Xian'er and Lianhua hadn't sneaked up behind today and touched the formation, he might not have been able to find out that the Heaven-shaking formation had become loose. This was the only gap in Wuyu Heaven. If an expert walked into the hidden cloud sea , and then sneak into Wuyu Tian from here, it is really impossible to guard against.


Little Lianhua pursed her lips and blinked at the person in front of her. Her memory would be reset every few years. Xiao Chen went to the Ancient Immortal World this time and didn't come back until nearly seven years. Obviously, she was familiar with the situation. Xiao Chen's memory has become blurry again.

"Lianhua, come here."

"Well, brother, what's wrong..."

Little Lianhua hid her hands behind her back and walked over slowly with her lips pursed. She blinked at Xiao Chen, looking like a child who had done something wrong and was afraid of being punished.

Xiao Chen knelt down, gently stroked the hair around her ears, and said, "Lianhua, don't come here again. It's very dangerous. Do you understand?"

According to his understanding of Xian'er, he knew that Xian'er would not come to such a gloomy and terrifying place. It must be Lianhua who was naughty and dragged her here.


Little Lianhua nodded obediently, and then Xiao Chen picked her up, held Xian'er's hand, put her feet a little bit, and then started flying in the same direction as the Qing Gong.

Returning to Weiyang Palace, a gust of wind blew up, and Weiyang flowers all over the sky were flying and falling. They were white and flawless, like snowflakes, but like pear blossoms. They were very similar to Xiao Chen's dream in the Ancient Scar.


Mrs. Xianshu walked out of the courtyard, and little Lianhua ran over immediately. Mrs. Xianshu knelt down gently, picked off the petals from her hair, frowned and asked, "Lianhua, where have you been? I'm everywhere." Can't find you."

"Hehe, Lianhua took sister Xian'er to play outside..."

"Well... you guys go play in the yard."

Mrs. Xianshu stood up slowly and watched Lianhua and Xian'er running into the courtyard. Then she turned around and walked towards Xiao Chen. The expression on her face suddenly became very solemn and she asked, "How is it?" Is there something abnormal over there in the sea of ​​clouds?”

Xiao Chen said, "The sky-covering formation is loose, and there is a gap there. If Lianhua and Xian'er hadn't touched the formation today, I might not have been able to find it..."

"This... is so good. How could it be possible? Is there someone..."

Mrs. Xianshu lowered her head and pondered, her face became extremely solemn, Xiao Chen said, "This time I went to the ancient immortal world and discovered some ancient secrets. The existence deep in the hidden cloud sea may not be what we thought before. In short... we can't Careless, as for the gap on the Sky-shaping Formation, it must be filled as soon as possible. "

Mrs. Xianshu raised her head and said, "I will handle this matter, over there in the Land of Forgetfulness..." She paused at this point, and then asked, "What's the situation now?"

Xiao Chen said, "The people of the Gongsun family have used formations to seal the Mysterious World. Now they are hiding in it and can't come out. I've been looking around there for several days and can't open it. Qilin said that he wants to find Canglong Qisu and use the power of the stars." "This matter is too difficult, so I won't consider it... In short, this matter is probably a bit tricky. Maybe this time, I will ask people from the fairy world to help."

"you mean……"

Mrs. Xianshu's eyebrows narrowed, and the expression on her face gradually became serious, and she said, "We want to gather many experts to forcibly break through the Wangchuan Mysterious Realm?"


Xiao Chen took a deep breath, put his hands behind his back, looked at the falling flowers in the distance, and said, "I will try to be careful not to disturb the earth's veins in the world, nor to attract the attention of Xuanqingmen and Tianmen..."

"Do you think that's possible?"

Madam Xianshu looked at him and said, "This matter is not trivial. What happened in Tianwangchuan has already spread throughout the five realms of Xianyuan. Tianmen and Xuanqingmen have just remained untouched."


Xiao Chen turned around and looked at the crack in the sky. This crack had appeared for several years. People called it "Tian Yuan". Behind the Tian Yuan, it was said that it was Tianwai Tian.

What he is vaguely worried about now is that if he forcibly breaks through the Wangchuan Xuanjie, it may disturb the earth's veins and cause the human spiritual power to become more unstable, just like the last time he cut off countless immortal world's spiritual veins in the ancient immortal world, causing drastic changes in the immortal world , and once the Tianyuan is opened, the consequences will be very unpredictable.

"Is there any way to seal this crack?" Xiao Chen looked at the abyss in the sky and asked.

Mrs. Xianshu shook her head and said, "No one can go up to Tianyuan. Over the years, Tianmen and the cultivation forces in the Lingxu Realm have tried every means, but in the end... there is no way."

"Okay, I understand. I will arrange the next things, so you don't have to worry... Now, I'm going to Lone Peak."

