"Uncle Master..."

To the east, the wind was surging, and Fairy Shuiyue landed next to Fairy Yudie. Fairy Yudie looked solemn at this time, and without saying a word, she flew to Xiao Chen's side, "Let's go to Murong's Xuanjing refuge." avoid.

Obviously the person who came was definitely not an ordinary person, otherwise Fairy Yudie would not be so nervous, and Xiao Chen was suffering from backlash at this time and could no longer continue fighting.

On the other side, several old men from the Murong clan also landed here. The old woman from before said solemnly, "Young hero, come with us..." ✩

"Brother, brother..."

Xian'er hugged Xiao Chen tightly, but Xiao Chen's face was very ugly at this time, and the Xuanwu armor was once again full of cracks. The Xuanwu armor had already been shattered once when he endured the catastrophe at the altar of gods and demons this time. If it happens again this time, If it withstands huge force, it will probably be completely damaged like the Golden Crow Foot, and it will be difficult to repair.

"Xian'er... let's go."

At this moment, Xiao Chen also made a quick decision. The man in the distance was obviously coming towards him and Xian'er. At the moment, he could only go to Murong's Mysterious Realm to avoid it until he recovered.

"Young hero, follow me!"

In the Murong family, an old man in green clothes wanted to take him and Xian'er away, but at this moment, a powerful force from the distance penetrated, immediately making the old men of the Murong family tremble, and they could no longer move.

After all, everyone was a step too late. The figure arrived at the right time, and almost instantly arrived near the mountain peak.

But look at that man standing above the clouds, with white clothes and white hair. He looks very handsome. He is as ethereal as an immortal. Just from his aura at this moment, it is difficult for everyone to distinguish his cultivation level, but it is not difficult to recognize who he is. , besides Yun Zhongjun, who else could it be?

At this moment, everyone present was silent. Among the dozen or so seventh-level cultivators, including Cang Yunzi, no one dared to act rashly under the aura of Yun Zhongjun.

However, everyone was extremely confused, why did Yun Zhongjun come here suddenly?

Although the condensed rain and dew of ten thousand years this time has attracted many people from the sects of the immortal world to come here, if the majestic Lord Yun Zhong also comes here for these ten thousand years of rain and dew, wouldn't it seem like he has lost his identity?

And even if he wants to take this Ten Thousand Years of Rain and Dew, he has so many people, why would he do it himself?

At this time, the Yun Zhongjun on the cloud is obviously just a clone, but just a clone is enough to frighten everyone here. This clone probably has the appearance of the eighth realm cultivation.

Unless there are special circumstances, it is no exaggeration to say that cultivators in the Eighth Realm can kill all cultivators in the Seventh Realm here with one palm.

Each of the next three realms of the Saint's Nine Realms are thousands of miles apart, and there is no comparability at all. Not to mention that there is no comparability between large realms, even between small realms, there is also a huge disparity in strength. .

"I didn't know that Lord Yun Zhong came from afar, but I didn't expect him to be welcomed from afar. Don't be surprised..."

At this moment, from the side of Murong's Xuanjing, a ray of rays of light suddenly flew over and fell on the nearby mountain in an instant, transforming into an old man in red robes.

But looking at the old man's rosy face and hale and hearty spirit, the first glance gave people an approachable and gentle feeling, and the second glance gave people an unfathomable depth like an abyss.

Cang Yunzi's group couldn't help feeling slightly suffocated. There was such an unfathomable person in the Murong ancient clan. Who was this person? Could he be the old head of the Murong clan?

This old man obviously had extraordinary cultivation, but no one could see his depth. Only Yun Zhongjun on the cloud looked at him and nodded slightly, "Master Murong."

"The head of the family..."

Seeing the sudden appearance of the old man in red robe, the elders of the Murong clan were all shocked. As for the younger generation of disciples, they had no idea who the old man in red robe was. They had never seen him since they were born. .

