The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,386 The woman in the ice

"How about it, do you still want to go up?"

The empress looked up at the hanging garden. It seemed that the top of Kunlun was just around the corner, but in fact, she still had to walk a long way.

"Now that I'm here, I plan to go up and have a look."

Xiao Chen looked at the snowy peak, with layers of ice on it. It was impossible to break through the ten-thousand-year ice. Even if he had great magical powers, it would be difficult to break through the ten-thousand-year ice. I can think of a way to see if I can get up there. ✾♦

"Then you wish for good luck. It's not as simple as you see. As soon as you get closer, there will be wind and snow. These winds and snow are more difficult to deal with than you think."

"Thank you, Empress, for reminding me."

Xiao Chen no longer hesitated, and with a single movement of his fingers, he gathered a stream of true energy to protect himself, and then walked up there step by step.

The empress was below and did not go up, but she could not help but frown when she saw how he was struggling to move forward.

Back then, she had tried to go up there several times, but unfortunately, she had failed in the end. In the past tens of millions of years, no one had ever successfully gone up there, at least that was what she knew.

After Xiao Chen walked about a mile up, a blizzard swept over him. This blizzard was no ordinary snowstorm. Even a strong man in the Holy Realm would find it unbearable.

He knew how powerful it was, so he never dared to resist. When the snowstorm came, he immediately spread out to avoid the attack of the blizzard. 6̳̳

This seems easy, but in fact it is full of dangers. Otherwise, if it were so easy to go up, wouldn't everyone have already gone up there in the past ten thousand years?

Two hours passed like this, under the wind and snow, Xiao Chen had only walked a few miles. There were many restrictions on it, making it difficult to control the sword. Even the Ling Xian Step was difficult to use. Every time he If you go a little faster, you will be blocked by a snowstorm.

During these two hours, the Empress was always watching from below. Every time she saw Xiao Chen in danger, she would think in her heart why this young man was so different.

In this way, until dusk was approaching, Xiao Chen experienced several dangers and finally arrived at a place not far below the hanging garden. The wind and snow here were already very heavy, making it difficult to go forward any further.

Sure enough, it was exactly what the empress said. Thousands of years ago, the Xuanpu was frozen. From then on, no one could climb up, not even him.

If he wanted to go up by force, he would most likely encounter danger. After weighing it again and again, he decided not to take the risk. After all, coming to the top of Kunlun this time was not his main purpose. Being able to get to the bottom of the hanging garden was already special. It’s not easy.

At this moment, he could clearly see things inside the ice that had been frozen for thousands of years, including pavilions, green mountains and fairy islands, birds and animals, waterfalls and cliffs...

And could the faint female voice he heard really come from within this ten thousand-year-old ice? Why can only he hear it...

But he clearly felt that the woman was not calling him, and the person she was waiting for was not him.

Then who is she...

"It's dangerous up there. If you can't go up, just come down!"

At this time, the empress' spiritual thought came from behind him. Xiao Chen concentrated his attention and sent back a spiritual thought: "It doesn't matter, if there is any danger, I will come down immediately. I will observe the surrounding area first..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately calmed down his mind, closed his eyes, and explored the layers of ice with his spiritual consciousness.

When he was still in the human world, he used his spiritual consciousness to spy on the situation in the ancient immortal world, and for the first time, he heard that distant voice.

Now that he has arrived below the top of Kunlun, can he use his spiritual consciousness to find the person who spoke to him?

At this time, down below, the empress saw that he was motionless, so she naturally knew that he was using his spiritual consciousness to explore inside the ten thousand years of ice, and she could not be disturbed at this time.

But at the beginning, she also tried to use her spiritual consciousness to explore the ice, but in the end, she found nothing.

Just like this, I don't know how much time passed, but Xiao Chen's consciousness continued to explore forward, passing through the layers of ice, looking at everything in the ice, as if he had crossed the ten thousand-year river and returned to ten thousand years. forward……

It has been frozen for thousands of years, and nothing has changed. Even the flower that was about to bloom on the edge of the cliff was frozen before it could bloom when the first ray of sunshine in the morning came down...

"Is it you, are you back..."

At this moment, a faint female voice suddenly entered his consciousness.

Xiao Chen trembled suddenly. Sure enough, it was the voice of the woman he heard! Sure enough, in this ten thousand years of ice...

At the moment, he followed the place where the sound came from and kept searching. His consciousness reached thousands of miles away. Finally, he saw a vague figure among the layers of ice.

Even though it was just a vague figure, it was not difficult to tell that it was a young and beautiful woman...

Xiao Chen tried his best to bring his spiritual consciousness closer, but it seemed to be hindered by some kind of obstruction. His spiritual consciousness could not move forward no matter what, and he could not clearly see the appearance of the woman.

Who is she? Why has she been frozen here for thousands of years, and who has frozen her here...

"Is it you, are you back..."

The voice was clear and clear, as if it was ringing in his ears, but Xiao Chen couldn't see her clearly. No matter how hard he tried, his consciousness could no longer advance even half an inch.

"A Tian, ​​are you finally back..."

At this moment, the woman in the ice suddenly opened her eyes. Xiao Chen was suddenly shocked. She was still alive, but why did she call herself "A Tian"...


Suddenly, Xiao Chen felt a sharp pain in his head, and his consciousness dissipated in an instant. His whole body seemed to have been severely injured, and his vision became pitch black.

But at this moment, the snow and wind that filled the sky suddenly roared towards him, but he remained motionless, as if he had lost his soul.


Seeing that the blizzard was sweeping towards him, but he was motionless, the empress flew up in an instant. After all, this clone had the cultivation level of the eighth realm. With a flick of her jade hand, a strong palm power surged out, He immediately dispersed the wind and snow in the sky, and then quickly flew down there with Xiao Chen.

It wasn't until a long time ago that Xiao Chen slowly woke up, but his mind was still buzzing, thinking about the last moment before his consciousness dissipated. At that moment, he saw the frozen woman opening her eyes. , could it be that he came back to life?

Ten thousand years ago, ten thousand years ago...

At this moment, he raised his head again and looked at the top of Kunlun, which was frozen thousands of miles away. Inside these layers of ice, there was still a person alive, a person who lived thousands of years ago...

"What on earth did you see?" Seeing that he was in a daze, the empress frowned and asked.

At that time, the night fell lightly, and the outline of the mountain shadows in the layers of ice had become faintly visible. Xiao Chen finally came to his senses, looked up and said, "I saw a woman who has been frozen for thousands of years inside." ”

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