The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,309 The Ancient Love-killing Formation


The entire Wonderland of the Merciless Valley was suddenly filled with dust, and the energy of gods and demons was billowing in the air. The disciples were frightened into panic, and each of them ran away like a catastrophe, trying to avoid the violent and raging spiritual power in the valley, as well as the eroding sky. The spirit of gods and demons comes.


The dozen or so old men were even more frightened. Seeing the first valley being destroyed so easily, they didn't care so much at this time. They all rushed forward and wanted to cast spells. Unexpectedly, the other party struck with a palm, and the torrential aura of gods and demons came to them. It was unstoppable, and with a "boom", more than a dozen of them were immediately shocked to the point of vomiting blood and flew back.

"Your Excellency... Your Excellency, stop!"

A dozen old men ignored their injuries and ran out of the rubble. They looked at each other. At this moment, they seemed to have made a fatal decision. They must stay today no matter what. This person!

Thinking about this, more than a dozen people no longer hesitated. At this moment, they sent out spiritual thoughts to all the disciples in the valley, "Everyone listen to the order! Today, our Wuqing Valley has experienced a thousand-year drastic change. No one is allowed to leave the valley without authorization. Anyone who leaves the valley without authorization will be punished." Deal with it as a traitor!"

Hearing this, all the disciples were even more pale-faced and trembling. Today, the demon is coming fiercely, and no one can stop them. The elders do not allow them to leave the valley, so they will be buried here.

Once the thirteen forbidden valleys that suppress the spiritual veins are destroyed, who can resist the power of the spiritual veins? I'm afraid it will be wiped out in an instant...

At this time, a disciple ran out of the rubble and crawled, saying in a trembling voice, "Elder... Elder! Otherwise, we should retreat first, leaving the green hills behind. We are not afraid of not having firewood. Today's day We can't defeat the devil, so staying here is just..."


Seeing that this man was shaking people's hearts, an elder in green was furious and struck him with one finger. With a "bang" sound, he hit the man between his eyebrows, and he immediately vomited blood and flew away.

"Whoever dares to speak out and waver again will be punished!"

The elder in green shouted angrily, and the disciples were so frightened that no one dared to step forward and say anything about evacuating.

More than a dozen elders looked at each other again and finally made a decision. An elder in purple said to everyone with a spiritual message: "Everyone, listen! Work together to activate the 'Ancient Love Killing Formation'. No matter what today, this person is not allowed to leave!" "

Upon hearing the words "Ancient Love-killing Formation", all the disciples felt a chill in their backs. The Ancient Love-killing Formation was not set up by the Immortal Lord Wuqing, but an ancient formation that had long existed in Wuqing Valley.

This formation is extremely ferocious. Every time it is activated, the essence, blood and soul of countless people must be sacrificed to the formation. Its power is extraordinary, but only thousands of people must be thrown into the formation to exert its maximum power... This means Yes, thousands of people will be sacrificed!


The disciples were so frightened that they all turned pale. Although there were 30,000 people here, who was willing to sacrifice themselves to the formation?

"Open the formation!"

A dozen elders no longer hesitated, and immediately led people to open all the restrictions in the valley. In an instant, they saw streaks of blood rising into the sky, and a terrifying aura spread, frightening all the disciples so much that they dared not move.

"Boy, be careful..."

The bone demon's voice entered Xiao Chen's mind, and it was obvious that even he felt the terror of this formation's aura.

He saw that more than ten miles outside the Merciless Valley were enveloped in streaks of blood-soaring light. Xiao Chen ignored it and still found the location of the second valley, slashing at the spiritual veins below with his sword.


Dust was flying all over the sky, the entire Wuqing Valley was shaking, the power of spiritual veins was raging, and with the opening of the Ancient Love Killing Formation at this time, the disciples of Wuqing Valley were already so scared that they were as if they were petrified.

"Without the power of blood soul, I can't imprison that person..."

A dozen elders were frightened and their faces turned pale. They naturally knew how powerful this ancient love-killing formation was, but no matter how powerful the formation was, it still needed people to maintain it. Their magic power was far inferior to that of the Merciless Immortal Lord, so they could only rely on it at the moment. The blood soul was put into the formation.

"Everyone listen to the order! Today is about the survival of our Wuqing Valley. Once this person is allowed to lose his spiritual veins, the entire Wuqing Valley will be wiped out. At the moment, we can only use the Ancient Love Killing Formation to imprison this person. When the Immortal Lord comes back, he will take care of himself. I will help you regain your soul and reshape your body, so don’t be afraid!”

An elder sent a spiritual message to all his disciples, with the implication that he wanted them to join the formation and sacrifice their own blood and soul to the formation. But who is willing to die? Who has the courage to sacrifice oneself...

Seeing the critical moment and the life and death of the sect, no one came forward. More than a dozen elders were heartbroken. The elder in Qingyi found one person and immediately sent a spiritual message: "Lu Ping, you lead people into the battle immediately!"

"Chief, elder...I, I..."

Seeing that he was hit by the elder, the disciple named Lu Ping was frightened out of his wits. His face turned pale and he was speechless.

The elder in green said sternly, "What are you still hesitating about? When the Immortal Lord comes back, he will help you regain your soul and reshape your body! Don't be afraid!"

In the end, there was no other way. The disciple named Lu Ping had no choice but to lead people and rush into the formation. He knew it was a sea of ​​fire, but he had to jump in.

As dozens of people jumped into the formation, the Ancient Love-Slaying Formation was immediately filled with blood. However, it was not enough. It was undoubtedly a fantasy to trap the gods and demons in Dugu Tianxia based on this alone.