Xiao Chen said as he walked out.

On the solitary peak, there are luxuriant grass and trees, but under the dusk, there is an indescribable loneliness. If Shen Jing was still here, I don't think the medicine garden would be full of weeds...

"There is progress in the Land of Forgotten River."

In the secret hall, Ku Lingzi crossed his legs and closed his eyes, his body shrouded in strange mist. He didn't know what kind of soul technique he was studying.

"The Forgotten Realm of Forgotten River is closed."

At that moment, Xiao Chen told the situation on the other side of the Land of Forgotten River. After listening, Ku Lingzi slowly opened his eyes, as if he had expected this. He looked at him and said, "So you plan to find a way to forcefully break through." Xuanjie."


Xiao Chen roughly outlined his plan, and did not return to Wuyu Hall until nightfall. There was no one in the cold hall, with only the cold moonlight shining in through the windows.

He walked to the head of the hall and sat down slowly, as if he was meditating on something. After about a stick of incense, he suddenly touched his eyebrows with two fingers together. At this moment, a consciousness of gods and demons appeared, There was some kind of reaction immediately.

At this time, in the ancient immortal world, in the sky of Youxu, in the Immortal Realm of Ten Thousand Zhangs, Taoist Qingdeng was meditating with his eyes closed in Youxu Palace. At this moment, a consciousness of gods and demons suddenly appeared between his eyebrows.

"Your Majesty..."

Qingdeng Taoist couldn't help being slightly startled, and immediately opened his eyes. When Xiao Chen went to the Ancient Trace, he couldn't establish induction with him with the knowledge of gods and demons, but now the connection between the human world and the ancient immortal world has been reopened. As long as there is no abnormality in the world, , this consciousness of gods and demons can produce induction.

At this moment, Taoist Qingdeng confirmed that Xiao Chen must have established some kind of "connection" with him through the consciousness of gods and demons. Although this consciousness was very weak, like a candle in the wind, it could be extinguished at any time. .

"Taoist Qingdeng, I have encountered some troubles in the human world. I want you to bring someone to help me immediately."

"Your Majesty, please speak."

Taoist Qingdeng still had a look of surprise on his face. After a while, he heard Xiao Chen say, "When the time comes, you go to the 'Wan Zhang Hong Chen', and from there you can come to the human world. I will send someone to pick you up at Buzhou Mountain. Remember, this matter It’s not a trivial matter, we must do it as soon as possible...and besides..."

"Your Majesty? Your Majesty?"

The consciousness of gods and demons was suddenly interrupted, as if he had been disturbed by something. The Qingdeng Taoist had a solemn expression on his face. He heard Xiao Chen's tone just now was a bit urgent. He was afraid that he could not afford to delay, so he had to do it immediately, and now in the dark sky There are many experts, so this matter is not difficult to handle.

In the Hall of Wuyu, Xiao Chen could see cold sweat dripping down his forehead. Although the connection between the immortal world and the human world had been opened, the restriction between heaven and earth still existed after all, and his cultivation was not enough. Even just for a short while, it consumed a lot of his spiritual energy.

Next, he had an idea in mind, but it was not appropriate to let too many people know about it.

In the early morning of the next day, Bai Luan came back from outside and saw him sitting alone at the head of the palace. He must have been up all night again and said, "Your Majesty, why don't you go and rest for a while."

"No, Bai Luan, come over and take a look."


Bai Luan walked up and saw a map in front of him, with several mountain ranges marked on the map. She couldn't help but frown, "Your Majesty, this is..."

Xiao Chen said, "Bai Luan, do you still remember that time when we went to Zhongyue Peak during the Double Ninth Festival, everyone discovered an ancient secret realm, and then there was a force of spiritual veins that came straight to the Wuyu Heaven?"

Hearing what he said at this time, Bai Luan immediately remembered that time. It was also very thrilling. If it hadn't been for the last moment, your Majesty risked his life and cut off the spiritual pulse with a sword, allowing the spiritual pulse to pass through endlessly. If you want to go to heaven, I'm afraid the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Your Majesty, could it be that you..."

Suddenly, Bai Luan seemed to understand something, and his face changed slightly. Xiao Chen looked at the map and said, "That's right. Drawing the power of spiritual veins from Wuyu Heaven to break through the Wangchuan Mysterious Realm, you only need to open a crack." Can……"

At this point, he raised his head, looked at Bai Luan and said, "To avoid causing complications, Tianmen and Xuanqingmen cannot know about this matter."

"My subordinate understands."

Of course Bai Luan knows that the spiritual veins in the world are unstable now, and there is such a crack in the sky. Using the power of the spiritual veins rashly, if not careful, may cause drastic changes in the world. Once this incident is over, I am afraid that your Majesty will You will be criticized again.

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