After what Fairy Yudie said, Xiao Chen didn't even have the strength to refute. The Guidie Fairyland was indeed very good. The spiritual energy of the fairyland here was richer and richer than many places outside.

If he practices quietly here for a few years, he will definitely be able to achieve a breakthrough in cultivation, but now that Weiyang is still unconscious in the human world, he cannot calm down and practice slowly. He needs to bring the rain and dew of the fairy world back as soon as possible.

But this time, the rain and dew in the fairy world are about to condense, and he must not miss the opportunity. Once he misses this opportunity, he will never have any chance again.

"Let me out." ❆♦♦

This time, Xiao Chen's attitude was very determined. No matter what, even if he fell out with Fairy Yudie, he would go out.

It has been another month since the last time. He can feel that the spiritual energy of the fairy world is getting stronger and stronger outside. It seems that many of the spiritual veins of the fairy world have been washed away. The rain and dew of the fairy world will definitely condense within a year. , he can't wait any longer.

"You can't leave."

Fairy Yudie spoke calmly, as if there was no room for negotiation at all. Xiao Chen frowned and said, "Why?"

"No reason."

Fairy Yudie shook her head, looked at him and said, "Just stay here, practice quietly every day, and wait for your breakthrough in cultivation. If you reach the realm of immortality, you can leave by then."

"Are you kidding me?"

Xiao Chen looked at her coldly, "Do you think everyone can become an immortal so easily? If so, wouldn't it be great if everyone came to the immortal world?"

"That's all I've said. Whether you practice meditation here or make noise all day long, no matter what, you won't be able to get out.

Fairy Yudie said lightly, and finally took out a small jade bottle from her sleeve, handed it to him and said, "This is the 'Nine Immortals Jade Dew' given to me by the empress back then. It has miraculous effects on healing wounds. That day I If you are hurt by that person, you are not willing to take it. If it hurt you that night, just take it."

After she finished speaking, she handed the jade bottle to Xiao Chen's hand and went outside the Butterfly Valley. Xiao Chen tightly held the Nine Immortals Jade Dew she gave him, raised his head and said, "Wait a minute!"

"If I were you, I wouldn't think about leaving all day long. Instead, I would stay here and use the aura of the fairy world here to break through the biggest obstacle in cultivation. By then, you will find that your peers There is no one among you who can rival you anymore, even if you want to conquer the world in the future, it is not impossible.”

Fairy Yudie stopped, turned her head slightly, and after saying these words, she continued to walk out, gradually getting further away, and finally disappeared slowly.

In this way, another month passed. During this month, Xiao Chen was not idle. Whenever Fairy Yudie was not paying attention, he would carefully explore the Returning Butterfly Formation.

And this Returning Butterfly Formation is indeed extremely powerful. It was left over from ancient times. During this period, countless masters from the immortal world were reunited. Even the Empress seemed to have cast spells on it.

So now, even if he is very keen on the formation, it is almost impossible to break through it. Even if he uses the body of the gods and demons in Dugu Tianxia, ​​he may not be able to break it.

Only by finding out where all the formations of the Returning Butterfly Formation are located, might we be able to try to break through one or two of them, and then "drill" out.

That night, the moon was as cold as frost. Xiao Chen took advantage of Fairy Yudie's monthly retreat and sneaked outside to try to find out part of the Returning Butterfly Formation.

If he wanted to fight, he couldn't beat Fairy Yudie now, but he still didn't believe it, so he couldn't find any flaw in the Returning Butterfly Formation. As long as he found even a slight gap, he could use his keenness in formation to defeat it. Open it and slip away smoothly.

At midnight, the moon surged into the sky, like ice and frost, and Xiao Chen was still searching carefully. He didn't even notice Fairy Yudie standing behind him.

Fairy Yudie just stood behind him without making a sound, just looking at him quietly for a while, then slowly and quietly walked over.

