Three days later, Xiao Chen had arrived at the northern edge of Yunzhou. The mountains nearby were steep and there were many places where spiritual storms gathered. You must be careful when passing here.

After all, he couldn't take the main road. There were too many people around here. Even if he was wearing a robe to hide his appearance, there was no guarantee that no one with a keen sense of consciousness would recognize him.

Presumably his portrait has already been spread in the immortal world, and even his aura, techniques, and some special features have already been revealed.

Especially Fu Xi Qin and Di Gu Sword, these two artifacts have been seen by others, but no one knows about Dugu Tianxia's body of gods and demons.

No matter what, he must be careful. The fairy world is no better than the human world. He has no power here. If he is chased by the masters of the fairy world, it will be very troublesome.

In these days, many immortal cultivators have gone to Penglai Immortal Continent. Not only the immortal cultivators, but also a large number of human cultivators have also passed there.

There are even many human cultivators who have been there for a long time. It is as if someone has foresight regarding the gathering of rain and dew in the immortal world on the Penglai Immortal Continent.

On this afternoon, the sky was overcast. Xiao Chen came to the high mountains on the northern edge of Yunzhou. There were many immortal cultivators nearby, so he chose a more dangerous path.

Ahead are endless treacherous valleys and abyss. Penglai Immortal Continent can also be reached from here, but it is very dangerous. Many places are condensed with spiritual storms. Although it is not as terrifying as the gap in the fairy world, few people come there. This way.

Xiao Chen walked inside for a day and a night. Although he didn't meet anyone or feel anyone's presence along the way, he still wouldn't let down his vigilance.

He thought that if the people in the immortal world wanted to capture him, then Yun Zhongjun must have secretly sent people to capture him. As for the people like Wuqingxianjun, let alone them, especially Qingwuxianjun, I am afraid that he is already eager to capture him. Is it a waste of time?

He actually knew that Fairy Yudie had no ill intentions towards him, and that she only wanted to protect him by trapping him in Guidie Valley Fairyland.

But this time, he was not afraid of the storm, it was just another experience of life and death.

"Boy, there is someone in front of me. Just when he was concentrating on finding the way, the voice of the Bone Demon suddenly sounded in his mind.


Xiao Chen nodded slightly, and he had naturally noticed it. He had stayed in Guidie Fairyland for more than half a year, absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth every day. Now, both his consciousness and skill were not comparable to when he first came to the fairyland.

Even his current spiritual consciousness is strong enough to compete with a strong person like Yun Zhongjun. Unless he is a cultivator who is much higher than him, ordinary people, even those masters of the immortal world in the fifth and sixth realms, will not be able to compete with him. It is difficult to escape his consciousness.

And who is that person in front at this time?

Xiao Chen's expression condensed, and he immediately withdrew his consciousness to avoid disturbing the situation. The path he was walking on now was the cracks in the void that were created when the ancient immortal world collapsed. Over time, these endless rifts were formed. Canyon abyss.

Even though tens of millions of years have passed, this abyss is still full of dangers. If you don't pay attention, you will be involved in the rift in the immortal world. Therefore, cultivators in the ancient immortal world generally rarely go this way.

And if you don't take the easy road, but want to walk in such dangerous places like him, then there is probably only one situation, that is, like him, "shameful".

Through the divine consciousness just now, Xiao Chen had vaguely felt that it might be a master of the immortal world who had cultivated in the sixth realm.

It is difficult for a cultivator of the Sixth Realm to think back to when he was still in the human world. To put it bluntly, a cultivator of the Sixth Realm is a human cultivator of the Three Realms like Chu Fengyang in the Bone Erosion Land. He couldn't even compete with it.

But it was different now. When he came to the ancient immortal world, his cultivation had improved a lot. Not to mention, the techniques on the fragments of the Heavenly Book were infinitely stronger when used in the immortal world than when he was in the human world.

No wonder people in the immortal world are so eager to get this ancient book. And what exactly is this book? Just the fragment of the scroll is so powerful that it can allow people to cultivate all kinds of heaven-defying supernatural powers. If it were complete... it would be unimaginable.

Another point is that now he has realized the sixth level of "no-self" in the realm of immortality. Although he has not yet fully understood and fully integrated this level, he has already sensed the realm of the strong.

So now, even the so-called strong men in the fifth and sixth realms in the immortal world have far less artistic conception than him. If they want to scare him with their divine consciousness and artistic conception, it is undoubtedly a fantasy. x ̸͍̘̳͂͊̂̊̀͊̕͘.̷̹̦̆̆c̶͙͈͚̽̄̈̎̒͜ó̶̧̧̝̳̠͇͕̺̲̹̔̈́ ́՝͝m̷̗͓̽̂̌̋̌̌

Ever since he realized the artistic conception of a strong man in Dugu Tianxia ten thousand years ago, in this world today, any so-called strong man is probably just "no more than that" in his eyes.

So now, he will never be intimidated by anyone again. Although the person in front of him has reached the Sixth Realm, he is not afraid and will not even feel any pressure. He will not be like before. One would feel suffocated in front of a cultivator whose cultivation was far superior to his.

At this time, he walked forward step by step. In addition to not being afraid of the other party, there was another reason. When he used his spiritual consciousness to detect just now, if the other party had six realms of cultivation, he would have noticed him.

And if he turns back at this moment, it will make the other party unscrupulous. But if he just walks up like this, the other party will not be able to figure out his true and false intentions, and he will definitely have some scruples.