And this old man was none other than the old head of the Murong Yi family, Murong Qi. Murong Qi had entered the Xuanjing retreat many years ago and had never come out during this period. Therefore, the younger generation of disciples of the Murong family could only After hearing his name, I have never seen him in person, and as for the immortal cultivators outside, they have never seen him.

At this moment, Murong Qi was seen walking up here, nodding to several old men of the Murong clan, and then looking up to the sky. Even though he knew that Lord Yun Zhong was here in person today, and his purpose was not simple, his face was still unhappy. Losing his smile, "I wonder why Mr. Yun Zhong came all the way today?"

At this moment, the atmosphere became extremely tense and solemn. Everyone knew that Yun Zhongjun could not come to Penglai for no reason. If he was not here for ten thousand years of rain and dew, would he be...

At this moment, everyone finally woke up and their eyes fell on the girl Xiao Chen was holding.

Yes, Penglai Wonderland has countless legends. This girl was transformed by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and condensed with thousands of years of rain and dew. It is really hard to imagine who she is. Her form is transformed by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. What about her god?

Everyone was silent and looked at Yun Zhongjun in the sky. Sure enough, they saw Yun Zhongjun pointing at the girl and said bluntly, "Recently, the spiritual veins in the fairy world have changed, and the spiritual energy is unstable. This fairy spirit is caused by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth." Transformation is very important, I want to take her away."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at the scene became even more solid. Sure enough, Yun Zhongjun came here for this ten-thousand-year-old fairy...

In the distance, Cang Yunzi and others were thinking in their hearts, what a great Yun Zhongjun, he not only got this ten thousand year fairy spirit, but also took away the ten thousand year rain and dew without any effort. How can anything in the world be so cheap? …

Unfortunately, at this moment, who among them dares to stand up and say a word?

As for the Murong clan, many people started talking in low voices. This was the realm of Penglai, and they, the Murong clan, had been guarding it here for thousands of years according to the instructions given by their ancestors. This fairy spirit was also born in the fairyland. It was the fairy spirit mentioned in the oral instructions of their ancestors. Murong Yi clan has been guarding this place for thousands of years. Why should Yun Zhongjun unconditionally take the fairy spirit away when he comes? Leave it to him?

Murong Qi took a few steps forward, looked at the sky and said, "Mr. Yun Zhong may not know something. I, Murong Yi, have been ordered by my ancestors to protect the fairyland here. The birth of immortals in the fairyland today is the result of good fortune." , I’m afraid... we can’t give it to Yun Zhongjun.”

The atmosphere became more and more tense. At this time, a middle-aged man in the Murong family said, "Murong Yi family has stayed away from the disputes in the immortal world and has been hiding here for thousands of years. You are here today and have disturbed the peace for thousands of years. How can it be justified that Yun Zhongjun wants to take away the fairy spirit now?"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere suddenly became as cold as frost. Murong Qi raised his hand to indicate that the people behind him did not need to say anything. Then he raised his hand to Yun Zhongjun in the sky and said, "Please, please Mr. Yun Zhong understands that the Murong Yi clan has been guarding this fairy spirit for thousands of years, and no one can take it away today."

"Murong Family Master, maybe you didn't understand what I just said."

Yun Zhongjun slowly descended to the mountain peak. The aura of a strong man on his body was frightening, and everyone subconsciously retreated further away.

I saw him saying, "Nowadays, most of the spiritual veins in the ancient immortal world have been destroyed, the spiritual power is unbalanced, and everything is turbulent. If the gods and demons take advantage of this to attack, it may cause irreparable losses to the ancient immortal world. This immortal spirit is very important. I am here today." I hope you understand that I took her away for the sake of the entire Ancient Immortal World, not just me."

"elder brother……"

Xian'er's whole body was trembling slightly, and she was obviously very scared. Yun Zhongjun wanted to take her away, and he was very determined in his words. I'm afraid no one can stop her today. Although Murong Qi's cultivation is high, he has to compete with Yun Zhongjun. It is never a wise move to pit the Chinese king against the enemy.

