The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,506 The Legend of Nine Heavens

Wangchuan Xuanjie.

The night was windy and miserable, and today there was a sudden change. The morale of the entire Gongsun family was low. This battle with Wuyutian could be said to be the heaviest casualty in the history of the Gongsun family.

In the past thousands or tens of thousands of years, it is not that the Gongsun family has never had wars with others, but the enemies at that time were often other ancient tribes in the hidden world, and this time the enemy was Wuyutian.

At this time, in a secret palace, Gongsun Wuji was practicing martial arts to heal his injuries. These days, he had spent too much on condensing Gongsun Yu's soul. Today, during the day, in order to avoid Xiao Chen and Ye Ying's final blow, he Nearly 30% of the blood essence was lost.

This time, within ten or eight years, this injury may be difficult to recover from. The ninth realm undoubtedly seems even more distant, just like adding insult to injury.

And all of this is thanks to Xiao Yichen. Gongsun Wuji's face is gloomy at this time. If everything goes well this time, he can even seize the ancient fairyland of Wuyutian and control it bit by bit. The two paths of mystery and demon finally gathered the power of human spiritual veins.

But how could he have expected that Xiao Yichen would suddenly come back from the ancient immortal world? What's more, he didn't expect that this person's cultivation level would be so high. Not only was his cultivation level extremely high, he could also invite many A master, even a strong one in the ninth realm.

These were things he never expected. If he had known this, he would have been more careful and even united with other ancient tribes in the hidden world. But now it was too late.

This time the Gongsun family's vitality was severely damaged. Not only did many of the elite members of the clan die, but even the three elders were injured. I don't know how long it will take to recover this time.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of footsteps approaching outside the palace. This secret palace was where Gongsun Wuji retreated for healing. Ordinary disciples could not come here. Those who could come here were not ordinary Gongsun clan members.

"Ye'er, are you okay?" Gongsun Wuji slowly put his hands down from his dantian, opened his eyes, and looked outside.

"Father, are you feeling better?"

At this time, outside the palace, a middle-aged man in red stopped and turned out to be Gongsun Wuji's youngest son, named Gongsun Ye, who was also Gongsun Yu's father.

"It's okay for now, just come in."

Gongsun Wuji sighed softly. He originally had two sons, but his eldest son died many years ago and left no heirs. Therefore, he had always been very partial to his youngest son Gongsun Ye and his two grandchildren.

It is precisely because of this that most of the other elders in the clan have criticized him over the years. Especially this time, in order to gather Gongsun Yu's soul, he ignored the overall situation, which resulted in the Tiangang Earth Evil Formation being easily broken. This time I'm afraid it's a bit hard to justify, and his position as clan leader may not be stable.


Gongsun Ye walked in. When he saw his father who looked pale at this moment, he couldn't help but trembled in his heart: "Father, you..."

“It’s okay, I consumed too much today, I’ll be fine in a while.

Gongsun Wuji raised his hand. He would not tell Gongsun Ye that he had lost 30% of his blood today, at least 500 years of Taoism, and his realm was almost reduced to the seventh realm.

After hearing this, Gongsun Ye felt a little relieved and asked again, "Yu'er, he..."

"I have saved Yu'er's soul, but it's a pity that his cultivation in this life, alas..."

Gongsun Wuji shook his head and sighed, now that the era of annihilation has arrived, if one transcends the shackles of life and death, the future will have infinite possibilities, and to lose it at this time is undoubtedly a heavy pity.

Hearing this, Gongsun Ye didn't say much anymore. It was already very difficult to save Yu'er's soul from that person. Everything that happened next could only depend on Yu'er's own luck.

But what will happen to the Gongsun family next? Have you always been trapped in this mysterious world? No matter how abundant the spiritual energy is in Wangchuan Xuanjie, there will always be a time when the spiritual energy is exhausted. At that time, what should the tribesmen do? But now, let alone they can't get out, even if they can get out, there is Wuyu Tian guarding outside, do they dare to go out?


Gongsun Wuji smiled palely. He never expected that the Gongsun family would be in such a bad situation now. Now people are beating them so much that they dare not go out. If he waits until that day in the future, what face will he have to see the Gongsun Yi family? A great ancestor?

"Father, what should we do now?"

Gongsun Ye looked sad. It was impossible to be trapped in this mysterious world forever, but outside, that person was too strong. Only Xuan Ancestor came out of isolation to be able to deal with this person.

However, Xuanzu was in seclusion deep in the Xuan Realm. In the past few hundred years, he only occasionally conveyed messages to the outside clansmen with his spiritual consciousness. This time the Gongsun family suddenly experienced great changes, Xuan Ancestor must have sensed it deep in the Xuan Realm. , but he did not come out, which means that he cannot come out for the time being, otherwise all the efforts made over the years will most likely be in vain.

At this moment, Gongsun Ye suddenly thought of something again, and his expression became condensed. In front of him, Gongsun Wuji saw that his expression suddenly became so solemn, and asked, "Ye'er, what's wrong with you?"

"Father, I thought of something..."

Gongsun Ye's face became extremely solemn at this moment. Gongsun Wuji's eyes narrowed and he looked at him and said, "What's the matter? Tell me."

Gongsun Ye thought for a while and said, "I remember many years ago, my father once mentioned to my eldest brother that the great ancestor of our Gongsun family. Although Ye'er was young at that time, he was outside the door and spoke every word. I heard it clearly... My father said that the great ancestor of our Gongsun family has a high status in the Eternal Path. "


At this moment, Gongsun Wuji seemed to be caught up in the memories of many years ago. Regarding Taizu, no one in the Gongsun clan, including Xuanzu, had ever seen him with his own eyes. However, the records in the secret history of these clans must not be false.

Seeing that he was deep in thought and silent, Gongsun Ye continued, "Since Taizu's status in the Eternal Way is not low, why don't we go to the Eternal Way for help? The Eternal Way is the first of the Eight Desolations. It would be impossible to destroy a small Wu Desire Heaven. No effort... What does father think?"


Unexpectedly, after Gongsun Wuji heard this, he just shook his head slightly and sighed, saying, "Ye'er, it's not as simple as you think. You don't know the depth of the overt and secret fighting in this ancient world. Besides, even if we go, we won't be able to do it." Someone will take care of you, do you understand?”

When he said this, he paused for a moment, sighed softly, and frowned: "Back then, the Taizu went to the Nine Heavens to compete with others for the broken world. Now we can't see it even if we go to all over the world. he……"

"Nine Layers of Heaven..."

Gongsun Ye's eyes narrowed, he pondered for a moment and then asked, "How can we go to the ninth level of heaven? If we have Xuanzu's cultivation level, can we go there..."


Hearing his question, Gongsun Wuji shook his head and smiled, as if laughing at his innocence. After a while, he looked at him and said, "Ye'er, do you know where the Nine Heavens is?"

Gongsun Ye thought for a while and finally shook his head, "I don't know, please give me some advice from my father."

Gongsun Wuji took a deep breath, stood up slowly, walked to the window, looked at the dark sky without stars and moon, and said, "Nine Heavens Beyond, that was the place that the gods longed for in the past, and it was also the place where the gods used to be. The place where he fell...that is the taboo of heaven."

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