The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,338: Turbid Contamination of Spiritual Energy

Ling Yin sat in the hall and never said a word from the beginning to the end. Until now, he really looked at her and saw her softly saying, "There is no need to be too worried about the matter of heaven and earth. On the contrary, nowadays everyone Among the factions, there are many sectarian views, and the appearance is the same but the spirit is different. "

"Well, yes, junior sister is right..."

Lord Xuanyang was seen stroking his beard and nodding. He usually had disagreements with Ling Yin, but it was rare to see him agreeing with him like this.

After a while, I saw him looking towards Master Qingxuan again: "Senior Brother, I think what the junior sister just said is very reasonable. Nowadays, there are different factions in the world, and I, Xuan Qing, deserve to be the leader. But today, there are It’s really nameless…”

When he said this, he paused, and then continued, "How about this time, I, Xuan Qing, will be the leader among all the sects, and will be called the Immortal Yuan Ancient Land, the leader of the righteous sects. In this way, I can also make each sect There will be no more civil strife between us, and we can work together to fight against foreign enemies.”

At the end of his words, Lord Xuanyang looked at Ling Yin again and asked, "Junior Sister Ling Yin, what do you think?"

In fact, what Ling Yin said just now was just that the heads of the various factions seemed to be in harmony with each other, but secretly they were fighting for each other. He never said that he wanted Xuan Qing to be the leader.

But at this time, from the mouth of Master Xuanyang, it seemed that she was the one who suggested that Xuan Qingmen should take the lead.

At this moment, Ling Yin did not respond, but at the head of the palace, Master Qingxuan was lost in thought. It seemed as if he had wanted to say this for a long time, but he had never spoken.

But today, he summoned the other six lords to Tianshu Peak, not just to discuss the matter of Tianwaitian. It seems that Lord Xuanyang's appraisal of appearance and color really hit the mark in Master Qingxuan's mind.

At this time, Meiyue Zun said, "If Xuan Qing takes the lead, Zangfeng Valley will definitely be the first to oppose it. Yuxu Temple and Qinghong Sect will definitely not be convinced. The most important thing is Tianmen..."


Lord Li Yuan took the words and said, "Now that Tianmen has taken precautions against Xuan Qing, if Xuan Qing takes the throne at this time, Tianmen will make a fuss about it and accuse Xuan Qing of having evil intentions and wanting to control all the people in the ancient land of Xian Yuan." Party forces.”


At the head of the hall, Master Qingxuan looked solemn, stroking his beard and nodding. He had thought about all this, but if Xuan Qing did not claim the title of leader, the entire ancient land of Xianyuan would be like a pile of loose sand.

Although there is Tianmen in the Eastern Territory, in the final analysis, Tianmen is just an organization organized by various factions. It is difficult for such an organization to truly unite various factions.

If the various forces in the human world cannot unite, and if there is no leader among so many sects, it will be impossible to fight against Tianwaitian.

Just when the palace fell into silence, Yi Huanzhen suddenly said, "Since the Qing Emperor, the world has become a piece of scattered sand, but the world may not necessarily be united sincerely."

"Junior brother, what you said is..."

Zang Xuanjing looked at him, his eyes slightly condensed, and he seemed to hear some meaning.

Lord Li Yuan nodded and said, "Junior Brother Zhen is right. Heaven can sow discord among various forces in the human world. We might as well treat others in their own way and treat them in their own way."

On this day, when dusk fell, several of them came out of Tianshu Hall. Before leaving, Master Qingxuan stopped Ling Yin again, "Ling Yin, wait a minute."

"Senior there anything else?"

Ling Yin stopped, and after the others left, Master Qingxuan came down from the head of the hall, looked at her for a while, and then asked, "How is your recent practice?"

Ling Yin slowly turned around, looked outside the hall, and said, "There is a layer of dream that can never be solved."


Hearing this, Master Qingxuan's expression condensed. He naturally knew that the dreams of cultivators are particularly important, and asked, "What kind of dream is it? Can you tell me?"

"I do not remember……"

Ling Yin shook his head, looked at the white clouds outside the hall, and said, "Every time I wake up, I forget what the dream was like. I only vaguely remember that I turned into a black bird and was imprisoned in a cage."


After hearing what she said, the expression on Qingxuan's face became even more solemn. He stroked his beard and said to himself, "There is such a strange dream..."

"Senior brother, if there is nothing else to do, I will go back to Zixiao Peak first.

"Go ahead……"

Seeing her transforming into a sword light and disappearing into the clouds outside, Master Qingxuan's eyebrows furrowed deeper and deeper, and finally he left the palace alone and walked towards the back mountain.


It seems that the fallen leaves on Lianfengtai cannot be swept away no matter what, and from the direction where the rustling sounds of sweeping the floor came, the lonely figure looked particularly desolate under the cold wind and setting sun.

I still remember that back then, at least the young man Yichen would come here from time to time to chat with him, but now very few people come here.

"The sky is not full even when the peaks are gone, and withered pines hang upside down against the cliffs."

But I saw fourteen strong and upright characters still on the cliff of the Peak Tower. The fourteen characters seemed to be completely natural with the Peak Tower.

"Uncle Master."

In the distance, Master Qingxuan walked over, and the old man sweeping the floor with a broom in front of him was Master Kusong who taught Yi Chen the dead wood dragon chant, and he was also the former Master Zixiao Peak.

