The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,397 Deciding the World

Outside Youxu Palace, more than twenty people from the sect were trembling and uneasy, while in the distance, there were still some influential people who had not left. Seeing this scene, everyone could not help but feel chills in their backs.

When Yan Wen occupied Youxu Tian, ​​it was more due to the right time and place. He happened to be the first to take advantage, and used Youxu Tian's ancient prohibition to quickly repel the forces from all directions, and then quickly established his hegemony, without any delay, and quickly conquered Youxu. The situation in Xutian has stabilized, so that it can be worry-free for hundreds of years.

If we put it today, Yan Wen may not be able to dominate Youxu Tian as firmly as he did back then. Even if he had the right time and place, he could only dominate the central area of ​​Youxu Tian. Only this area of ​​thousands of miles away could surrender to him. Far from being the master of the entire Youxu Heaven and the Ten Thousand Zhang Immortal Realm.

After all, in this Ten Thousand Zhang Immortal Realm, all the forces are like the stars in the sky, innumerable. For nearly a thousand years, these forces have been coveting the most fertile place in the Netherworld.

But now, this young man...

The powerful cultivators in the distance felt waves of coldness coming from behind. If Yan Wen was able to secure the Youxu Palace because of his ruthlessness, then the young man in front of him was not ruthless, but an absolute kind of person. The emperor's power over the world!

As soon as the emperor's order comes one in the world dares to disobey!

Suddenly, the cultivators in the distance shuddered. They looked at each other and saw that each other's faces were pale. After today... I am afraid that the chaotic situation in the Netherworld for ten thousand years will be fixed from now on!

At night, the cold wind was miserable, and the slanting moon in the sky was like a hook, like ice and frost. This night in the dark sky was actually so cold.

At this time, in a magnificent palace, Xiao Chen crossed his legs and closed his eyes, breathing slowly, using the aura of this place to suppress the death energy in his body bit by bit.

"Your Majesty..."

At this time, there were footsteps outside. Taoist Qingdeng came outside the palace and stopped moving forward.


After a while, Xiao Chen opened his eyes. The death energy on his body had been suppressed, and he said, "Come in."


Today's Qingdeng Taoist, every step he takes is like walking on thin ice, and he has to be cautious. When he came to the palace at this time, he saw that Xiao Chen's face was a little unhappy, and whispered, "You are injured..."

"No problem."

Xiao Chen's tone was calm. Qingdeng Taoist remembered that during the day, he had clearly felt the aura on his body, but it suddenly disappeared. It was not until a long time later that he came. Could it be that he really encountered some powerful enemy?

Xiao Chen said, "He is a cultivator in the late Seventh Realm. He has some abilities, but I don't know who he is. But he was injured in my hands, so it doesn't matter. I think he should have left by now."

"Later stage of the Seventh Realm..."

Qingdeng Taoist thought for a while. In the late Seventh Realm, it cannot be underestimated. Which force is it? He didn't see anyone, so it was hard to guess at this time.

Xiao Chen stood up, looked at him and said, "How are the things outside being handled?"

Taoist Qingdeng came back to his senses and immediately said, "The more than twenty sects belonging to Youxu Tian have been taken care of. There will be no more rebels, but..."

When he said this, he stopped and thought for a while, couldn't help frowning, and continued, "Many places outside Youxu Tian are still occupied by some forces. Among these forces, some are the forces of Youxu Tian, ​​and some are from Youxu Tian." There are forces outside Xu Zhitian, and there are even forces outside Xuanzhou... In short, dragons and snakes are mixed. "

"A mixture of dragons and snakes..."

Xiao Chen slowly walked to the window and looked at the crescent moon in the sky. Although he now occupied the Youxu Palace, the entire Youxu sky was still in chaos. This chaos has existed since ancient times, and it was not because of Yan Wen's death. It only exists.

"Your Majesty... what are your plans this time?" Qingdeng Taoist walked slowly behind him and asked in a low voice.

Xiao Chen looked at the cold moon in the sky and said, "If this chaos is uncertain and foreigners are allowed to camp nearby, and when I leave, today's chaos will happen again, then everything we do now will be meaningless."


At this moment, seeing the sharp light in his eyes, which seemed to pierce the dark night, Qingdeng Taoist had already guessed something, and his eyebrows became deeper and deeper.

"So... I want to take down the entire Netherworld."

The cold voice seemed to freeze the long night. Even though Taoist Qingdeng had already guessed it, hearing him say it with his own ears still made his heart tremble.


In the night, a cold sword sound sounded, and Xiao Chen saw a cold sword in his hand.

Under the pale moonlight, Emperor Gu looked even colder, and the cold sword intent was constantly coming out of the sword's heart. Even if Taoist Qingdeng stood aside, he could feel this lonely coldness that had been silent for thousands of years.

"This sword... is called Emperor Gu. Anyone who gets this sword will be able to rule the world, but in the end, everyone will betray their relatives and alienate them. The last sword master of this sword committed suicide with this sword..."

As Xiao Chen spoke, his fingers slowly caressed the sword. The soft sound from the sword seemed not to ring in his ears at this moment, but in his heart.


Taoist Qingdeng stared blankly at the sword in his hand. It turned out to be the legendary, most evil sword in the world, Emperor Gu...

"If you take this sword, if there are any rebels... kill them without mercy!"

At this moment, the night became extremely cold. Taoist Qingdeng's face turned pale. He stretched out his hands to pick up Di Gu. When he touched the cold hilt of the sword, he couldn't help but trembled all over. It seemed that he fell into that place in an instant. An abyss that has been silent for thousands of years and has never seen the light of day.

At this moment, he held Di Gu's hand, which was also trembling. He carefully raised his head, looked at Xiao Chen and said, "I will never disgrace my mission..."

Xiao Chen took a deep breath, looked out the window at the night, and said, "From now on, I will change the name of the Netherworld. This immortal realm will be called 'Heaven and Earth' from now on. All cultivators from the human world can come here." this."

It turned out that he had made all the plans before coming to Xuanzhou. Cultivators from the human world were often not welcomed. Last time, many human cultivators were arrested because of the destruction of the spiritual veins in the immortal world. Arise and suffer persecution.

Now, he has gathered all these human cultivators to Netherworld, which can strengthen the strength of Netherworld and make Netherworld more stable. Secondly, it can also give these people a place to stay, so that they will no longer be bullied by the forces of the fairy world.

The night was getting much darker, and Taoist Qingdeng took Di Gu away. Xiao Chen was still standing by the window sill, looking at the cold moonlight outside the window, lost in thought.

He still clearly remembers what the Empress said to him that day in Kunlun. The day when the Three Corpse Demons will take shape is getting closer and closer. He doesn't know exactly when it will be, but before that, He wants to do more.

Suddenly, he thought of the mysterious man who intercepted him outside Netherworld during the day. That man had at least reached the late seventh realm.

If it hadn't been for that last blow that caught him by surprise, he might not have been able to seriously injure this person easily. And where did this person... come from?


At this moment, there was a sound of light footsteps in the corridor outside the palace. Xiao Chen turned around and smelled a faint fragrance coming from the outside. Without asking, he knew who was coming. .

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