After reaching the abyss in front, Xiao Chen immediately felt a cold murderous intent, as well as a faint layer of bloody air in the cold wind.

"call out!"

I saw a golden flying sword flash by, and a bunch of blood splashed in the air. In just a short moment, a dozen immortal masters surrounding the green-robed Taoist were all killed by his golden sword. Under the flying sword, even the soul could not escape.

"Senior Dao... Dao Puzi, spare... spare your life! We are too, and we have no choice..."

The remaining two immortal cultivators were already frightened to death, their faces turned pale, their whole bodies were trembling, and they kept begging for mercy from the green-robed Taoist in front of them.

However, Taoist Qingpao's eyes were still sharp. He was clearly a Taoist, and he was very good at Taoism, but the murderous intention in his body was so cold and terrifying!

Even Xiao Chen, who was behind him at this time, couldn't help but stare blankly. This man has such a murderous aura...

"We have no choice? Humph!"

The green-robed Taoist's eyes were cold and stern. Without saying much, he pointed his finger and the golden flying sword flew back in an instant.

In an instant, the cold wind suddenly rose, and murderous intent filled the air!

Seeing that Taoist Qingpao was determined to kill and would not let them go no matter what today, the two immortal cultivators suddenly felt as if their hearts were filled with despair and all their thoughts were gone!

I saw the two of them making quick gestures with their hands, and chanting a series of blood-colored spells in their mouths. As the whole body burst into blood, the immortal body turned into thick blood in an instant, and the soul became as ferocious as an evil ghost, frantically moving toward The green-robed Taoist rushed forward and said, "Dao Puzi! Today, the two of us are fighting hard not to enter reincarnation, but we will die together with you!"

"Huh? Blood Soul Spell?"

The Qingpao Taoist's eyes narrowed and he snorted coldly, "Yun Zhongjun actually asked you to practice such evil arts. It seems that he really has a plan for the immortal world. It's a pity that you won't survive today!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly formed a seal with his hands and chanted the four-character Taoist formula "Ji, Jing, Tao, Destruction!"

As the last word "annihilation" fell, four red seals flew out suddenly, causing the sky to surge with wind and clouds.

The two people used the Blood Soul Curse, which was extremely terrifying. However, when they encountered four red seals, they immediately let out screams, as if their souls were being tortured. The whole valley was filled with blood mist for a while. , the wind is blowing, the scene is very scary!


The green-robed Taoist snorted coldly, "Destroy!" He said one word again, and the golden flying sword flew away quickly, with a "chi" sound, and immediately destroyed the two souls!


At this time, from behind, Xiao Chen witnessed everything that happened. It felt like a long time passed, but in fact it was just the blink of an eye.

Those two cultivators from the Immortal Realm were more or less at the second or third realm. What’s more, they had not hesitated to use the blood soul spell just now, but they were wiped out by this Taoist. This Taoist is really powerful...

Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed slightly. He just heard from the two people that this Taoist seemed to be named "Daopuzi".

He has been in the immortal world for a long time and has met many cultivators, but the ones who can be classified as masters in his mind are the Merciless Immortal Lord and Fairy Yudie. As for the peak masters of Tongtian Valley, in his heart Not even an expert.

And now, there is one more person, the Dao Puzi in front of him. As for the mysterious person who blocked the road in the mist that day and fought with Fairy Yudie, his identity is unknown, so he is not included.

"Fellow Taoist, I've been watching for a long time, so I'd better come out."

At this moment, Daopuzi's voice sounded coldly, and Xiao Chen also walked out from behind the stone. He was now convinced that this must be a master of the Sixth Realm.

If in the past, he would have felt suffocated when he met a master of the Sixth Realm, but now, his breath is still calm, and his unmoving eyes are more like the abyss of the treacherous valley, and the other person cannot tell the difference between his reality and reality. .

At this moment, Daopuzi couldn't help but feel confused. Who is this person? Even he couldn't see through this person's cultivation level, especially this vague sense of artistic conception. Could it be...impossible? .

At this moment, Daopuzi's eyes suddenly turned cold. The golden flying sword that had just killed the souls of the two immortal cultivators flew towards Xiao Chen fiercely with a "whoosh" sound.

The wind was as cold as ice, and when the flying sword was less than ten feet away from Xiao Chen, it suddenly stopped again. At this moment, the entire abyss seemed as if time had suddenly stopped.

Drop by drop of water slowly floated into the air, and Xiao Chen walked forward step by step. The water droplets hanging in mid-air automatically avoided him.

Daopuzi felt trembling again. With this artistic conception of heaven and earth, could this person have...understood the artistic conception of the ancient fairyland?

At this moment, Daopuzi felt even more afraid of the mysterious person in front of him. He even felt that if he hadn't stopped the flying sword in time just now, then the next moment, it might not be the other person who died, but him. In this way A chilling feeling down the spine.

Since he entered the sixth realm, no one has ever given him such a feeling except when Yun Zhongjun's clone gave him such a feeling.'s this familiar and uneasy feeling again.


With a sharp sound, Daopuzi finally withdrew his flying sword and stared at the man opposite who was also wearing a green robe. At this moment, he seemed to have noticed something again, and said in a solemn voice, "Fellow Taoist, are you from the human world? I see... …”

Seeing that Xiao Chen was silent, Dao Puzi became even more convinced this time, saying, "The person who can change the entire ancient immortal world in just a few months is indeed extraordinary when I meet him today. I, Dao Puzi, Xiao Your surname is Xiao and your given name is Yichen.”

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