Xiao Chen was still concentrating on searching for the location of his formation, and for a moment he didn't notice Fairy Yudie approaching behind him. When he turned around, he almost bumped into her, and then suddenly realized that she had been discovered by her.

"what are you doing here."

Fairy Yudie's voice is like the moonlight at this moment, giving people a feeling of purity and flawlessness, but also like ice and frost.

When Xiao Chen saw her walking towards him, he was not afraid or alarmed. Instead, he seemed confident and confident, "Do you want to watch me when I come out to pee?"

"go back."

Fairy Yudie didn't say much to him. She held his shoulders with a flick of her jade hand, then lifted him up, and then like an eagle catching a chicken, she carried him and flew towards Youdie Valley.

"How presumptuous! I am the Lord of the Wuyu Heaven. All I have to do is climb high and give a shout, and thousands of troops and horses will come to meet me..."

"I don't care what your status is in the world. You'd better be honest here."

Fairy Yudie captured him back to Youdie Valley and said, "If you continue to be dishonest, I will seal Youdie Valley and send hundreds of disciples to guard it. No matter what you do, there will be people watching you every day." ”

"Why do you keep me here?"

"If you really want to go out, then practice well here. When you have the strength to fight me in the future, I will let you go."

Fairy Yudie turned her head slightly, glanced at him, and after saying that, she went out of the valley and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Xiao Chen looked at her disappearing figure and squeezed his fingers tighter and tighter. Just now he really wanted to sacrifice the body of a god and demon in Dugu Tianxia and teach this self-righteous woman a lesson...

But in the final analysis, Dugu Tianxia's body of gods and demons is not his own power.

In fact, Fairy Yudie was right. If he was strong enough, how could he be trapped here? If he is strong enough, why should he be afraid of all the forces in this fairy world?

If he was strong enough, how could Wei Young be injured for him again and again...

Strength, strength...

At this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly seemed to have a ball of fire burning in his heart, and his five fingers slowly clenched into a fist. At that time, he clearly felt the artistic conception of a strong man, but why now, he didn't feel it at all. Not there yet?

The artistic conception of the strong man he felt that time was like taking him back to ten thousand years ago, covering the sky with one hand, and even the gods and Buddhas in the sky were trembling!

He couldn't describe that feeling, but it was as if he had experienced it himself.

Why now, why now... is it so weak! I can't protect Ning Cun, I can't protect A Niang, I can't protect Wei Young, I can't even avenge my parents!


At this moment, Xiao Chen's chest seemed to be blazing with a blazing fire, and all the true energy in his body was instantly concentrated on his fist. Suddenly, the golden light was dazzling, and he punched the ground with a punch!


There was a loud noise, and this punch far exceeded Xiao Chen's expectations. The ground suddenly cracked with dozens of feet of deep scratches, and this power penetrated the entire fairy world!

Ten miles, a hundred miles, a thousand miles, ten thousand miles... all seemed to tremble!

Even though there is a Returning Butterfly Formation in the Returning Butterfly Valley, at this moment, there was a violent earthquake, dust flew up, and even the indestructible Returning Butterfly Formation seemed to be shaken and almost collapsed.

Some of the surrounding mountain peaks even split open directly from them, sending up large swathes of dust and smoke that covered the sky and the moon!

"what happened……"

It wasn't until a long time ago that Xiao Chen woke up. What happened to this power just now... This power was clearly stronger than when he used the body of Dugu Tianxia's gods and demons!

At this time, all the disciples in Guidie Immortal Realm were awakened by the sudden shock. Even the elders who had lived in seclusion for hundreds of years in Guidie Mystic Realm suddenly woke up!

"what's the situation……"

Fairy Yudie was about to return to her fairy palace, but at that moment, the ground shook and the mountains shook. The entire Guidie Fairyland seemed to collapse. Even the Guidie Formation could not bear it, and this force made her suffocate. The power actually comes from the Youdie Valley!

"That kid...impossible!"

Fairy Yudie's expression changed, she turned around again and immediately flew back to Youdie Valley.

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