The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1503 Soul Gathering Array

"Also, there's more..."

I just heard the disciple outside panicked and said, "Well, the Lord of Wuyu Tian didn't know what kind of formations he had people set up outside Xuanjie. The souls of all the sacrificed clan members were all taken into the formations... "

"What did you say!"

This time, Gongsun Wuji finally changed his expression completely, and several elders also showed horrified expressions. What on earth did Xiao Yichen want to do? How did he set up the formation outside Wangchuan Xuanjie?

You must know that this land of Wangchuan is not just for those who want to set up formations here. The context of the mountains and rivers must be mastered thoroughly, and even the contexts deep underground must be understood clearly. Then we can use the spirit of the mountains and rivers to set up the formation. Otherwise, we will have an empty formation but no spirit, and it will break when touched.

The disciple outside said tremblingly, "Brother... I don't know. When I went out this morning, I saw a formation covering the Xuanjie, and this formation was very strange. I don't know who was controlling it in the dark. Even the elders can't crack it..."

"It seems... something is going to happen."

Several elders forced themselves to calm down. One of them looked at Gongsun Wuji and said, "Yu'er's soul has been temporarily solidified. As long as it is not attacked by external forces, it will not disperse. Just leave one person here. Master, you are still here." Let’s go out and have a look as soon as possible…”


Gongsun Wuji no longer hesitated and immediately stood up and went out. At this time, his heart was beating fast. He suddenly thought of Xiao Chen's cold and terrifying eyes three days ago. "It's just the beginning. Next, You will feel the pain bit by bit..."

"Home, head of the family..."

Seeing Gongsun Wuji's suddenly pale face at this time, the disciples next to him couldn't help being frightened, and were trembling and speechless.

"It's okay, get out!"

The bad premonition in Gongsun Wuji's heart became stronger and stronger. Only now did he finally seem to realize something. The other party didn't completely shake Yu'er's soul that day, and he was probably trying to hold him back on purpose!

At this time, outside the Wangchuan Xuanjie, the soul gathering formation was completed, the sky was full of evil winds, and the screams were endless. Even those in the demonic path of Baiyun Pavilion and Xiaoyao Tower felt a creepy feeling at this time.

The master of Baiyun Pavilion and Xuanming Youjun also thought in their hearts that after Xiao Yichen left Xuanqing, his methods became more and more powerful. Even the two "big devils" felt a little ashamed of themselves... …

In the sky, the souls of countless Gongsun family members have been imprisoned, like evil ghosts in purgatory, constantly making screams and screams. However, they cannot escape the shackles of this formation.

This soul-gathering array has an array within an array, and is composed of eight formations. At the eye of the array, an ancient lamp with a faint green light can be seen suspended. Around the lamp, there is a strange mist, glowing with dots of ghostly light. , and at the same time, it also imprisons the souls of countless people.

The name of this magical weapon is the "Soul-Captivating Green Lantern". It was collected by Xiao Chen and Wei Yang from the apprentice of Patriarch Guituo when they were in the ancient realm of Xianbei. Xiao Chen has not used it much in these years. This is the first time I have taken it out to suppress the formation eye of the Soul Gathering Formation and use it as the center of the formation, but it is perfect.

The sky was full of shrill sounds and the evil wind was blowing. Many people from the Gongsun family on the ground were frightened to death. The green-robed elder and the purple-robed elder had both been injured to varying degrees. Even the two of them were injured. Although his cultivation level is high, he can't stand up to several masters taking turns to fight.

At this time, on the top of a mountain, Qilin was sitting in a wheelchair, calculating carefully, and said, "Those three people should be coming out."

Just as he finished speaking, a figure suddenly fell next to him. The figure was wearing red clothes and a Suzaku mask on his face. He was the fifth palace of Tianzhu City, Suzaku.

"Oh? Suzaku, why are you here?" It seemed that Suzaku's arrival at this moment was not in Qilin's plan.

"I heard you were here, so I came over to take a look."

While speaking, Suzaku's gaze fell on Xiao Chen in the distance without moving, and then he looked at the soul that was howling in the sky.

"Xiao Yichen!"

At this moment, Gongsun Wuji finally came out of the mysterious world. When he saw the souls screaming in the sky, he couldn't help but change his face. These were all the souls of his clansmen, and they were all used by this person in a deceitful formation... ...imprisoned!