The dozen or so elders knew this better than anyone else. The elder in green said again, "Enter the formation!"

The disciples did not dare to disobey, knowing that they would die, but at this moment, under the threat of life and death, they could only bite the bullet and jump into the formation one after another.

After having hundreds of people in the sacrifice formation, the blood light in the entire Ancient Love Punishment Formation became extremely terrifying, as if everything for hundreds of miles in radius was enveloped by such a layer of blood light. The scene was as terrifying as it was terrifying.

"Boy, be careful!"

Suddenly, a ray of blood hit Xiao Chen. This ray of blood was so fierce that even though Xiao Chen had the body of a god and a demon, he should not resist forcefully. He stepped forward with his feet in the air, moved away instantly, and found the third valley, again. Cut it down with a sword.


Three valleys were destroyed in a row, and the entire Merciless Valley Wonderland suddenly shook even more fiercely, as if it was about to collapse at any time. It was really terrifying.

The dozen or so elders also had pale faces. At this moment, they were in ruins, but the formation still couldn't restrain the man. The dozen or so elders could no longer care so much, and immediately ordered more disciples to join the formation.

For a time, the entire valley fairyland seemed to be enveloped in a thick layer of blood. The power of the ancient love-killing formation was greatly increased. Even if the immortal came here, he would definitely be wiped out in this fierce formation, but At this moment, the formation was still unable to control the man in the sky.


In the blink of an eye, the seventh valley had been destroyed, and the entire Merciless Valley Wonderland was almost in complete chaos with the violent spiritual power raging, the power of formations raging, and the power of gods and demons all over the sky.

"Not enough...not enough!"

The faces of more than a dozen elders turned pale. They did not expect that thousands of disciples had already sacrificed themselves in the formation, but they still could not control that person. Has that person really cultivated the body of an immortal god and demon? Why is it so powerful...


There was another loud noise, and the eighth valley was also destroyed. The spiritual power surged over, like the tens of thousands of feet of violent waves. Wherever it passed, the palaces and buildings were instantly wiped out!

Seeing this scene, more than a dozen people were even more heartbroken. Do they really have to sacrifice 30,000 disciples and use the blood souls of 30,000 disciples in the sacrifice array to trap this person?

"Come into the formation...into the formation! Everyone obeys the order! All in the formation!"

At this moment, an elder in purple clothes seemed to be crazy, his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and he actually ordered everyone to join the formation. Even the elders next to him were frightened. The elder in green clothes said quickly, " No…”

If all 30,000 disciples were sacrificed, what would be the difference between the entire Wuxin Valley and death? At that time, they can only apologize with death...

"Come into the formation...let them all join the formation for me!"

The elder in purple clothes was still looking crazy, and the disciples were also frightened. They didn't care so much and threw themselves into the formation one after another, with the intention of dying, as if they wanted to die with Xiao Chen.

In an instant, thousands more disciples threw themselves into the Ancient Love-killing Formation. For a moment, the power of the formation was raging all over the sky, and streaks of blood struck Xiao Chen fiercely.

With thousands of people in the sacrifice formation, the power of the formation at this time is extremely terrifying. If it were not for this god and demon body, Xiao Chen would not be able to bear it. To say the least, he would not be able to bear it, even those who have cultivated to the so-called " Even those who are "immortals" will definitely not be able to bear it.

"Boy, you have to be careful, look outside..."

At this time, the Bone Demon's voice came into his mind again, and Xiao Chen looked outside and saw that outside the Merciless Valley, everywhere in the sky and on the ground had been blocked by this ancient fierce formation. Even if he was destroyed by then, How can one escape from the spiritual veins that have gone to the Heartless Valley?

Dugu Tianxia's body of gods and demons is indeed powerful, but after all, it is not the body of gods and demons that he has cultivated himself. Even if this body of gods and demons can withstand it, he himself in the body of gods and demons cannot withstand the power of this fierce formation. .

Although the power of this fierce formation is not as terrifying as the storm in the gap between the fairy world, it can penetrate the bodies of gods and demons and directly attack the soul...

The power of the surrounding formations was getting stronger and stronger, and the blood light was getting heavier and heavier. Xiao Chen frowned and said, don't care, first destroy the immortal spiritual veins in the Heartless Valley.

After thinking about this, he no longer hesitated. He jumped up, flew to the ninth valley, and slashed down with a sword.

In just a short moment, when the last valley was destroyed, the spiritual veins of the Merciless Valley were finally destroyed, and the spiritual power was flowing all over the sky. Wherever it passed, even those palaces and buildings with formation defenses could not withstand it. Unable to stop, everything turned into powder.

Seeing this scene, more than a dozen elders were so frightened that they were scared to death. At this time, in a broken underground palace, twenty or thirty figures suddenly rushed out. These people were not disciples of Wuqing Valley, nor were they disciples of Wuqing Valley. Not cultivators from the immortal world, but cultivators from the human world who were caught during this period.

They were originally trapped in the depths of the underground palace. Now that all the forbidden formations in the Merciless Valley collapsed, they naturally rushed out. But when they saw the scene in front of them, they were stunned. They couldn't believe that someone had destroyed it. Went to the fairyland of the Merciless Immortal...

But at this time, among the twenty or thirty human cultivators, there was only one person behind him. The man's clothes were covered with mud, and his face was also smeared with a layer of dirt. But even so, it was difficult to hide his extraordinary appearance. Fairy spirit.

That person was none other than Xiao Menger.

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