The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,389 Shocking the Immortal World

"Also, there is something, please forgive me for talking too much..."

Just as the old woman was leaving, she turned around again. The empress looked at her and said, "Elder Shuang wants to say something, but it doesn't matter.


The old woman coughed, and her voice seemed to suddenly become hoarse. "The Empress is missing one volume of this Hundred Flowers Cherishing the Spring Technique, so it is difficult to practice it. If you practice it forcefully, I'm afraid there is a danger of going crazy..."

"Elder Shuang, what do you want to say?"

At this moment, the empress' face was very calm. The old woman sighed again and continued, "Back then, your senior brother and sister were all extremely talented. However, after the old palace master left, your senior brother and sister Since then, they have been engaged in business and have no contact with each other. Now, the other volume of Hundred Flowers Cherishing Spring is in the hands of Immortal Chongzhen. If the empress cannot let go of this, then the old woman will shamelessly go to Immortal Chongzhen to talk about it... …”

"No need."

Unexpectedly, the empress raised her hand. At this moment, her face became very solemn, and her words were very decisive, "Elder Shuang, please don't mention this matter again."


The old woman shook her head and sighed, and finally bowed her hands towards the jade platform in the center of the hall, "I say goodbye..."

The empress looked at her back as she turned away, and said, "There has been some movement in the Divine Demon Abyss recently. Elder Shuang is out here, so be careful in everything."

"I know, thank you Empress for reminding me..."

The old and hoarse voice gradually faded away, and the empress, sitting on the jade platform in the center of the hall, gradually frowned. She wanted to protect Xiao Chen because she saw a dream when she was enlightened.

But that dream cannot be told now, not to Yudie, nor to Elder Shuang, nor to anyone else until she sees someone.

In the Penglai Realm, during the past three days, many disciples of the Murong clan have stayed outside the Taixu Illusion Realm and have not left. After all, no one has been able to pass the test of any high priest in these years, let alone the three high priests. Woolen cloth?

"elder brother……"

Xian'er also stayed outside and never left. These days she was always frowning, thinking about Xiao Chen from time to time, and she was not as happy as before.

"Xian'er, it's okay. At this time, the old woman who taught her the magic came to her and comforted her softly.

"Mother-in-law, my brother has been in there for so long and still hasn't come out. Will he encounter danger inside..."

Xian'er frowned, her appearance was very cute, and she was really lovable. The old woman smiled softly, stroked her long hair, and said, "Don't worry, Xian'er, your brother is very capable, he will be fine."

" brother is the most powerful."

After hearing what her mother-in-law said, Xian'er felt a little happy, but not long after, sadness appeared on her face again, and she pouted and stopped talking to the people around her.

It wasn't until dusk fell that there was finally movement coming from the Taixu Illusion Realm. When they heard the movement, the Murong disciples outside were all refreshed. Could it be that he had passed the test of the three high priests? How is this possible? It’s only been three days...

"Three days... only three days."

Murong Qi and the elders were also a little unbelievable, but no matter whether they believed it or not, after a while, a figure flew out of the illusion.

Under dusk, that man's hair was as white as snow, walking in the wind, and his figure was indescribably handsome. There was a huge difference from the killing god who fought bloody battles with cultivators from all directions outside the fairyland that day.

At this moment, many girls couldn't help but be fascinated. Even in the ancient immortal world, it was rare to see such a handsome and extraordinary person, not to mention that they had never been out at all.

"!" Xian'er ran over excitedly. With a tap of her toes, she immediately took off in the wind and flew into the air.

"Xian'er, be careful."

Outside the illusory realm of Taixu, there was still a strong wind shrouding her. Xiao Chen stretched out his hand, hugged her, and gently dropped her to the flowers in the mountain stream below.

This scene stunned many people. They saw petals all over the ground flying into the air and surrounding the two of them, looking like a dream.

"Young Master Xiao, you are really capable."

At this time, Murong Qi and a group of elders came over. Since they had promised Xiao Chen to pass the Taixu Illusion Realm trial, they would no longer stop him from taking Xian'er away.

"Hehe! Of course my brother is the most powerful..."

For the past three days, Xian'er has always been frowning. It was not until Xiao Chen came out that she smiled as bright as a flower. The elders of the Murong clan saw this and must have known that Penglai could not keep her no matter what.

It was getting late today, and Xiao Chen took Xian'er to leave the Murong clan's mysterious realm the next day. Before leaving, Murong Yi clan prepared many things for Xian'er.

Xian'er doesn't eat the fireworks of the world, so she can only eat red fruits, and she also has some clothes made of ice silk. It is impossible for her to still wear Xiao Chen's loose clothes after going out.

Half a month later, the two of them had crossed the sea of ​​​​the underworld and came outside. Xian'er had never been to the outside world since she woke up, so she felt novel about everything outside.

"Brother Xiao Chen, it turns out there are a lot of deer and rabbits outside..."

But looking at her lively and cute appearance, she was like a little fairy in the forest. The little animals were not afraid when they saw her, and they all circled around her, which seemed very intimate.

Xiao Chen followed behind. At this moment, he noticed the aura in the distance and said lightly, "Come out."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a figure slowly walking out from the other end of the woods. The figure had white beard and white hair, wore a green dress, and held a whisk in his hand. He was none other than Taoist Qingdeng.


