The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,323 Rain Butterfly

At this time, the entire secret realm of Tongtian Valley was about to collapse. In all directions, not only spiritual power surged, but also some void cracks appeared.

People outside have been shocked. If this continues, the entire Tongtian Valley may not be safe. Tongtian Valley has been peaceful here for tens of millions of years. It has been isolated from the world for thousands of years. Why is it causing such a disaster today? …

In the secret realm, Immortal Wuqing and Fairy Yudie are still fighting fiercely. If this continues, both of them will be buried inside.

At this moment, suddenly, on the left side of the secret realm, a 100-foot palm shadow suddenly hit the ground with unstoppable force, while on the other side, there was a lotus shadow, which also hit the ground with the same ferocity.

But Xiao Chen and Xiao Meng'er took action at the same time. This secret realm was already on the verge of collapse, how could it withstand the power of the two of them at this time?

Just hearing a loud "boom", the surrounding crumbling mountain peaks collapsed instantly, sending up thousands of feet of dust and smoke. At this moment, the power of the underground spiritual veins finally seemed to be completely out of control and surged up crazily.

Fairy Yudie glanced back and instantly knew what Xiao Chen and Xiao Meng'er had done. At this moment, without any hesitation, she flew back in a flash.

"Want to leave?"

The Merciless Immortal Lord's eyes were blood red and his expression was almost crazy. He kicked off his feet and chased him. But the moment he chased him, Xiao Chen was already ready. He used his great power to draw out the terrifying spiritual power from all directions. , everyone was attracted towards him.


Seeing that the Merciless Immortal Lord was trapped, Qingyun Beast also flew over in an instant, but even with the bloodline of ancient spiritual beasts, it was difficult to completely resist this violent spiritual power!

The sky was full of spiritual energy rushing in crazily, and Immortal Wu Wuqing realized that he had been tricked in an instant, but at this time, the spiritual power around him had already surged up. No matter how powerful his Qing Wu Xuan Gong was, could he be able to disperse these spiritual powers with one hand?


The entire secret realm of Tongtian Valley was rapidly collapsing, and Fairy Yudie did not hesitate. She rolled up her sleeves and left with Xiao Chen and Xiao Meng'er.

However, the moment she left, the terrifying voice of the Merciless Immortal Lord suddenly came from behind her: "Want to leave? It's not that easy!"

The moment she finished speaking, a bloody hand stretching out from the spiritual storm stretched out, piercing through the layers of spiritual power, and grabbed her straight!

"This is……"

At this moment, Fairy Yudie's face finally changed color, she quickly formed an immortal seal with her hands, and fiercely resisted Immortal Ruthless's hundred-foot bloody hand.


With a quick sound, Fairy Yudie stepped back, a trace of paleness flashed across her face, but the strange bloody hand of the Merciless Immortal Lord had not dissipated, and he still grabbed her fiercely!

Seeing that the situation was critical, Xiao Chen no longer cared so much, and suddenly activated the Heavenly Book Mysterious Technique, gathering spiritual power from all directions in an instant, with a radius of ten miles. The spiritual power suddenly surged, and they all gathered here in an instant. It looked like To die together with the ruthless immortal king.

People outside the secret realm were already horrified, but when the storm of spiritual power from all directions surged over, Fairy Yudie instantly activated all her magic power and turned into a white light, taking Xiao Chen and Xiao Meng'er with her and flying away in an instant. The collapsed secret realm of Tongtian Valley.

When the three people left, they only saw the sky full of spiritual energy surging over. The entire Tongtian Valley secret realm collapsed in an instant. The surrounding mountains could not withstand the impact and were wiped out in an instant. As for the life or death of the Wuqing Immortal Lord , they don’t know.

A hundred miles away, on top of the green peak, Fairy Shuiyue finally breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Fairy Yudie returning, and hurriedly stepped forward, "Master Yudie, how are you..."

"I'm fine."

In order to escape from the collapsing secret realm just now, Fairy Yudie mobilized all her magic power in an instant. It was obviously a heavy loss. In addition, she received a palm from the strange bloody hand of the Merciless Immortal Lord. At this time, her face looked vaguely... A bit pale.

