
After feeling the chill, everyone immediately became alert. Xiao Chen made a move with his hand, and seven hundred and twenty flying swords surrounded him. Although they were broken swords, the bursts of brilliant golden light were... It is very dazzling, and the sword energy is even more trembling.

The atmosphere suddenly became extremely cold and tense, and many people in the distance felt slightly trembling. Did he have to deal with so many masters?


An old man in purple snorted coldly and said, "You two, just want to break out? I'm afraid it won't be easy today!" As soon as he finished speaking, without saying a word, he immediately launched several golden flying weapons. With the sword, he rushed towards Xiao Chen in one fell swoop.

"Then let's give it a try." Xiao Chen's eyes were cold, like the sharp edge of a sword. As he spoke, a group of golden swords flew out of the sky!

The magic weapon Flying Sword originally improved with the improvement of the master's cultivation level. If he was at Wanjian Pass before, Xiao Chen would never be able to exert its power at this time unless he was on the top of that peak. But now he has stepped into the Saint After realizing the artistic conception of the strong, the power of this flying sword has naturally increased a lot.

"Clang clang clang!"

After a deafening sound, several masters' magical flying swords were knocked back. Everyone in the distance couldn't help but feel suffocated again. What on earth were these broken swords all over the sky? It looks dilapidated, but I didn’t expect it to be so powerful!

This group of ancient swords was too powerful, and the dozen or so people seemed to be working together at the moment. In fact, they all had different intentions. They all wanted to sit back and enjoy the success, and did not want to resist the flying swords. In the end, all the dozen or so people actually flew away. , let his men attack Xiao Chen.

Seeing the cultivators coming like a tide, Xiao Chen snorted coldly and swiped his fingers. The remaining swords in the sky were even more dazzling with golden light. Anyone who came within ten steps of him was killed by flying swords. Come on, the area is already littered with corpses and rivers of blood.

The cultivators in the immortal world in the distance were stunned. This was really killing one person in ten steps... Such a murderous aura was really frightening.

"Xian'er, don't open your eyes."

Xiao Chen hugged Xian'er tightly with one hand. The flying swords in the sky could be used by him at will, just like an arm using his fingers, and his heart and sword became one, without any hindrance.

"Well... Xian'er is not afraid, brother, don't worry." Xian'er held his arm tightly and closed her eyes tightly. Even if she was scared in her heart, she would not say it out loud.

On the other side, Taoist Qingdeng was equally decisive in killing. His body and whisk were covered in blood. In the past, he always had an immortal spirit, but today he looked like a terrifying killing god, even his eyes were red from killing. , people in the distance felt shuddered when they saw it.

"My little friend, this is not the way to go!"

After swinging away more than a dozen flying swords with a whisk, Taoist Qingdeng quickly moved closer to Xiao Chen and said, "There are more and more of them, and they are obviously going to consume our energy..."

I saw hundreds of cultivators rushing up in front of me in an instant. The cultivation level of these people is not high, but if they can reach the realm of Penglai, how low can their cultivation level be?

Soon, these people were like desperate soldiers. They knew they were no match for the flying swords in the sky, but they still rushed forward regardless of their lives, "Take them two!"

"Just in time."

Xiao Chen's energy surged, and dust flew up all over the sky. The Thirty-Three Layers of the Art of Leaving Hatred was silently transferred to his heart in an instant. Around him, green light flew up and down, knocking away all the people who came up to him. Got out.

These people are not his opponents at all, but as Taoist Qingdeng said, the other party wants to exhaust the inner energy of the two of them. Once the inner energy is exhausted, no matter how high the cultivation level is, it will be useless unless they can These people are completely shocked!


With a sharp sound, the Emperor's Sword appeared in Xiao Chen's hand. The cold sword intent made even those who were very far away feel their hearts tremble, as if they were falling into an abyss.

"If you want to die, just come."

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold, and he pointed his sword at the hundreds of cultivators in front of him. After the previous round of attacks, the hundreds of cultivators were already timid. At this time, they were shocked by Di Gu's sword energy, and they were even more frightened. Trembling.

However, who can stop a person from dying?

The hundreds of cultivators, after stopping for a short time, looked at each other and then rushed forward again as if they really didn't want their lives.

At this moment, the whole mountain peak was filled with killing sounds, and the sword in Xiao Chen's hand was merciless. Every time the sword was struck, someone would be killed. In an instant, the ground was covered with corpses, and blood flowed into rivers. The emperor's sword seemed to be dyed red!

The scene was extremely bloody and terrifying. Xian'er leaned on Xiao Chen's chest, her body could not help but tremble, and she did not dare to open her eyes.

Looking at the corpses on the ground and the sword dripping blood in Xiao Chen's hand, the remaining dozens of cultivators finally did not dare to step forward. They all showed fear on their faces and backed away tremblingly.

"Who else……"

Xiao Chen waved his sword, letting out a cold sword whistle, and walked forward step by step, stepping on the corpses on the ground.

At this moment, many people were trembling. The aura on his body was so terrifying, just like the God of Death, leaving no room for action.

In the distance, Murong's people were also very nervous. An old woman with gray hair frowned and said, "Do you want to go down..."