Xian'er was startled by Taoist Qingdeng who suddenly walked out, and quickly hid behind Xiao Chen.

"Girl, don't be afraid."

Qingdeng Taoist walked up slowly. He had changed a lot from before. Now he was walking on thin ice. He would rather offend Xiao Chen by speaking than scare her.

Xiao Chen knew that he would not leave. After all, the ban on gods and demons had not yet been released. Where could he go? Ask "How is the situation outside now?"


Qingdeng Taoist hesitated to speak, and subconsciously looked at the girl hiding behind Xiao Chen. At this time, a group of colorful butterflies flew over, and Xian'er followed the group of butterflies and ran away.

"Say it."


Taoist Qingdeng thought for a while and then told the situation he had found out.

It turned out that during Xiao Chen's absence, the sects outside had organized themselves to deal with him, such as Qingxia Peak, Duanqing Valley, Qingyun Sect, Ruyi Sect, Changtian Valley, etc...

After all, it was because Xiao Chen killed the leader and elder of their sect that day outside the fairyland, and read out the name of their sect, so they thought that instead of just sitting back and waiting for death, they might as well unite and fight to the death and take the initiative. .


After listening, Xiao Chen smiled coldly, "I haven't gone to find them yet, but they are preparing to find me first..."

Taoist Qingdeng frowned and said, "Then... then, little friend, what are your plans now?"

"Then what do you think it should be?" Xiao Chen looked at him and asked.


Taoist Qingdeng pondered for a moment. Now he was very cautious. Facing the man in front of him, he had to be careful when speaking. He thought about it again and again before speaking.

"How?" Seeing that he was silent in thought, Xiao Chen asked again.

Taoist Qingdeng thought for a while, raised his head, and said tentatively, "How about...killing one to serve as a warning to others? Since they want to organize themselves, they should first eliminate one or two sects and defeat them..."


Xiao Chen raised his head, stared at the silhouette of the mountain in the distance, and said, "Killing one will not only serve as a warning to Bai, but it will also arouse their desire to fight back before death. In this way, I will only have more troubles."

After hearing this, Taoist Qingdeng thought about it carefully, and it seemed that this was indeed the case. Unless he could wipe out all these sects and avoid future troubles forever, but in this case, unless he really didn't want to stay in this ancient immortal world.

"That little friend means..."

Taoist Qingdeng focused his gaze, Xiao Chen looked at him and said lightly, "Taoist Master, don't you understand what I mean now?"


Taoist Qingdeng finally came to his senses. Instead of killing him, it would be better to surrender. Almost all the heads of those sects died in the battle outside the fairyland. This ancient fairyland is always about the weak and the strong. As time goes by, even if Xiao Chen doesn't look for it. They are in trouble, and they will also be annexed by other powerful forces...

A sect may not have much power, but if it can gather them all, then this power will be extraordinary, but...does he have this ability?

At this moment, Qingdeng Taoist looked at the young man in front of him intently, and suddenly remembered, yes, that day, someone said that he was the Lord of the Desireless Heaven in the world, so his power in the world was absolutely Not small, right?

Xiao Chen said, "The Taoist Master is more familiar with this ancient immortal world than I am. Where are those sects, the Taoist Master will not let me search for them, right?"

"Of course."

Taoist Qingdeng immediately came to his senses. Although he had been trapped in the Underworld for a hundred years, he was still familiar with the ancient immortal world today.

"Xian'er, come here." Xiao Chen called to Xian'er who was dancing with butterflies in the distance.

"Brother, what's wrong?"

Xian'er immediately ran over, Xiao Chen knelt down gently, stroked her long hair, and said, "Those people outside, they still want to deal with brother, otherwise, brother will subdue them and make them all Just listen to my brother, okay..."

"Let them all listen to my brother?"

Xian'er rolled her eyes and looked at the Qingdeng Taoist next to her. She seemed to understand what Xiao Chen meant. This bad Taoist was so bad at the beginning, but now he also listens to his brother's words...


Taoist Qingdeng's face turned red when she stared at him, and he coughed and said, "Little girl, don't look at me like this. It was just a misunderstanding before."


Xian'er chuckled and said, "Okay, okay, then brother, go and subdue them so that they don't dare to do bad things again..."

Seven days later, Xiao Chen and Taoist Qingdeng arrived at the first place, Qingyun Sect, and saw that there were many restrictions on the mountain. However, for two cultivators with seventh-level strength, these restrictions could be broken with just a hand.


There was a loud noise, and the formation of the mountain gate was broken. The disciples of Qingyun Sect were frightened to death. The entire Qingyun Sect, at least there were nearly ten thousand disciples, but none of them dared to come out at this time.

After a while, five white-haired old men were seen flying out from inside. These five people were only at the fifth or sixth realm. When they saw Xiao Chen and Taoist Qingdeng, they were shocked by the aura of the seventh realm and were immediately frightened. Trembling with fear.

"'s Xiao Yichen..."

With hair as white as snow and as cold as frost, Xiao Chen's name has spread almost throughout the ancient immortal world. How can they not recognize it?

And at this moment, when they saw the God of Death coming here, they thought that if he was released outside Penglai Wonderland that day, when he came out, he would definitely destroy the sects that surrounded him that day... So today, he has come to destroy the sect. !

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