"How are you two?" At this moment, Fairy Yudie turned around and looked at Xiao Chen and Xiao Meng'er, the two cultivators from the human world.

"Thank you fairy for saving me."

Xiao Meng'er was naturally very polite, but Xiao Chen was still wary, especially when he saw Fairy Shuiyue, he recognized her at a glance.

This was a few months ago, when he first came to the ancient immortal world, and met the woman who was competing with Xuan Daozi for the fragments of the Book of Heaven.

"I met this young master a few months ago. I wonder if he still has an impression?"

At this time, Fairy Shuiyue also walked up. Seeing that Xiao Chen was still wary, she smiled softly and said.

But she was thinking in her heart that Xuan Daozi went to chase him that day, but died in his hands. In the past few months, he had destroyed many spiritual veins in the immortal world, but just now... Could it be that he had been Hiding your strength?

"Of course I remember."

Xiao Chen's tone was indifferent, but he must have thought of something at this time. This Fairy Rain Butterfly has great magical power and must be a famous figure in the ancient immortal world. If so, why would she risk her life to save him for no reason? ?

This woman named Shuiyue is also there, so it seems that there is only one possibility...the fragments of the Book of Heaven.

As for what Fairy Yudie said before, saying that the empress wanted to see him, they were probably just used to prevaricate the ruthless Immortal Lord.

"The secret realm of Tongtian Valley collapsed just now, but it may not be able to trap the Immortal Wuqing. Let's leave here first."

At this time, Fairy Yudie walked up. After speaking, she glanced at Xiao Chen again, but she thought in her heart, where did this person come from? Where do you come from? She didn't see it just now...

And Xiao Chen will not say anything more at this time. The spiritual veins of Tongtian Valley have been destroyed. Probably soon, the spiritual veins of the nearby immortal world will be destroyed one by one. By then, the entire ancient immortal world will be full of spiritual energy, and the immortal world will be full of rain and dew. It will set quickly.

But now, he needs to leave here temporarily. What Fairy Yudie said just now is not wrong, and he also underestimated the strength of the Ruthless Immortal Lord. Once this person uses the Ruthless Mysterious Technique regardless of the consequences, it will be like him running the Heavenly Book in a retrograde manner regardless of the consequences. , it is indeed a bit scary.

"Let's go."

Fairy Yudie did not hesitate much, and with a flick of her sleeves, a cloud of mist immediately formed, taking Xiao Chen, Xiao Meng'er, and Fairy Shuiyue forward.

In the past three days, this ancient immortal world was indeed huge. After flying in the sky for three days and three nights, the edge of Yunzhou was still not visible. In these three days, Xiao Chen and Xiao Meng'er never relaxed their vigilance.

By noon today, Xiao Chen could clearly feel that the ancient immortal world was filled with a lot of spiritual energy, and it had only been three days.

It seemed that destroying Tongtian Valley's spiritual veins was indeed a wise move. It was more useful than all the spiritual veins he had destroyed in the past two or three months combined.

Just three days ago, the spiritual veins of Tongtian Valley were destroyed. This matter has shocked the entire ancient immortal world. Even some ancient immortals who have not been out of the world for thousands of years are now coming out because of this matter.

All this seems to indicate that the ancient immortal world, which has been silent for thousands of years, is about to be turbulent.

Xiao Chen's identity as a cultivator in the human world has been exposed, and his appearance was also seen in Tongtian Valley that day. I'm afraid this matter will not be easy to do well in the future.

In fact, he had already thought about all this, just to gather the rain and dew in the immortal world. He knew that all this was impossible, but he still had to do it.

I don't know where I am in front of me, but there are green peaks connected one after another, surrounded by green water, and the scenery is particularly quiet.

But Xiao Chen had no intention of looking at the scenery of the fairy world. When he reached a high mountain, he finally asked, "Where will the fairy take us two?"

Hearing this, Fairy Yudie finally stopped, turned around and looked at him, then drove the clouds and mist to the top of a mountain and said, "You can no longer stay in Yunzhou now."

"So where is the fairy taking me?"

Until now, Xiao Chen has never let down his guard against Fairy Yudie, and he has not even thanked her for saving her that day, because he determined that the other party came with the same purpose as those of the Merciless Fairy.

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