And his identity is that he is the younger brother of Master Xuan Yin, the previous head of Xuan Qing Sect, that is, the uncle of Master Qing Xuan... At the same time, he is Shen Cangming's master.

"Qingxuan, what are you doing here today?"

"I just came here to see my uncle."

Master Qingxuan slowly walked over. Under the setting sun, one of them stood upright and looked very majestic, while the other looked like he was in his twilight years, with infinite vicissitudes of life.

"How are you discussing the matter of Tianwaitian today?" Master Kusong asked casually while still cleaning the fallen leaves on the ground, without raising his head to look at him.

Qingxuan Zhenren said, "Tian Wai Tian has been secretly dividing the various forces in the world, causing the various factions to fight openly and secretly, and conflicts continue..."

After hearing what he said, Master Kusong suddenly stopped. He raised his head at this moment, and his two eyes fell on him, like the gaze coming from the abyss, as if he could penetrate everything, and said, "What are you planning to do?" At this time, let Xuan Qingmen take the lead.”

Master Qingxuan took a deep breath, walked to the edge of the cliff, and said slowly, "If there is no leader among the dragons, and there is no leader in the righteous path, how can we fight against powerful enemies, and how can we fight against the world beyond the sky?"


Master Kusong let out a sigh and said, "Qingxuan, back then you had the highest understanding, so Brother Xuanyin handed the entire Xuanqing Sect into your hands. Now, don't let yourself get lost in this world of mortals..." Lost myself."

"Uncle Master, your words are serious."

Master Qingxuan turned around, his eyes at this moment seemed to be filled with paranoia, and said, "When the master left, he said that the most regretful thing was that he could not see the Xuanqing Sect rise again. Now, I have never seen it." Forget what he said, let Xuan Qing return to its former glory..."


Master Kusong shook his head and sighed. The two of them stood quietly without saying a word to each other. The night gradually fell. Master Qingxuan said, "It's getting late today. I'm going back. Master, take care." After that, The road back and forth has gone again.

Master Kusong looked at his paranoid figure as he left, a look of worry suddenly appeared on his face, and another sigh seemed to be heard in the night.

"Since ancient times, immortals and demons have different paths. However, during the journey of cultivation, demons are everywhere. The thoughts that arise are from heavenly demons, and the thoughts that arise from the mind are from yin demons... Qingxuan, your understanding is not as good as the heads of Xuanqingmen for more than three thousand years. It is second to none, but once it sinks, it will never be able to extricate itself, alas.”

In the ancient fairy world, return to Butterfly Valley.

"Uncle Master, what should I do? If these turbid spiritual energy from the fairy world seep in, I'm afraid it will pollute the fairy spirit of our fairyland..."

At the mouth of the valley, Fairy Shuiyue and many of her disciples were seen purifying the spiritual energy of the fairy world that had penetrated into the Butterfly Valley.

In the past month, the entire ancient immortal world has been in turmoil. Countless immortal spiritual pulses have been destroyed, drastic changes in the world have occurred from time to time, and the spiritual energy of the immortal world has also increased a lot.

The spiritual energy of the fairy world should be the purest, but for some reason, some spiritual energy of the fairy world seems to be "contaminated", becoming turbid and flowing around.

The immortal energy in Guidie Valley is very pure. Once these turbid immortal spiritual energy flows in, it will definitely cause great damage. Therefore, we can only let the disciples continue to purify the spiritual energy that has penetrated in. However, if this continues, it is not a solution after all. The source must be cut off. OK.

But even Fairy Yudie didn't know where the source of this turbid spiritual energy was. At this moment, she could only see her eyebrows furrowed, and she was thinking to herself, could it be the aura of the Abyss of Gods and Demons that polluted the spiritual energy of the fairy world?

Obviously, these turbid spiritual energy must have been flowing throughout the ancient immortal world, and it is definitely not only found here in Guidie Valley.

"Shuiyue, take people outside and cut off these 'channels' through which spiritual energy flows."


Fairy Shuiyue did not hesitate to go outside Guidie Valley to cut off the spiritual energy. It was better than letting the spiritual energy penetrate in and then remove and purify it.

In this way, another month passed. During this month, many disciples of Guidie Valley went out to cut off the flow of spiritual energy every day to prevent the turbid spiritual energy from seeping in and contaminating the immortal energy of Guidie Valley.

And Xiao Chen has been trapped here for more than half a year. The aura of the fairy world outside is getting stronger and stronger. He can feel that the rain and dew of the fairy world will condense in the past few months. No matter what this time, he must Find a way to leave.

It just so happened that these two days coincided with Fairy Yudie's monthly retreat, and Fairy Shuiyue also had something to do outside. He had to leave here before Fairy Shuiyue came back.

Behind Guidie Valley, there is a green valley with more than a dozen colorful lakes. The aura is very rich. Bathing in the lakes can stabilize your cultivation. Therefore, this is where the little fairies usually bathe and play in the water.

Xiao Chen sneaked here that day, and heard the laughter of the fairies from a distance. He saw the lake covered with light smoke, and could vaguely see a dozen fairies playing in the lake.

Those swaying water waves, if an ordinary person had caught a glimpse of this scene, he would have been dizzy and drunk, but Xiao Chen was not an ordinary person. He took a piece of clothing and hurriedly ran away, attracting a few birds along the way. The fairy deer came here and trampled on the place where the fairies put their clothes, all over the plum blossom prints.

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