"no, I can not……"

The woman in green clothes quickly waved her hand and explained, "This man's face is clear, but his internal organs are slightly damaged, not a sign of serious illness, and..."

Before she could finish her words, another one of the twenty or so villagers said, "Ten thousand steps back, even if he is not infected with the disease, is he a good person or a bad person? Miss Liu'er, do you know that? He was brought back so rashly." I’m afraid it’s not a good thing in the village…”

There were constant discussions among the crowd, and they were unanimously opposed to bringing a stranger of unknown origin into the village. ₆₉ₛₕᵤₓ.cₒₘ

The middle-aged man in green clothes frowned, obviously he couldn't make up his mind for a moment. The woman in green clothes frowned and said, "Dad, don't you always tell me that doctors are benevolent, and those of us who practice medicine are willing to hang a pot to help the world, this person is worthy of him." If we have one breath, are we going to die without saving him?"

At this time, another elder came out, stroking his beard and said, "Miss Liu'er, everyone knows that you are kind-hearted, but this man... look at him, he is young, but he has a head full of white hair. I think he is not ordinary." Man, if you bring this into the village rashly, it will cause trouble...how can you do it?"

The girl in the red dress stood next to the crowd, scratching her head. She didn't know whether Sister Liu'er was right or everyone else was right.


The woman in green clothes frowned slightly, looking at her father in front of her without moving, and finally said, "Then, let's take him to Wuyan behind the village first. Wuyan is still some distance away from the village. You can do it without entering the village." Already..."


The middle-aged man in green shirt still frowned, and finally turned around slowly and bowed his hands to the more than 20 villagers. "My little girl has caused trouble for you..." After saying this, he turned to the previous one who was leaning on him. The elder on crutches looked over and said, "Village chief, what do you think?"


The old man who was leaning on crutches nodded slightly and said, "This young man is still alive, so we can't expose his body to the wilderness. If the body rots, it may cause a plague. As Miss Liu'er just said, Just do what you say!”

"What happened!"

At this moment, a dark-skinned young man walked in from behind the crowd. The young man looked about fifteen or sixteen years old. The woman in green clothes looked at him, "Sun Hou'er, you are here at the right time. Please do your sister a favor. Carry this man on his back to Wuyan on the mountain behind the village.

The young man came over, glanced at Xiao Chen on the ground, waved his hand and said with a smile, "Hey! Look, I'm scaring all of you. Isn't this just a big living person?" At this point, he looked at the man on crutches again. The elder came closer and said with a playful smile, "Old man, if you move forward, this man will jump!"

"You little monkey..."

The elder hit him on the butt with a cane. The young man laughed and deliberately stuck his butt out to avoid it. The woman in green clothes glared at him gently: "Little monkey, don't be poor, hurry up and carry people away."


The young man grinned, knelt down, easily carried Xiao Chen's eight-foot body on his back, and then ran towards the back of the village as fast as he could.

"This grandson can run faster than anyone else..."

"That's not true. I went to the mountains to hunt wild boars a while ago. The wild boar fell into the mire instead of catching it."

"Oh, I don't know where this young man came from..."

The crowd slowly dispersed, and on a mountain behind Guhe Village, there was a cave. Because it resembled a pavilion, it was called Wuyan by the local villagers. Sometimes people who went up the mountain to chop firewood would come here to rest when they were tired.

"Dad, do you see anything?"

At this time, there were only the unconscious Xiao Chen and Liu Jingjing and his daughter in the cave. The woman in green clothes was named Liu Jingjing, nicknamed "Liu'er". Her father was a famous doctor in the village, named Liu Jingjing. Liu Yong has been practicing medicine for more than 30 years and has rich experience.

At this time, I saw his eyebrows were furrowed and he was silent. After a while, he sighed softly, slowly raised his head, looked at the daughter next to him and said, "Jingjing, I'm afraid this person... is not an ordinary person." "

"Then..." Liu Jingjing also frowned, looked at Xiao Chen again, and asked in a low voice, "Then... can he still be saved?"

Liu Yong stroked his beard and said, "The internal organs were so severely damaged, but there were no wounds on his body. It seems that he is a martial artist, and the person who injured him is also a first-rate master in the world."

"Martial arts people..."

Liu Jingjing was stunned for a moment and looked at the unconscious Xiao Chen. No wonder she saw that he was extraordinary at first sight. He turned out to be really not an ordinary person...


Liu Yong sighed softly and said, "The affairs of the Jianghu are beyond the control of the people in the Jianghu, and I don't know if I saved him today...whether it was a blessing or a curse."

Liu Jingjing also understood that her father was worried at this time. Guhe Village was far away from the disputes in the rivers and lakes. If the original peace was broken because of saving a person from the rivers and lakes, it would be... just like what the village chief said, some things cannot be said. .

"That's all."

Liu Yong shook his hand and said, "He seems to be fine on the outside, but he is damaged internally. Let's see if he gets better in two days. If not, it's his fault. He must not blame others."


Liu Jingjing frowned slightly and nodded lightly. In the afternoon, she took a blanket and quilt from home and placed Xiao Chen on it to avoid getting cold again.

Two days passed like this, and during these two days, Liu Jingjing came several times every day with the medicine box, but Xiao Chen still didn't wake up.

On the third day, like the previous two days, she came to the house rock to check Xiao Chen's pulse. It was also at this time that Xiao Chen finally woke up and turned around, "You, you..."

"You finally woke up!"

Liu Jingjing was very happy to see him wake up, and when she saw his pair of eyes as clear as moonlight, she was even more stunned for a moment. There was such a beautiful person in the world...

"Gu, girl...here, here..."

Xiao Chen wanted to sit up, but found that his whole body was stiff and unable to move. Only then did Liu Jingjing come to her senses and quickly supported him. "You are seriously injured, don't move..." As she said this, she Slowly helped him lie back.

The way Xiao Chen looked at her slowly became a little confused at this moment, and asked, "Why am I here...are you..."

Seeing that his consciousness was still a little unclear, Liu Jingjing said, "This is outside Guhe Village. You were seriously injured and floated down the river. Do you still remember what happened before you fell into coma?"

"Severely injured, unconscious..."

Xiao Chen was still a little confused. Liu Jingjing waited for a while, but seeing that he couldn't remember anything, she asked again, "Then do you still remember who you are?"

"I am……"

Xiao Chen's eyes were equally confused. He finally shook his head and looked at the person in front of him confusedly, "I don't know..."

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