In the distance, Cang Yunzi and others were thinking in their hearts, Yun Zhongjun is going to take away this ten thousand year old fairy. Who knows what he has in mind? The name is for the Ancient Immortal World, but exactly why, I’m afraid no one knows.

The atmosphere became colder and colder, and Yun Zhongjun's eyes slowly fell towards Xiao Chen. Xiao Chen looked at him with no dodge in his eyes, unlike other cultivators who were trembling like that at the moment. Uneasy, after all, he has understood the sixth level of the realm of immortality, and no matter how strong a person is, it is difficult to intimidate him.

At this moment, the eyes of the two people collided, both as sharp as the tip of a needle. Some people knew that they would be enemies as soon as they saw them.

Just like Xiao Chen and Yun Zhongjun at this moment, he had never seen Yun Zhongjun, but when he saw him at this moment, he knew that this person was destined to become an enemy.

"You are the one who destroyed the spiritual veins of the immortal world some time ago."

Yun Zhongjun looked at Xiao Chen, his eyes motionless. However, such a flat aura was like a huge burden, making the people nearby breathless.


Xiao Chen is still neither humble nor arrogant. Today, he will not let Yun Zhongjun take Xian'er away no matter what, but the only support is the bodies of the three corpse demons and the gods and demons of Dugu Tianxia.

His mind was a little confused now. The consequences of doing this... He didn't want to care about the consequences of doing this. At this moment, his inner breath began to be disordered, and the Book of Heaven seemed to be reversing on its own!

"Forget it, I'll take you away with me."

Yun Zhongjun's eyes were indifferent. When he spoke, he raised his palm slightly, and a cloud of mist condensed in front of him. Fairy Yudie's face changed slightly, and she stood in front of Xiao Chen for an instant, saying in the air, "Yun Zhongjun can't Take him away."


Yun Zhongjun's eyes fell on her and he said lightly, "Who are you."

"I return to Butterfly Valley, Yudie." At this moment, Fairy Yudie's words were neither humble nor arrogant, but everyone knew that the empress and Yun Zhongjun had always been mortal enemies.


Yun Zhongjun's eyes narrowed slightly and he said, "The name Yudie was given by the empress. Your original name is...Yuzhen, right?"


Fairy Yudie still looked calm and unhurried, but behind, Xiao Chen heard the word "Yuzhen" and finally understood this time. It turned out that she was the person Senluota entrusted him to find... the Yuzhen Tower back then. host.

But why did she never go back after coming to the Ancient Immortal World? But right now, he didn't have any extra thoughts to think about it.

Yun Zhongjun said, "You just said that I can't take him away, but why?"

Under the shock of this aura at this time, Fairy Yudie could only force herself to calm down and said, "I am ordered by the empress to take him back to Butterfly Valley, and I hope that Lord Yun Zhong will not stop him."

"I see."

Yun Zhongjun had an indifferent expression on his face and said calmly, "This person destroyed the spiritual veins of the immortal world. I'm sorry to say that you were ordered by the Empress. Even if the Empress is here today, she can't protect him. I think it's not easy for you to cultivate, so please step back." stop."

The implication is that if Fairy Yudie tries to stop her, he will not be merciful. Although Fairy Yudie is not low in cultivation, how can she withstand even one and a half of his moves? I'm afraid that with one finger force, both body and soul will be destroyed.

The atmosphere suddenly became extremely cold, and Fairy Shuiyue started to tremble at the side. Her cultivation was not as good as Fairy Yudie. Fairy Yudie could face Yun Zhongjun calmly, but how could she be so calm? If Yun Zhongjun pressed down his breath again, she might not be able to bear it anymore...

Just when the atmosphere was at its most tense, a cold female voice suddenly came from out of nowhere, "If I were here today, how would you stay..."

Hearing this cold female voice, everyone present was shocked and looked in the direction of the voice. It was... the Empress!

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