The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,369 Troubled Times

"There is one more person..."

Taoist Qingdeng continued, "I think I remember that guy, he was the middle-aged man who asked me to join the battle that day..."


Xiao Chen concentrated for a moment. Of these two people, he really had the deepest impression. Taoist Qingdeng continued, "This man's name is Yan Wen. He sits in a fairyland and proclaims himself the king. He has thirty thousand disciples. He acts decisively and his methods are very ruthless... …”

"Cang Yunzi, ask strictly..."

Xiao Chen recalled in his mind the appearance of the old man in green and the middle-aged man that day. He indeed remembered these two people most clearly. As for the others, he was not very impressed, but after thinking about it, those people all had their own methods.

After pondering for a while, Taoist Qingdeng hesitated, but finally asked, "So little friend... what are your plans now?"

Xiao Chen didn't say anything. Taoist Qingdeng already knew what to do. At this time, Xian'er walked up and said with a frown, "Brother, are there many bad people outside..."

Xiao Chen gently stroked her hair, "Don't be afraid, Xian'er, no one can hurt Xian'er..."

At this moment, he had prepared for the worst. Maybe there were not only those like Cang Yunzi and Yan Wen outside now, but there might be even more powerful people hiding in the dark. ♦

Although he has now stepped into the realm of the Holy Realm powerhouse, he still cannot be the opponent of so many people. Even if his divine and demonic aura can intimidate some people, it is impossible to intimidate them all.

Those people will definitely take risks for the sake of Xian'er's spiritual power and thousands of years of rain and dew, and some will be taken advantage of, knowing that they will get nothing in the end, but they still won't hesitate to take advantage of the fire... But no matter what kind, what he will face, this Not once is it easy.

Next to him, Taoist Qingdeng was silent. Apparently, he had also noticed that this time, the people outside, just like him before, were determined to win this ten thousand-year-old fairy, even at any cost.

But this ten-thousand-year-old fairy is now like the reverse scale of the young man in front of me. Anyone who dares to touch it will definitely die. So next, I am afraid that a bloody path will really come...

Even though he has reached the seventh level of cultivation, in the eyes of ordinary people, he is a peerless master, but he knows very well that this ancient immortal world is by no means as simple as what he sees in front of him. No one knows how many powerful people there are. If this time If a master of the late Seventh Realm comes out, he may really bleed like a river...

Three days later, the three of them returned to the vicinity of the Immortal Valley. When they came here again, Qingdeng Taoist still had a feeling of fear, especially when he thought about the mysterious abyss, it was like a nightmare, lingering in his mind. In my heart, how could there be such a terrifying abyss of gods and demons in this fairyland?

Xiao Chen, on the other hand, was quite emotional. It was here that he experienced the catastrophe and took the first step to become a strong man, just like he had realized the artistic conception of immortality and immortality at the top of the East China Sea under the basalt stone.

Regardless of whether the abyss of gods and demons behind the valley is a place abandoned by the Cang God or a place of demon breath, no matter what, it is of great significance to him. ɱ

Now, he is leaving here. Maybe in the end, this abyss of gods and demons, as well as the altar of gods and demons in the depths, will completely disappear with the collapse of the fairyland. That's fine... no one can do it again. Once you find this place, let it return to silence.

"elder brother……"

Xian'er tugged on Xiao Chen's sleeves, her eyebrows slightly furrowed, her expression delicate, as if she was reminding Xiao Chen to leave here. All she seemed to have was fear for the abyss of gods and demons.

"Xian'er, let's go." Xiao Chen knew that she was afraid of the abyss, so he didn't stop any longer and took her flying forward.

In this way, another two days passed, and this time I returned to the place where Xian'er was "born" before, that is, in the fairyland of Yaochi.

"Brother, brother! Look, look, how beautiful these flowers are blooming...the little rabbits haven't left yet!"

After returning here, Xian'er immediately became lively and cute again, as if she had suddenly forgotten the nightmare of the abyss, the jade years, as it should be.

But seeing the immortal energy surrounding the Yaochi and the fairy flower hanging around, Xiao Chen couldn't help but feel a little emotional. That day, he came here after ten thousand years of rain and dew. He thought he could get ten thousand years of rain and dew and go back to save Weiyang. Unexpectedly, in the end, he... After all, it's all a mirror image.

But here he met this girl born from the fairy flower. It seemed that at that moment, he and this girl had formed an inextricable bond.

"Brother, brother, look, look..."

Xian'er was jumping up and down, very cute, holding a bouquet of freshly picked flowers in her hand, still stained with a little rain and dew, and she was wearing Xiao Chen's clothes at this time, which were a little loose, but It is still difficult to conceal this pure and flawless immortal aura.

Looking at the innocent look of the girl, for some reason, Xiao Chen sighed softly in his heart. She was transformed from the purest spiritual energy in the world. Her simple mind is just suitable for being in this otherworldly fairyland. But if you go to the troubled times outside, it is inevitable...

"Xian'er, come here."


Xian'er ran over with a smile, her big watery eyes wide open, "Brother, what's wrong?"

"Xian'er, listen to me..."

Xiao Chen slowly knelt down, gently stroked the hair on her cheek, and said, "Xian'er, we will be going out in a while. The world outside is different from the world inside this fairyland..."

"Yeah! Xian'er knows!"

Before he could finish speaking, Xian'er nodded and said, "I know what brother said, there are many, many bad people out there, Xian'er must be careful..."


Xiao Chen shook his head, looked at her slightly confused eyes at this time, and said softly, "Although there are bad people outside, there are more people, like my brother, they all like Xian'er and want to protect Xian'er." …”

"Is that so? Do they also like Xian'er..."

Xian'er tilted her head with a puzzled look on her face. Xiao Chen nodded lightly, "That's right."

He really didn't want the turbulent world outside to taint the girl's heart. He didn't want her to see only darkness and evil. He hoped that she could see more of the beauty in the world.

"Yeah! Xian'er knows!"

Xian'er nodded and smiled, while Taoist Qingdeng was guarding near the entrance of the valley. At this moment, a sinister laughter suddenly came from outside, "I said, this kid will definitely come back here, Qing Master Deng, I never thought that you would be so capable of catching this kid. That little fairy must have been transformed by thousands of years of rain and dew..."

Hearing this unkind voice, Xian'er's face was slightly startled, and she subconsciously hid behind Xiao Chen, "Brother..."

"Xian'er, don't be afraid."

Xiao Chen gently stroked her hair, looked outside the Immortal Valley, and sent a cold spiritual thought to the Qingdeng Taoist who was guarding outside, "Kill those two people."

After receiving the spiritual message from Xiao Chen, Qingdeng Taoist's heart tightened slightly, and he saw two figures slowly appearing in front of him.

And those two people were exactly two of the dozen immortal masters that day. Although they were not Cang Yunzi and Yan Wen, they still had the cultivation level of the seventh realm, and they were brothers in the same sect, so they were not easy to deal with.

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