An elder stretched out his hand to stop the fairy. Although they could not let the fairy be harmed, the current situation was really unpredictable. Moreover, it seemed that the young man wanted to protect the fairy. If they went down at this time, they would easily cause trouble. unnecessary trouble.

On another mountain peak, Fairy Shuiyue was also stunned. In her mind, she recalled Xiao Yichen from a few months ago. Every time he tried to sneak out, he was forced back by his uncle in the end. Embarrassing and funny, is this really the same person as the Shura God of Killing at this time... He killed countless immortal cultivators today, is he really going to be the enemy of the entire ancient immortal world?

Fairy Yudie stood aside, always silent and focused, her eyes also fell on Xiao Chen, never moving away.


Just when the atmosphere was extremely tense, a cold laughter suddenly came from somewhere, "He is worthy of being the Lord of Wuyu Tian in the world. He first destroyed the spiritual veins of the immortal world, forced his way into Wanjian Pass, and killed Yun Mengze." People, and today in order to compete for the rain and dew in the immortal world, I have killed countless people in the immortal world here. It's awesome, it's awesome..."

"Who is speaking?"

Many people were startled when they heard this weird and hoarse voice, but when they looked around, they didn't see anyone speaking. It was really weird.

The voice seemed to be coming from the east or the west. It was completely incomprehensible, and even the divine sense could not detect it. This showed that this person was very good.

As for the Lord of the Desireless Heaven he said in his mouth, who destroyed the spiritual veins of the immortal world, could it be... the person in front of him!

At this moment, everyone seemed to have suddenly woken up. When they looked at Xiao Chen, their eyes showed a hint of shock!

It turns out... he is the cultivator from the human world who destroyed countless spiritual veins in the immortal world a while ago! It turns out that he destroyed so many spiritual veins in the immortal world just to condense these ten thousand years of rain and dew!

So that's it... At this time, all the cultivators in the immortal world were even more shocked. This cultivator from the human world was actually so powerful!

"In order to gather thousands of years of rain and dew, this person destroyed the spiritual veins of the Immortal Realm, and now he uses many people to enter the Immortal Realm... It's awesome, it's awesome."

On the green peak in the distance, there were several old men who kept sneering, with a hint of cynicism in their tone. It was unbelievable that this cultivator from the human world could be even more powerful than them. It was really incredible.

"What? Xiao Yichen, don't you dare to admit your identity today?"

At this time, the mysterious and strange voice in the distance sounded again, but it was still unknown where it came from. Even the dozen or so Seventh Realm masters present were unable to lock onto the speaker with their spiritual consciousness.

"Xiao doesn't change his name in business, and he doesn't change his surname in office, but Your Excellency... hides his head and shows his tail, is that all?"

As Xiao Chen spoke, he searched out his spiritual consciousness, trying to find the person speaking in the dark. However, even though he had now entered the realm of a saint and his spiritual consciousness was much sharper than before, he still could not find this person. Where is the speaker.

However, those who can recognize him and know his identity must be cultivators in the human world. Looking back on the cultivators in the human world who came with him this time...it seems that no one has such ability.

As for the Chu family he offended in the Bone Erosion Land, the ability of the person in front of him was obviously far better than that of the ancestor of the Chu family, so it was impossible for him to be a member of the Chu family. As for who it was, that might actually be interesting.

"It turns out to be Xiao Yichen, who destroyed countless spiritual veins in the immortal world a while ago. He's awesome, he's awesome..."

At this time, another old and hoarse voice was heard. This time the speaker was not difficult to find. Everyone followed the voice and found an old man with a hunchback holding an ebony staff.

This man was the hunchbacked old man who had escaped from Xiao Chen outside the Immortal Valley. The look in his eyes at Xiao Chen was obviously filled with murderous intent and hatred.


He smiled gloomily and said in a hoarse voice, "The Lord of Wuyu Heaven is really clever in his methods. He first destroyed countless spiritual veins in the fairy world and caused thousands of years of rain and dew to condense here. Then he used us to enter the fairyland. Wait. After Wannian Yulu got it, he destroyed the formation inside so that no one could get in. Hehe, it’s so powerful..."

After hearing what he said, the immortal cultivators nearby suddenly started talking like a pot exploding. At the same time, when they looked at Xiao Chen, their eyes were obviously filled with anger. It turned out that this person had destroyed the fairyland. The formation almost caused them to die inside!

The hunchbacked old man smiled sinisterly. He obviously had a grudge against Xiao Chen and deliberately said this to arouse everyone's anger towards Xiao Chen.

Then I heard him continue: "Master Xiao, I don't know what you can find in the fairyland by yourself. Why don't you take it out and show it to everyone?"

Such words attracted many people to gather around, whether they were coveting the treasure of the fairyland or something else. In short, I am afraid that the matter will not be settled easily today.

At this time, three more old men with white beards and white hair flew over from the top of the mountain in the distance, but judging from the fact that the three of them were not bad at all, they were probably strong men who were in charge.

The three of them had no intention of stopping Xiao Chen today, nor did they intend to compete with others for the ten thousand years of rain and dew, but now that they knew that the man in front of them was a cultivator from the human world, how could they let him go?

A white-haired old man in green clothes in the middle said, "Young Master Xiao, you should take out all the things you found in Penglai Fairyland. There is no way you can bring back the things from my Ancient Fairyland to the human world."

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