"Master Gongsun..." Xiao Chen looked at him and said lightly, "How is it? Has your grandson's soul been saved..."


Gongsun Wuji's eyes were so wide open that he finally knew that three days ago, the other party did it on purpose, including capturing Yu'er. Everything was for a purpose...and this purpose was to delay He can then break through the Tiangang Earth Evil Formation outside!


At this time, many people from the Gongsun clan ran over, but looking at the way they were all unconscious, they had just escaped death, otherwise they would probably have become the imprisoned souls in the sky.

"Their attack is too fierce, what should we do? In addition, now, there is that deceitful formation. If we don't break this formation, we will only have more and more people, and their souls will be imprisoned in that formation..."

This time, facing Xiao Chen's stormy offensive, the Gongsun family has suffered heavy losses. As of now, at least more than a thousand souls have been imprisoned in the soul gathering array. Even the purple-robed elders and green-robed elders have been imprisoned in the soul gathering array. The elders were unable to rescue the souls of these people from the formation.

"Everyone, don't panic!"

At this moment, a sonorous and powerful voice suddenly came from behind, which immediately calmed down the Gongsun tribesmen nearby.

"It's the Grand Elder...three Grand Elders are coming out!"

I saw three figures suddenly flying out of the mysterious world, but looking at those three people, they were floating with fairy aura. They were extraordinary people at first glance. It was difficult to tell the realm of the three people from their auras at this time, but thinking about it It's anything but simple.

These three people are named "Taibai", "Taizheng" and "Qingxiao" respectively.

The person with flying swords around him is Elder Taibai; the person carrying the piano case is Elder Taizheng; and the person in the middle holding a whisk is Elder Qingxiao.

"These three people have finally come out..." Xiao Chen thought in his mind, flicked his fingers, and sent a signal to a mountain peak in the distance.

"Three elders, you finally came out..."

Seeing the three great elders coming out, Gongsun Wuji's expression finally recovered a little. Obviously, the cultivation level of these three people was far higher than his.

The three Grand Elders did not have to come out at this time. They were in seclusion to learn mysteries and could not be disturbed. If they came out early, it would not only be useless, but might also damage their Taoism. This would be even more troublesome.

But then again, if the three of them don't come out, the Wangchuan Xuanjie will really be broken today.

“Capture the thief and capture the king, and then we’ll capture this person!”

Elder Taibai didn't say anything. He pointed his finger, and the flying swords all over the sky were immediately densely slashed towards Xiao Chen. These flying swords were all magic swords that could destroy gold and jade. Mingyue and others in the distance were all... Surprised "Your Majesty!"

But the next moment, Xiao Chen flicked his sleeves, and a golden sword shadow suddenly flew out of his sleeves. There was a rapid "clanging" sound, and it actually confronted Elder Taibai's fairy sword in the sky.

Everyone took a closer look and saw that the flying swords were broken and incomplete, but how could they be so powerful? These flying swords are the ancient swords that Xiao Chen brought back from the ancient immortal world. There are seven hundred and twenty in total. Even in the human world, they are still very powerful.

In the distance, Mingyue and others all held their breaths. They did not expect that Your Majesty would find such a powerful ancient sword array during this trip to the immortal world. Speaking of which, there is also a Ten Thousand Bones Array in Wuyu Heaven. It was many years ago. Xiao Chen brought it back from the Tomb of Gods and Demons.

"This kid is indeed quite capable."

Elder Taibai's thoughts moved slightly, and with a move of his hands, several more sword energy flew out. At this time, Elder Taizheng who was on the side also took action, holding the "Nine Heavens Qin" in his arms, and played it with his fingers, and bursts of sound came out. Suddenly, it surged towards this side like a wave, and even the surrounding mountain peaks trembled. Everyone could not resist it and had to retreat.

After a brief moment, under the offensive of the three Grand Elders, everyone in Wuyutian retreated. Seeing that the enemy had retreated, the people of the Gongsun clan here cheered up. Unknown to them, on a mountain peak in the distance, , the Phantom Piano Demon, who has never appeared, had a sneer on his lips, gently stroking the strings of the Demonic Piano.

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